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Placing the last plates of food onto the blue and white plaid blanket, Camila smiled at her handiwork, a beautiful picnic by the sea with the man she loved, what more could she ask for?

"Can you believe its been 5 years since we moved to Portugal?" Asked Shawn as he plonked himself down onto the blanket and pressed a kiss to his girlfriends cheek

"The best 5 years of my life" She grinned before returning the kiss

"Mine too"

"They were burying Mary today, how are you feeling?"

Shawn lent back on his arms and squinted his eyes against the bright Portuguese sun, he didn't need to give the question much thought before he had his answer

"I couldn't give a fuck"


"Sorry" he blushed, knowing how his use of curse words bothered his other half but at certain times the situation called for a curse or two and the death of his step-mother was definitely one of those times

Sliding his fingers in between Camilas he sighed "She made my already miserable life even more miserable than it was before. She made me feel dirty, the way she looked at me the things she said to me, the way she put her hands on me, am I sad that she drank herself to death? No. Am I sad I wasn't there to see her finally buried in a hole the way she buried me in my misery?... no, not really. I'm just glad that I met you and you saved me and we're here, together. Everything that happened in the past is just that... the past" he squeezed her fingers before lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it over and over again

"What do you think of the picnic?" Camila asked with pride

"It looks incredible baby, but not as incredible as something else I'm dying to eat" he winked and then laughed at how easily he made Camila blush

"Are you excited for Aaliyah to come across this Summer?"

"Of course, it will be the first time I get to see her in the flesh for five years. FaceTime is great but I can't wait to hug her and speak to her face to face"


"I bet she has a shit load of guys hanging round"

"That's one reason it's a good job you on another continent"

"If she gets here and the locals start hitting on her there's going to be a war.. another war, I mean"

Camila giggled, remembering the first few months they had lived in Portugal, local after local had made a move and Shawn had found himself in the middle of more than a few fist fights that's until his reputation was built and everyone knew who she belonged to and who to stay away from.

"I love you" he suddenly admitted and Camila reached over and cupped his cheek, kissing him softly but deeply

"And we love you too"

"5 years... did you ever think you would graduate from a Portuguese university?"

"No, did you ever think I would learn to be fluent in Portuguese?"

"No!" Shawn chuckled at how long it had taken Camila to even pick up the basics of the language considering Spanish was her mother tongue "I think it was the sex lessons in Portuguese that really helped"

"Oh my God, remember how the first full sentence that I could say was 'I want you, right here, right now? That's so embarrassing"

"No, that's so hot" Shawn replied whilst tangling the fingers of his free hand into his girlfriends hair and pulling her mouth onto his "Give it an hour or so and we'll be the only two on this beach" he said whilst placing a black olive into his mouth and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively

"Well I guess we should eat and once every one goes it will just be the three of us" Camila replied whilst dipping a carrot stick into the hummus and slowly sucking it off

"Babe..." Shawn whined as he watched her actions

"You like that?" She teased and he nodded immediately

"You know I like that a lot"

"I do know"

Shawn let his gaze sweep across the beach, there were still a handful of families going about, definitely not the kind of setting to get down and dirty with your partner, but give it an hour or so and he would have her naked and moaning his name whilst in need of a shower to rid their intimate parts of the sand that had accumulated

"Wine?" he asked whilst popping the cork and beginning to pour a glass

"No, I can't"

"You can't? when could you ever say no to wine on the beach?"

"Since I was pregnant" Camila let her gaze drop to her trembling fingers as she let the words slowly seep into her boyfriends brain

"Yeah but that's not now, that's in the..." He let his gaze search what he could see of his girlfriends face as his heart ground to a stop and then began to race in triple time

"Camila?" She finally lifted her head to meet his gaze, her eyes wide and wet "Baby?"

"I'm having a baby" She whispered, clutching at his hand and placing it palm first over her flat stomach "We're having a baby Shawn"

The first noise he made sounded like a strangled sob as his hand grabbed for Camilas tummy

"A baby?" his girlfriend nodded, tears already falling down her cheeks "Tell me this isn't a joke, tell me i'm not dreaming" he begged

"It's real Shawn, we did it, you and me we made a baby"

Shawn couldn't help the force with which he grabbed his tiny girlfriend, pulling her to him and enveloping her in the tightest hug he thought she could bare

"Camila!" he all but cried out "A baby? Are you serious?"

"I'm 4 months of serious"

"4 months? Oh my God, I can't take this in"

"Well it's a good job you have 5 months to come to terms with the fact you're going to be a daddy"

"Papai" he whispered

"It sounds good on you" Camila confirmed

"And you're sure, there's no mistake?"

"100% sure papo"


"We did and we did it good, look at what it gave us" she took his hand again and placed it upon her stomach "I love you Shawn, so much"

"I love you so much more. I swear to God I couldn't love anyone more than I love you"

"Just wait til you meet our bebê " She whispered whilst pressing a kiss to his lips

"I can't wait" he whispered in reply "It's going to be perfect"

"It already is perfect" she confirmed whilst wiping away a tear

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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