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S: I'm outside

As soon as the message lights up my screen I'm off my bed, onto my feet and running down the stairs as fast as my legs will carry me.

My mom, dad and Sofie headed to the movies for the evening leaving me free to call Shawn over, I know my dad forbid it but I need to see him, I need to make sure he's okay.

I pull the door open and I'm just about to dive into his arms when I see his current state and freeze on the spot.

His curls are wild and obviously haven't been brushed today, his beautiful eyes are rimmed red, a bruise evident beneath the left one. His skin is pale and his lips are dry. He's wearing a black hoody and black sport shorts with black trainers and even though it's still hot outside he appears to be shaking.

"Shawn?" I whisper his response is a wet sniff "Baby?" I have never called him that before and don't know why it's the second word out of my mouth but on hearing it he moves forward and grabs a hold of me lifting me to his waist and beginning to kiss me with a ferocious hunger.

I can barely pull in enough air between kisses to stop my head from spinning as he walks quickly through the kitchen and up the stairs, crossing the landing to my bedroom he pushes the door open with his back and then kicks it shut behind him, stopping long enough to lock the door and then carrying me straight to the bed, laying me down gently before ripping his hoody over his head and standing there gazing down at me as we both attempt to catch our breath and I try to understand what's happened, what's going on and what exactly he wants from me.

"Camila" he bites down on his lip as lines furrow his forehead. He runs his hand anxiously through his curls and then turns his back on me completely

"Come lay down with me" my voice says before my brain has time to work out the connotations. He looks over his shoulder at me and I see his eyes are wet as I take him by the hand and pull him around to face me

"I need you so bad right now, God I need you Camila" one tear streaks down his face and he swipes it away as though it was a fly

"Anything..." I say with a smile slipping from the bed and kneeling at his feet, slowly undying the laces to his sneakers and then slipping them off one after the other. Taking his hand in mine I lay on my bed and gently guide him down next to me, allowing his head to rest on my chest as I hear his breathing hitch in his throat as his back shakes gently.

He's crying...

I don't know what has happened but it must be more than a beating from his dad that has him in this state. I have barely seen him show any form of emotion other than anger and now here he is lying tangled up with me, his head on my chest and his tears soaking into the fabric of my thin white tank top.


"I can't talk Mila, please don't ask me too"


"Okay" I stroke my hand up his neck into his curls and then back down "Its okay though, it's going to be okay" he shakes his head and I repeat the movement up his neck into his curls and then back down "I promise it will be okay. Ssssh" I kiss the shell of his ear and then his temple as my hand moves to his cheek and my heart crackins open as I find my fingers dipping into he wet streaks of his tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so fuckin sorry"

"You don't have to apologise to me Shawn. Not anymore, any mistakes you made against me are in the past"

"Oh Mila if only you knew" his back begins rising and falling once more, faster this time and I just wrap my arms around him, one over his shoulder and one holding his head as close to my chest as possible hoping he will hear the affect he has on my pulse and know that at least somewhere, even of its only by one person he's wanted and welcome.

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