The End

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One Week Later


As I lie wrapped in Shawns arms I can't help but wonder how my life went from the disaster zone it was to this perfect moment

Our second first time was so beautiful, so gentle but so passionate, I felt everything and more than I ever thought possible

This is love, I'm sure of it, Shawn is my love and I'm 100% sure he'll be the only man I ever fall in love with because a love this deep is something you don't ever fall out of

My mind rolls back to the early hours, as we basked in the afterglow and Shawn had whispered words of love in my ear, made promises that would last me a life time, I had never felt more safe, more secure, more cared for in all of my life

Months ago when I was in the facility I had thought my life was over, that I had fallen into a hole so black I spend the rest of my life trying to climb out of it but one phone conversation with Shawn was all it took to convince me that everything wasn't lost, my life was beginning not ending

"What are you thinking about?" He asks sleepily

"You. How perfect you are, how perfect we are" he kisses my cheek and pulls me closer, our naked bodies pressed together as our breath mingles the feeling that we were two people becoming one taking me over and filling me with a love and hope I know will see me through the rest of my life

"Aaliyah is pretty amazing right?"

"She is and so are you" I kiss his mouth and then move so I'm lying on top of him "do you even know how amazing you are?"

"I know how amazing you are" he says pushing my hair back from my eyes "You saved my life"

"Na, you're saving your own life, I'm just holding your hand as you do it"

We lie in bed just kissing and talking for another hour or so and when we finally shower and dress I see I have a message from my mother, she and my dad would like to speak to us at the house, nothing's wrong, come over when ever suits us so we head to a cafe for a long brunch and then happily walk hand in hand to my house, laughing loudly as I attempt to teach Shawn Spanish and he attempts to teach me Portuguese

"Our kids are going to be tri-lingual" he suddenly says "If that's actually a thing"

"Kids? You want kids?" I don't mean to sound so surprised but It honestly has never crossed my mind that Shawn would see himself as a dad after the childhood he had endured

"I want two kids" he tells me confidently "I want a girl and a boy and I want both of them to look like you"

"Oh so I'm having your kids?" I tease and he slips and arm around my waist and pulls me into his side

"One day we're going to raise a family and we're going to do it right. I'm going to use the years before then to fix myself well enough that I can be a good dad"

"You'll be an amazing dad"

"I'm going to make sure of it. I'm going to give my kids everything I never had. I can't wait to meet them" he grins into the distance and I can't help but fall a little deeper into this man

"Neither can I" I tell him and he kisses the top of my head as we continue our walk to my house


"Thanks for coming kids, take a seat"

Shawn and i sit close on the sofa, our hands never separating as we both watch my father with interest, unsure what this is all about

"What's going on papa?"

"Well first, it's nothing bad, you aren't in any trouble"

"Well that makes a change" says Shawn and my mother laughs as i roll my eyes and slap his knee gently

"First of all Shawn, I want to offer you the most sincere apology that I can. I know nothing can change the past and I can only imagine the way our actions and reactions have hurt you but I want you to know at all times we thought we were doing what was best for Camila, we can see now that we were misguided and we were... well we were wrong, about you, about Dave Quinn, about a lot of things"

I smile at my father, knowing how hard it must be for him to stand here and admit how wrong he got things and although I know Shawn will find it harder to forgive him than I will, I see a small smile on his lips that tells me there's at least a glimmer of a chance that in the future it might happen

"You love Camila"

"I do" Shawn assures him and I rest my head on my boyfriends shoulder, loving the warmth an scent of him

"I can see that and i trust you with her"

"Thank you sir"

"Which is why Sinu and I would like to give you both this"

I suddenly realise my mother is holding an envelope in her hands and as she passes it to Shawn I feel my pulse speed up, unsure what they are giving us or why

Shawn slowly opens the envelope and pulls out the contents, his eyes skimming over it briefly before his jaw drops and he squeezes my hand even tighter

"What is it?" I ask as I ease the envelope from his grip and read the piece of paper inside

"I can't..."

"You can" My father assures him, it's what you deserve for everything we have put you through and everything you have done for our daughter"

"Thank you!" He's on his feet before i can fully comprehend what we have been given as he furiously shakes my fathers hand and beams at my mother "Thank you"

"Plane tickets to Portugal" I gasp in amazement "Mama... papa..."

"After everything you have both been through this year we thought you deserved a vacation" My mother tells us whilst pulling Shawn into a hug "You're going home mijo"

"I'm going home" he whispers against her shoulder before they separate and he grabs my hand and pulls me to him "We're going to Portugal baby"

"We're going to Portugal!" I laugh as he lifts me from my feet and spins me around

"Just you and me"

"Always" I tell him as he sets me down

"Always" he confirms


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