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Yawning widely, I look down at Camila who's still sleeping on my chest and I can't believe all the ways in which my life is changing.

I have a girlfriend, my first girlfriend, i'm in love for the first time and it's the kind of head over heels kind of love you see in some shitty rom com i would usually refuse to watch only it isn't shitty, it's beautiful, she's beautiful and she loves me. Someone actually, really, truly loves me.

I smile and hold her closer to my naked chest

After the revelations about Aaliyah we decided to hold off on the 'second first time' instead spending the night kissing and touching and talking

Aaliyah... my sister

I'm getting my second chance to be her brother only this time i'm older, i'm wiser, i'm going to be able to be the brother she deserves, not the damaged little boy that would have no doubt damaged her too


I look down at my sleepy girl and can't stop myself pressing a kiss in to her hairline

"Yes baby girl?"

"You're thinking really loud"

Now i'm laughing really loud

"Are you excited?"

"Is he poking you again?" I joke

"Well yeah he is but I actually meant about Aaliyah"

I wrap my arms tightly around her and sigh into her hair, loving the way my sisters name sounds when spoken by her

"Aaliyah" I repeat, amazed that the word and the person are about to become a real part of my life "Are you sure she wanted to meet me?"

"100 percent"

"You didn't force her to say yes?"

"I didn't need to"

"I'm going to have a sister Camila"

"You are"

"I'm going to be someones brother, someones family"

"You deserve it"

"What if i mess up? What if I let her down? What if she gets a look at the true me?"

"Then she will love you like I do, because the true you is beautiful, he makes me laugh and hope and dream and you will do the same for your sister, i'm sure of it"

"How do you always know the right things to say?:

"Because I know you and I love you and i want you"


"Right now" she confirms and before she has a second to change her mind my mouth is on hers as I cover her body with my own, the sound of her phone ringing loudly causes us to jump apart and i'm not too proud to admit a curse or two crossed my lips

"Mama" Camila said as she answered the phone, her voice rough and teasing me when I know it shouldn't be, that's her mother...

"Camila, I need you to come home right now"

"But mama, i'm with Shawn"

"Bring him with you. Camila, please, this is serious, I need you home immediately"

"Is everyone okay?!"

The fear in my girlfriends voice is evident as I dig my fingers into her skin to let her know I am there and I'm not going anywhere without her

"Mija, everyone is fine, but I need you to come home right this second. Shawn, If you can hear this please bring her home"

Camila assured her mother she would be there within the hour and again our second first time was put on hold but I didn't mind, this was serious and Sinu had told Camila to bring me and that made me feel as though finally, after everything, she was beginning to trust me to look after her daughter




I feel my knees give way as I drop into the kitchen chair and immediately Shawn is behind me, his hands on my shoulders, his breath on my neck

"Are you okay?" his words hit my ear and I understand them but i struggle to form an answer. Am I okay? my brain races to find answers whilst my heart hammers in my chest and my lungs struggle to process the amount of oxygen i'm pulling into them "Baby breathe" I look at him as though he's crazy, I am breathing, aren't I?

"Camila!" My moms hands are on my face but I pull away and look desperately up at Shawn

"It's okay, just breathe with me" he slows and deepens his breathing and I attempt to copy him, it takes me a moment or so but finally I feel calm and free of the shock that just gripped me and sent me into a state of panic

"How?" Shawn asks my mother calmly


I gasp and i feel Shawns hands return to my shoulders

"Apparently another victim of his went to the police with a mountain of evidence, they arrested him, bailed him and he went straight home and hung himself"

I don't know why i'm so shocked or why I feel so sad, Dave Quinn terrorised and hurt me, I should feel as though he got what he deserved, I can tell by the way my father and Shawn are looking at each other that's what they think

"Are you okay?" Shawn asks whilst rubbing my arm and kissing the top of my head


"He can't hurt anyone else baby"

"I know"

My mom watches Shawn and I and I see her face soften as though she's really seeing him for the first time, seeing the man he is instead of the man she was told he is, this is who she should have always seen but Dave Quinn twisted everything and now he's gone

"He's gone" I say out loud what I was just thinking "Really gone"

Shawn wraps an arm tightly around me and I see my mom and dad smile at each other

"He can't hurt you anymore, he'll never hurt anyone ever again"

I melt into Shawns arms as the tears that had been threatening finally begin to fall

*so few chapters left please vote and comment

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