Loose Lips

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Pulling my hair into a high ponytail I slam the locker door shut and then walk through the sea of disapproving faces and head towards the exit

Practise sucked!

I sucked!

And everyone let me know all about it.

Mr.Quinn was in my head the entire time. The feel of his eyes on my legs, his teeth wrapped around his lip when he saw me, it all made my skin crawl and put my mind everywhere except where it should have been... practise!

I ended up getting a warning from the coach, one more practise like that and I'm gone. The way the other girls looked at me and whispered I knew they were angry I was even being given a chance to improve.

Heading out of the locker room I reach into my bag to get my phone to call Shawn when two large hands grab me by the shoulders, I scream and drop to the ground in an attempt to protect myself and when I turn and look up I see Shawn staring down at me with a bemused look on his face

"That's some drop and roll you have going there Cabello" he laughs whilst reaching down and helping me back to my feet "Is that something they teach you at cheer practise?"

"Very funny. You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Let me make it up to you" he drops his head to the crook of my neck as his arms snake around my waist "is this fixing it?"

It feels so good and my body's just about to melt into his when I remember Mr. Quinn could be around so I pull away from his arms and put some distance in between us "Not here Shawn" his brows lower as he crosses his arms

"Why not here?"

"People are looking"

"Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"

"No! No, of course not. Look, I just don't need any more trouble from Britney or her friends and I still need to talk things through with Eva" it's not 100% a lie but it's not 100% the truth either

"Our relationship has nothing to do with Britney or Eva or anybody else for that matter"

"Relationship?" I lift my brows and bite my lip and he steps closer, pausing when I stiffen my spine

"Camila, let's get this straight. You are pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know it's early days but I'm not looking for anyone or anything else, as far as I'm concerned you're my girl and I don't care who knows about it"

He reaches down and takes one of my hands in his and although I don't pull it away, I'm counting the seconds until he lets it go. I don't want Mr.Quinn seeing us, I don't want him having anything else he can hold over me and my relationship with my parents.

"If it isn't clear I'm asking you to be my girlfriend, I don't know if this is how you're supposed to do it but, here it is"

His eyes are wide and his lips tight and he reminds me of a little boy that has just asked his parents something and is anxiously waiting on the answer

"Girlfriend? Thee Shawn Mendes, super stud, heartbreaker, is taking himself off the market for me? Are you really sure you're ready to do that?"

"I don't think I have been more sure of anything in my life"

He intertwines our fingers and pulls me closer to him

"Now, am I taking Camila Cabello for a milkshake or am I taking my girlfriend for a milkshake?" His voice is low, his eyes burning into mine, begging me not to leave him hanging.

"They're the same person aren't they?" He grins as though I just gave him the world and moves towards me for a kiss but I hear Mr. Quinn's voice in the distance so I duck my head and then make my excuse "I left something in my locker, go wait outside and I'll be right with you" I don't give him the chance to argue I just turn quickly and head back into the locker room from which I came.



No one ever tells you that the first time you ask a girl to be your girlfriend there's a chance you will black out but there is but thankfully I didn't


I shake my head and grin at how perfectly wrong that word sounds coming from a guy like me


Here we go!

I turn around and deaden my eyes. Daring Quinn to push it with me today but he just smiles and I'm two seconds from punching that grin into the back of his skull

"Hanging around the girls locker room on a Saturday why doesn't that surprise me?"

I say nothing, I just push my hands into my pockets and stare at them like he's shit beneath my shoe

"What are you doing? Waiting for some unsuspecting female to walk out, beat her over her head with your club and drag her back to your cave?"

This fucker actually thinks he knows me and thats pissing me off

"I'm actually waiting for my girlfriend Dave. Not that it's anything to do with you so why don't you just walk on"

"A girlfriend?" He laughs and my temper begins to fray " if I wait here I suppose I will be able to guess which ones her by which one has the black eye. That's what you like isn't it Mendes? Hitting poor defenceless females"

I have him by the collar and up against the wall but even that doesn't stop his mouth from moving

"That's what happened yesterday right? With Britney? You hurt her just like you are hurting me didn't you?"

"Keep going And I will show you just how much I can hurt you"

"Is that what you said to Britney? Or maybe that's it, maybe she's your girlfriend, it would make sense she's spent more time in the men's bathroom this year than any of the actual men. Is the schools bike actually your girlfriend now? It sounds right, every other girl would have more sense. I don't know what you did to get a girl like Camila into your bed"

"Well whatever it was it must have been fuckin good since she came back for more" He splutters and I celebrate the small victory as his words bounce around my brain, pummelling it in a way he physically could never hurt me

"You're all talk Mendes"

"Yeah well thankfully my girlfriend Camila likes that about me" I look at him from his face to his brown plastic shoes and realise this isn't who I want to be for Camila, she deserves a boyfriend that doesn't do this "you aren't worth my time" I spit at him before slapping his face gently with my palm " Never speak to me like that again Davey boy or you will be removing my boot from your intestine"

I walk away from him and he dares to shout that I have detention for a month starting Monday but I just flip him off and keep walking

"In your dreams Davey, in your motherfuckin dreams!"

*is Shawn getting too involved too quickly? Is he heading for heartbreak? What will Quinn do with his newly discovered information?

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