The Best Laid Plans

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I don't think I have ever walked this fast in my entire life as I walk up the steps to the school, kick open the front door and then stalk down the hallway looking for classroom 305. Mr. Dave fuckin Quinn. Everyone has gone home but I know he stays late. That motherfucker is going to regret staying late tonight that's for sure

Throwing his door open I walk into his room and kick the first desk across the floor and then the second desk and the third. The sound of the furniture clattering across the floor brings him scurrying from the back room like the rat he is and as soon as his eyes meet mine he begins to back away

"Something you want to admit to me Dave?" I stand perfectly still, my gaze daring him to show the courage he showed whilst driving away from me hours earlier

"Mendes, 2 weeks detention starting today" his voice is weak, just as weak as I imagine him to be so I take my hand, pick up a seat and throw it in his direction, laughing internally as he ducks for cover, giving me time to cover the distance between us and grab him hard by the hair, slamming his overly pretty face into his desk.

"What the fuck are you playing at with Camila?" I say the the words into his ear and then wait for his response, daring him to provoke me further

"Oh I'm sorry, i thought it was you that was playing games with Miss. Cabello, sleep with her then humiliate her in front of the school that was you wasn't it?" I push his head harder against the desk but more annoyed with myself in that moment than him

"She fell and she hit her head why the fuck would you bring her here and not to the nurses office, what the hell were you hoping would happen once you got her alone?"

"Mr. Mendes I'm sorry but I don't owe you any kind of explanation, you aren't your family, you aren't her boyfriend, you're nothing more than her bully"

Shit that hit hard, I loosen my grasp just enough for him to wriggle free and then put the width of the desk between us

You're nothing more than her bully...

I'm to Camila what my father is to me...

So broken and destroyed by my own misery I have to take it out on her... someone weaker, someone I know I can dominate

"You're a misfit Mendes, you are no good to anyone especially a girl like Camila" I just stare at him, I don't argue back, his words are penetrating in a way few others have before

"You're her teacher" my voice is weak... just like the rest of me in that moment "you can't have her"

"I can have anything I want, that I assure you of" he runs a hand of his hair and grins at me, letting me know he thinks he won this and he's right. I feel so wounded by the truth of his words that I can't even fight back

'You're nothing more than her her bully'

'You are no good to anyone especially a girl like Camila'

"Her parents will be in to see you first thing tomorrow, she collapsed with concussion after you left, they want to know why their daughters teacher brought her home and left her alone instead of taking her to a doctor. I'm pretty sure the principal will have some questions about why you put an 18 year old female student into your car instead of to the nurses office too" my voice is cold but my heart is colder as all blood runs from it as I walk away. My mind filled with nothing other than Camila

What the fuck have I done????



"Hey Bri..." my words are slow and slurred as another 'practise' turned into an excuse to drink and fuck around.

Three attempts to get my pants off and three knock backs and I can hear Britney and Connor going at it in another room. She's obviously putting on a show for my benefit, squealing and moaning like a z rate porn star but I'm oblivious to it as I down my beer and strum gently on my guitar hoping it sounds at good to 'sober Shawn' as it does to his drunken twin.

"What's up?" Bri asks, managing to stop chewing on Callies tongue long enough to turn around and acknowledge I had spoken

"Callie, piss off for a minute while I speak to numb nuts here"

"Dude please!" Whines Brian, obviously annoyed at being cockblocked but whatever, she'll still be ready for him once we are done. I glare at her and she tuts before stumbling to her feet and leaving the room. "This had better be good" he grumbles, pushing himself up so he's sitting in the sofa next to me

"What do you think about Cabello?" I ask popping open another beer

"I don't think anything about her, she's a jumped up spoiled..."

"No don't do that, don't say what you think I want to hear. What do you think about her?" I strum my guitar, nervous to hear his response

"Well she's hot I give her that" he's not wrong " I dunno I mean... what do you think about her? Are you thinking about her other than thinking about fucking her?"

"All the Goddamn time" apparently 'drunk Shawn' feels like spilling his guts tonight and I try to drown his words with beer but the emotions of the day are too close to the surface to hide for long

"I thought it was just part of some plan you and Connor came up with" he takes my beer and gulps it greedily

"The best laid plans..."

"You want her?"

"I think so"

"Then go get her cowboy" He strums my guitar loudly and laughs, his eyes wild and unfocused

"It's not that easy"

"Right! Dude girls are always that easy for you. Go give her your puppy dog eyes and your bad boy attitude and she will be back in your bed in no time, forget what happened at school"

"It's not about sex Bri, if it was it would be so much easier" he bends over double and laughs like I was a world class comedian

"Not about sex... says Shawn Mendes" he laughs again "You fucked her and caught that terrible STD... feelings didn't you?!"

Fuck, yeah I did.

*please vote and comment. What's Quinn up to? Will Camilas eating disorder be found out? Will Shawn confess all???

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