Red Mist

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Walking into school I feel as though I'm trapped in Groundhog Day. As I move through the hallway towards my locker all eyes are on me once again and my stomach feels sick as I imagine what Shawn has told them this time.

I knew meeting him was a bad idea and making out with him was even worse, why was I so stupid as to think maybe he had been honest with me when he told me that night meant something? Why do I always try to see the best in him when he insists on constantly showing me the worst?

I lower my head and try to move quickly so as not to be seen or recognised but I hear my name being whispered as people look and point and I shake my head, wondering when this hell will be over, when Shawn will decide I have suffered enough and finally let me go.

"Here she is!"

Britney... that means Shawn is involved in this, I should have known!!!. I feel my chest tighten as I know I was the one that made a fool of myself this time for ever believing a word Shawn Mendes said to me.

Britney, Lara, Callie and some other brunette I don't recognise stand so close to me that my back is pressed up against my locker and I feel the handle digging in to my skin.

"Keep away from Shawn" Britney seethes, I notice her scarlet lipstick has smudged across her teeth but I say nothing

"I am away from him, you all made sure of that, him included"

"And now somehow you have wriggled your way back in and you're making demands that push us out and I'm not having it. Shawn is mine he's been mine since the start of the year and when the end of the year comes he will still be mine"

"Why are you telling me this?" I grip the strap of my back pack and try not to look as intimidated as I feel standing here surrounded by a pack of bitches, all of them with their teeth bared and glaring down at me

"Rumour has it you have demanded Shawn not allow any other girls to band practise and rumour has it for some god unknown reason he's going along with it. What are you holding over him?"

My mind tries to process the new information but I struggle because I have never even spoken to Shawn about any of this and if I had I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have listened to me because he doesn't listen to anything anyone says to him.

"I'm not holding anything over him, I haven't even..." Britneys hand suddenly shoots out and collides hard with my cheek and I let out a yelp as I grab hold of my face

"Shawn is mine. You leave him the fuck alone"

"What if I don't want her to?" His voice is as cold as ice as all four girls suddenly register his presence and spin to face him. He walks past them as though they don't even exist looking only at me and then he stops in front of me, his long fingers smoothing over the reddened skin. "Remind me that she's female because I'm struggling here" he says and I realise he's being serious. His jaw is tight and his nostrils flared as he gulps heavily and smooths the skin of my cheek once more

"It's okay, ignore her" I say it whilst reaching up and putting my hand over his to let him know I mean it. Our eyes locking, mine begging him to just let this go

"Get your hands off him!" Screeches Britney as she reaches for my hand and tears it from Shawns, her nails raking my skin in the process

"She's a girl Shawn, she's a girl, just ignore her" I keep my begging eyes on his but I can see he's deepening his breathing, his hands clenching into fists and then releasing, over and over as he struggles to keep hold of his temper.



'She's a girl Shawn, she's a girl...'

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