Now Is The Time To Speak

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Walking into school, I realise the last time I felt this uncomfortable in my own space was when Shawn first decided to make me his target, it may only have been a few weeks ago but my mind struggles to comprehend how much and how quickly things have changed for us.

I see Eva and Clara stood at their lockers looking at me as though I have the plague, apparently Eva isn't ready to forgive and forget which suits me because neither am I. My scalp still hurts from where she dragged me by my hair and my eyes automatically sting at the memory. I have never been assaulted before, her words had wounded me deeply enough before her brutal physical attack and I find my body once again trembling at the memory.

Finally reaching my locker I have to stop for a moment and lean my forehead against the cool metal as my limbs all of a sudden feel too heavy for me to carry, my vision briefly turns white and my knees begin to give way but before I lose control of my self I cling firmly to the lockers for support and feel my world slowly steady as my vision and balance returns

"Hey, are you okay? MJ puts her hand on my shoulder as my eyes flood with tears, her soft voice proving my undoing. I nod as the tears threaten to overflow and I lift my hand and wipe them away. "Eva will come round, you know what she's like, her temper's as firey as her hair" she gives me a side hug and I have never been more thankful for human contact in my life

"She attacked me"

"She's an ass sometimes but she loves you, her feelings were just hurt"

"Did you know about her and Shawn?"

She nods "Last Summer, that was 4 days of drama let me tell you"

"Well why didn't you tell me? We were supposed to be the 3 amigos, how come you two both knew and I had no idea?" I turn and open my locker, hoping to hide the tears of hurt that are now streaming down my face"

"I don't know, you were in Mexico, like I said she had a 4 day meltdown over it and then seemed to move on. It didn't seem worth dragging up again"

"But it was worth dragging me by my hair over" I shake my head as I drop a pill into my palm and then gulp it down with some water.

"Mila, what is actually going on with you and Shawn?" She's lowered her voice to almost a whisper as she stands closer to me, almost as though she's embarrassed that other people might hear about Shawn and I

"Its nothing we just..."

"Eva said you had sex with him!!"

"I didn't, I didn't say that I just didn't deny it. She was pissing me off she didn't deserve the truth at that moment and besides, Shawn and I are no ones business but our own"

"I don't know Mila, he's changing you. Arguing with Britney in the hallways and fighting with Eva on the field??? I just hope he's worth it" she pats me on the back as though she's giving me her sympathy and then walks over to Eva and Clara and I notice Britney standing with a group of her friends blatantly staring at me

"What are you looking at?!" I hope to God she doesn't realise I have been crying but she's a distance away so I decide to take a risk.

"The joke of the century" she giggles "but you'll see soon enough" turning my back to her I slam my locker shut and then head to class hoping the day doesn't get any worse because I don't know how much more I can stand


Finally I'm home, after what had to be the worst day of school I ever endured. Eva spent the day huddled with various friends of ours giving me dirty looks and everywhere I turned Britney and her friends were pointing and laughing at me, like I was the butt of some joke I wasn't aware of.

I kick off my shoes, desperate to get upstairs into the shower and then tuck myself up in bed and read myself into another, happier place than my life is right now. The only thing I can find to smile about is Shawn and I haven't had a single msg from him all day.

I walk into the living room and know my perfect evening is not going to happen any time soon because my mom and dad are both sat on the couch looking at me as though they have some really bad news and my heartbeat automatically trebles

"What's going on?"

"Take a seat mija" says my mother whilst forcing a smile and I move around the couch and sit down.

"Well?" She looks to my father to speak and he clears his throat before taking the lead.

"Shawn came over looking for you"


"He had obviously been fighting, his face was bruised, again" my hand flies up to cover my mouth as I begin to panic about what kind of state his father has left him in this time.

"Was he okay? I need to call him and make sure" I stand up but my mother immediately takes my hand, preventing me from leaving

"Sit down Camila"

"But Shawn..."

"I said sit down!"

My father's voice is as stern as I have ever heard it so I drop back down onto the couch, my mom never letting go of my hand.

"This isn't the first time he's turned up here bruised. We just... he's a nice boy Camila but you and Sofie are my priority, I can't have him coming over here when he obviously can't keep himself out of trouble"

My mind reels as I finally realise what my father is saying. Shawn isn't welcome in our home anymore

"Papá that's not fair, it isn't what you think, it isn't Shawns fault" I try to stand up again my my mom tightens her grip telling me I do not have permission to leave

"Camila, I don't know what's going on or why he seems to constantly be fighting"

"He isn't fighting! Why aren't you listening to me?!" I know I shoudnt be speaking to my father like this but I'm panicking, I'm the only one that knows Shawns secret, I'm the only one he can turn to when it gets bad. When he comes to my house he feels safe and free. I can't let my dad take the only safe space that he has he doesn't deserve to be abandoned by one more person

"I have made up my mind Camila, that boy is not welcome in this house, he's not welcome around Sofia"

"He's great with Sofia, she loves him"

"And he is definitely not welcome around you"

"Papá please, you don't understand"

"Well why don't you help us to understand?" My moms calm voice suggests and I look to her, begging her to understand and to trust me

"Its not my story to tell mamá, but please trust me, it's not what you think, it isn't Shawns fault"

"Not good enough" My father stands up, his sign that the conversation is over but I can't let him walk away, I can't abandon Shawn, I can't lose him after I just found him, he needs me and I need him and I will do what ever it takes to keep him and hopefully save him in the process.

Jumping to my feet I rip my hand free of my mother's and grab my dad's hands, tears once again wriggling their way free of eyes

"Papá por favor..."

"If you have something you want me to know Camila now is your last opportunity"

"He will hate me"

"If you are doing it with his best intentions in mind he will understand"

Will he???

Will he trust I share his secret in an attempt to save him or will he feel like I betrayed him just like everyone else in his life betrays him?

My father looks impatient, as though he's about to leave and I have a decision to make and about one second to make it in.

"Its his dad!" I blurt out and I see both my parents jaws fall open. "The person that hits him, it's his dad"

*one secret out in the open! Will Shawn understand or will he feel betrayed???

*also where was Shawn this chapter and why was he looking for Camila????

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