30- A Night By The Sea

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The sun is beginning to set as we walk along the beach, we both took off our shoes before heading onto the sand and now we are walking hand in hand as Shawn carries both pairs.

The sea breeze is cool against my face which seems to blaze every time Shawn sneaks a look at me or smiles one of his lopsided smiles as we walk towards the orange ball that's setting the sky ablaze with dusky oranges and golden tones.

"So, tell me about you Cabello" he says whilst looking over his shoulder at me

"There's nothing to tell. I'm Cuban/Mexican, 18 years old. Average family, average looking, short, average grades, average, average, average"

"Really? That's what you think of your self?" He looks at me with his eyebrows lowered

I just nod "Yeah I guess, I mean I am what I am"

"Its funny, when I saw you at school with your friends I always thought you seemed like you had too high of an opinion of yourself not too low of one"

He stops walking and turns to look at me, regarding me seriously for a moment before letting our shoes drop to  the ground and placing his now spare hand on my cheek and I'm pretty sure he can feel the flesh heat up under his touch.

"Do you want me to tell you what I see when I look at you now I know you a little better?"

"I don't know. Do I?" I bite down on my bottom lip nervously and he takes  a step closer before dipping his head and placing a slow, soft kiss to my lips.

"I see someone that lights a room up when they enter It, someone that brightens up your day just by smiling, someone that sees through the bullshit and just see you"

I know I'm blushing but so is he and that makes me less self conscious but then i notice a mischievous glint in his eye as his hand slips from my cheek to my shoulder and then down my back

"And someone whose ass is the pinnacle of perfection" he drops his head to the crook of my neck and smiles against the skin as he squeezes the hand he's holding and then snakes his other hand into the back pocket of my jeans. "Hubba hubba" he laughs as a groan follows the words from his throat and he grips my ass tightly once more.

"You only want me for my ass" I pout and he throws his head back and laughs a loud genuine laugh and it's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life. He wraps both arms around my waist and pulls me into him tightly before smiling and then moving his lips to cover mine. I gasp as his wet tongue slides over my lips and he moves his hands to cup my face kissing slowly and gently to begin with and then allowing the intensity to build as his head moves from side to side trying to capture more of my mouth and find a deeper angle for his tongue.

Both hands drop from face to my ass as he squeezes and then releases over and over whilst grinding his hips into mine and although the felling of him everywhere is indescribable I feel the need to pull away and to be honest with him for a second

"Shawn..." I gasp out, struggling to regain control of my breathing but he dives in immediately for another kiss "Shawn!" I place both hands on his chest and he finally gets the message and stops. His hands moving to my waist as he pulls in breath after breath to his chest.

"Sorry" he whispers shyly from under his curls "I got a bit carried away, you taste amazing and you kiss great"

"I just... I wanted to be honest with you for a second" he nods but looks at me nervously, loosening his grip as though preparing for bad news. "I have never been... all the way with a guy before, y'know?"

"Oh! well that's... Well that's great news for me" he laughs but it doesn't reach his eyes and I feel regret beginning to seep in that I told him

"I mean, not that I'm assuming that's going to happen or that you even want to"

"Oh I want to, believe me"

I grin at his eagerness and that seems to be the green light he needs to restart kissing me. Slower this time but just as deep, his tongue moving against mine and causing every nerve in my body to spark.into life, for a second I forget we are standing on a quickly darkening beach because all I can see is the sparks of electric moving between Shawns body and mine.

Eventually we pull away, both holding hands and grinning at each other

"Thank you" I mange to say through my smile

"For what?"

"The peri-peri sauce" I giggle and he rolls his eyes dramatically whilst leaning down to pick up the shoes. "No, for the best first date ever"

"Well now it's my turn to confess" he says as we start heading back towards his car. "You may be a sex virgin but I was a first date virgin until tonight, so congratulations you popped my cherry"

"Oh my God!" I squeal and snuggle into his bicep "You have such a disgusting way with words"

"Its my dirty mouth baby" he lowers his lips to my ear "you'll learn to love it when you see what else it can do"

"Shawn!!!" I giggle and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in tight. "So how was It?"


"Your first, first date, was it everything you hoped it would be?"

"And more because it didn't cost me a penny! You're  a cheap date Cabello, did anyone ever tell you that?" He drops a kiss onto the top of my head and I rest my head
against his chest and just enjoy the smell of him as it mingles with the sea air and we walk back to his car, every part of me desperate for date number 2 and as much of my bad boy Shawn Mendes as I can get.

*his plan is moving in the right direction, or is he going to leave the plan behind???

*comment and vote x

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