8- Você Fala Inglês

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"Olá João, como você está?" I sling an arm over his shoulder and squeeze just enough for him to realise that this is not going to be a friendly conversation

"H-hey Shawn" he stutters, non of his cocky Portuguese bullshit this time and I'm a little sad he's going to make this so easy for me

"Walk with me" I instruct, never releasing him from my grip and I hear his breathing speed up and I grin, loving the effect my mere presence has on these losers.

We walk into the sports hall in silence before I finally let him go and he gasps in relief causing me to laugh as I crack each knuckle as a warning to him that I'm not in the mood to be messed with.

"So how can I help you?" He looks around nervously and I see his gaze zone in on the exit.

"Where were you last night?" He frowns in surprise, like he was expecting anything but that

"I was on a date"

"With Cabello?" He nods "Well that doesn't fuckin happen again do you get me?" He just looks confused and doesn't answer "Você fala inglês?" I ask, ususally he would jump on any excuse to speak in our mother tongue but unfortunately today it seems like the cats got his motherfuckin tongue and he's unable to say a single word to me

"It was just a date"

"First one?" I stand with my legs apart and stuff my hands into my pockets as my gaze burns into his face


"Did you fuck her?" My heart pounds as I consider her tiny body under his, him grunting and groaning against her delicate skin

"No!" He eventually manages to splutter out "No, Camila isn't like that" I can tell from his face he's telling the truth and something in my chest shifts and suddenly feels lighter.

"You got a bit 'handsy' though right? Second base for sure"

Admit to it and my fist is going through your face

"No, look Shawn, I don't know why you care so much.."

"Care?! I couldn't care less!"

João runs a hand over his shiny black hair and then looks at me with a weird look in his eyes like he's afraid to say what he wants to say and I'm not surprised, last time he pissed me off he ended up with a broken nose, that memory is still fresh for him I can tell.

"Do you want me to stop dating Camila so she's available to you?"

That'll do It!

My hands are out of my pockets and tangled in the fabric of his yellow t-shirt before I have time for conscious thought as I slam him back into the sports hall wall.

"I want you to stop dating Cabello because I told you to stop dating Cabello, repeat what you just said to me and our last little 'altercation' will seem like a friendly hello to you. Do I make myself clear amigo?" He just nods as I release him and step back so he knows he's free leave. "One more thing" He looks over his shoulder defeat written all over his face


"Make sure she knows its because of me, because of my Instagram post"

"Oh come on Shawn that was bullshit and you know It, Camila hasn't even had sex before"

What the actual fuck...?

"Do It!" I spit and he nods and leaves and I stand alone with a very new, very interesting bit of information forming ideas in my mind



"So how was it?" MJ and Eva huddle around me desperate to find out how my date went last night but all I can do do is smile like an idiot

"Did he kiss you?"

"Did you kiss him back?!"

I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment "Oh my God guys come on, let me live!"

"He did!"

"You did!

"Okay yes, we both did but don't go shouting about it, João isn't like that. He's sweet and kind and a real gentleman"

"You like him!" Gasps Eva and both of my friends collapse into fits of giggles "Oh my God you really like him!"

"Of course I do or I wouldn't have gone out with him once let alone 3 times" I lean back against my locker and I'm aware I have a stupid dreamy look on my face but I can't help it this is the first time I have been interested in a guy since Max and that has my stomach doing flips

"Oh my... can you imagine going to bed with him and he starts talking dirty to you in Portuguese??" Eva just about melts to the floor at the thought but for some unknown reason my mind goes somewhere else

"Shawn's Portuguese too, did you know that?" they both stop and stare at me as though I have grown another head

"Where the fuck did that come from?" Asks MJ planting her hands firmly onto her hips. "We're talking about talking dirty in bed and you're talking about Shawn 'Fuckboy Of The Century' Mendes. What the hell?"

" Well dirty is right" giggles Eva whilst scrunching up her nose "can you imagine how many girls he's been with? It's enough to make me want to go take a shower"

"Guys!" I don't know why but hearing them talk about Shawn like this knowing what he goes home to each night has me feeling uncomfortable but my friends are on a roll and aren't looking to stop any time soon

"Come on Camila, can you imagine going on a date with Shawn Mendes? he would take you to McDonald's and think it was high end"

"If he even realised you were supposed to eat food and not vagina when you take a girl out" they both grip each other and laugh loudly but I can't find it in myself to join in

"Mila can you imagine anything worse than making out with the guy? Yeah he might be good because he's had so much practise but just imagine how many other girls germs must be cultivating in that mouth of his not to mention on other parts of his anatomy" MJ shudders at the thought and then I catch sight of a shadow just to the right of us, how did I not see him before???

Shawn is stood there, pure hatred burning on his face.

"Guys!" I use my head to motion to where he stands and my friends go silent immediately, their eyes dropping to the ground as Shawns gaze zones in on one thing and one thing only...me!

'Fuckboy of the century'

'Dirty is right'

'He would take you to McDonald's and think it was high end'

'Can you imagine anything worse than making out with that guy?'

Their words sting but I have heard worse my entire life, the fact that they are being said to Camila and she's just stood their listening, buying It, not arguing against it burns in my chest like rubbing salt into an already gaping wound and then as her eyes meet mine my entire body and mind go up in flames as though someone just poured gasoline onto the fire.

I'm doe playing games with this girl, I'm done pussyfooting around.

João's words from earlier ring loud in my brain.

'Camila hasn't had sex with a guy before'

No more games, I'm about to bring this girl to her fuckin knees and take the one thing from her that she can never get back.

*somethings coming next chapter (not cumming lol) I have been looking forward to writing it ever since I started his book. Any guesses???

*if my Portuguese is wrong please let me know!!!! (I'm trying not to wear out my welcome with my lovely translator because WZ is coming soon)

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