14- Shock And Surprise

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As I approach the exit Connor steps inside just as I'm about to step out.

"Operation Wicked Plan's out there with another boy" he whispers into my ear

"Is he getting anywhere?"

Connor shrugs "They're talking, he's getting bit handsy, touching her leg and what have you but nothing more than that, you gonna show that jock rat not to mess with the big boys?"

"Na, I think I'll have a couple more drinks, let him dig his own grave" I stick my head out the door and see them sitting on a bench talking, Johans talking some shit and Camila throws her head back as though he's the funniest guy in the world and I can't help but smile bitterly, humour will never get me the girl but looks and attitude always do. So I don't panic, I go inside, grab two drinks and then head upstairs to find my friends.


"There you go" Johan passes me my third drink of the night and already I feel my tensions fading away "Are you sure you only want vodka and diet soda? There's some nice cocktails on the go"

" No this is fine, cocktails are filled with sugar and I'm trying to cut back" I sip at my drink as I feel his arm slip over my shoulder

"Well whatever diet you are following keep doing it because your body is red hot" he whispers the last word and then pulls me into him gently and kisses my cheek. I expect him to stop at that but he kisses it again and again and then his hand is on my thigh as he nuzzles my neck.


"I always knew you had a crush on me Camila"

Excuse me, What?!

"I could tell by the way you looked at me during games, you in your cute little cheerleading costume, fangirling over the star football player, it's like some corny tv movie"

He sets down his cup and then moves my hair from my neck and begins pressing kisses to my skin as I struggle to comprehend what he just said.

"Stop..." his hands tighten around my thigh as he pulls me closer and his kisses become bites "Stop!" I yell lifting my hands to his chest and pushing him as I jump up and hold my hand to my neck "Are you insane?!"

"What did I do?" His blue eyes are wide as he places a hand on his head and looks at me in surprise.

"First you lost your mind and accused me of 'fangirling'  over you then you attempted to chew at my neck like some kind of rabid beast"

"For fuck sake Camila I kissed you! Most girls like that"

"I have had more romantic kisses from my German shepherd!"

"It's not my fault you are frigid and don't know what a real man is like. How about I show you?" He steps closer

"How about I punch you in your face?" I look to the door for help but in that instant he has both my arms in his grip and has my body pulled flush against his.

"How about you show me how you are going to do that without the use of your hands?" He tightens his grip and I wimper as my joints flex in an awkward direction and his breath comes out in short, sharp puffs against my cheek.


I down the remainder of my beer and then stretch my neck from side to side and enjoy the way it cracks.

"Hey Shawn" slurs a very tipsy blond as she stumbles past the copious amounts of couples making out on the living room floor and on the sofas and up against the walls

"Hey Brit" I look at her, my vision taking a second to focus, her lime green shirt is pulled down so low I can see her pink bra peering out at me and she licks her lips as she notices my attention drawn to her chest

"You like what you see?" She asks before dropping down onto my lap.

I do, she knows I do, our sexual relationship has been on and off since the start of our senior year but its sex and sexual favours and nothing more than that and tonight that's not on my radar, at least not with this girl.

Her lips just begin to move towards mine when Connor comes running into the room, his eyes wild and his head snapping back and forth obviously looking for someone and that someone is obviously me.

"Connor!" His eyes finally find me in the gloomy light of the room

"Operation Wicked Plan!" He gasps through his shortness of breath "Big fuckin situation in the garden"

I push Britney from my lap and bolt out the room, following Connor down the narrow corridor and then down the steps into the kitchen. I can hear shouting and one hell of a commotion coming from the garden as I push every fucker out my way and then jump down the four steps onto the grass and try to make sense of what's going on in front of me.

Johan is lying on the grass clutching his dick as my eyes scan around the darkness for Camila


"Dude she's over there" says some random and points to the corner where the grass meets the shed and I see her tiny figure sat on the ground, her knees clutched to her chest and before I can think I'm on top of Johan pulling him up from the grass

"What the fuck did you do? I look over my shoulder and notice Camila is crying and that's enough to stoke the eternal anger that burns in my gut. My fist ploughs into his stomach, once and then twice and then I slam him back down to the grass and hold him by the throat as I seethe "I asked you a fuckin question tough guy"

"She...she's insane"

" Wrong answer" I drive my fist into his ribcage and he yells out in pain and that soothes the part of me that has been on the receiving end of so many vicious attacks. I may not be able to defend myself against my father but I can sure as hell defend Camila against a dickhead like this

"Shawn..." tiny hands are on my shoulder and i whip my head around to gaze up at her face, her makeup is ruined but for some reason it just enhances her eyes. Her face is wet, and a purple bruise is shining on her neck just below her jaw line

"I'm going to kill you" I keep my voice low and cold and I can see from the way his eyes widen that he's worried I'm telling the truth.

"Shawn please" she pulls at my shoulder, urging me to let him him go and I look from him to her then back to him and realise how sad and pathetic he looks. Lying on the ground, wasted, clutching his balls and grimacing in pain. I push myself up, using his chest to give me leverage and I look down at Camilas tiny form, running my thumb underneath her eyes, wiping the tears and make-up that had accumulated i then drop my hand to her neck and stroke the bruise

"Did he hurt you?" I look down to her red skirt and realise how easy it would have been for Johan to gain access because of how short it was and know if she answers yes, the wounded man is about to become a dead man.

" A little but I hurt him more" she used her head to motion to her knee and then my groin

"Ouch" I grimace at the thought but also feel a weird sense of pride

"You're sure you're okay?" She just nods as I gently take her by the bicep and start walking her through the garden and past all the faces that are watching us in shock and surprise. "Come on, I'll walk you home" she doesn't even object, she just keeps her eyes to the floor and walks by my side and although I try to stop myself I can't prevent my arm from snaking over her shoulder and pulling her fragile body into mine.

*What will happen on the walk home? How will the night end? Comment and vote if you want to find out x

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