25- Bare My Mark

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"Girls!!! I have big news" MJ wraps one arm around my neck and one around Eva's and then squeals loudly in our ears

"Well don't deafen us or we won't be able to hear what the good news is" I quip with a smile.

This last week has been great. Ever since Shawn turned up at my house to tell me about him and Eva our relationship as steadied, he comes over most evenings to just watch T.V or play computer games with Sofia whilst I do my homework. Apparently he has a 'friend' that does his homework for him he tells me that they offered I took that to mean he threatened.

Ours may not be a conventional friendship but its working for us at the moment and even though my feelings are developing into a full blown crush I manage to keep control of myself enough around him that I don't think he's even realised.

"So I have scored us a triple date with three very lovely, very eligible, hot as fuck college boys. You can thank me now or thank me after you get laid"

"MJ!" i gasp, covering my mouth with my hand and then giggling

"Well not you, obviously, Miss. 'I'm waiting for the perfect man who doesn't exist'. Tomorrow. Look hot as fuck. I have been waiting for Ryan to gave in for 4 whole weeks so do not let me down ladies" She kisses us each on a cheek and then disappears down the hallway, swinging her hips and twirling her black hair around her finger in the most animated of ways.

"You up for it?" Eva asks, moving from one foot to another. She hasn't told me about what happened between her and Shawn and I haven't told her that I know but she seems uneasy around me like she's done something wrong and doesn't want me to find out but in reality she's done nothing wrong. She hooked up with some guy, he wasn't my boyfriend then and he isn't my boyfriend now. She doesn't owe me the truth but it hurts that's she's chosen to keep it from me.

"Uh, sure, I guess, I mean if you and MJ are" I shrug my shoulders as we reach my locker and I twist the lock and pull it open to find a candy bar lying in wait

"Secret stash, hu?" Asks Eva and I feel my face burn that she would assume the candy was mine

"No actually, it's for Sofie from Shawn, he leaves one for her if he's not able to make it to play Minecraft with her, it's a little tradition they started or something"

"Cute" she says whilst rolling her eyes and leaning with her back against the locker next to mine "Won't Shawn mind?"

"Won't Shawn mind what?" Asks a male voice off to the side of us. We both turn quickly to find Shawn stood with his arms folded over his wide chest, an eyebrow cocked.

"Camila going on a date with a hot college guy"

"Eva!" I slap her arm in annoyance before turning back to Shawn

"Ignore her, she knows there's no reason you would care don't you Eva?" I stare at her silently begging her to agree and end this incredibly awkward situation but of course she doesn't. She's still pissed with Shawn so isn't going to let this go.

"Oh of course there's no reason at all, you guys are just friends right?"

"That's right" Shawn confirms and it stings a little bit even though I know it's the truth

"So you don't care at all that's she's going to put on the shortest, tightest, lowest cut dress that she owns or the highest heels so that it makes it so much easier to kiss him".

"Eva!" I turn to her unable to believe the words that are coming out of her mouth.

Who is this girl?



'So you don't care at all that's she's going to put on the shortest, tightest, lowest cut dress that she owns or the highest heels do not makes it that much easier to kiss him'

Damn fuckin right I do but if she thinks I'm going to admit that to her in the middle of the school hallway then she obviously doesn't know me very well.

I look at Camila whose face is burning red and she looks as though she's about to punch her friend in the face and although that's something I would love to see I don't want Camila getting into trouble over me so I push down whatever shit I'm feeling about this 'date' and let 'bad boy Shawn' take over.

"Of course I don't care, she can wear what she wants, go where she wants, fuck who she wants, it's got nothing at all to do with me" I swallow down the brutality of the statement and see Camilas head dip a little.

I've hurt her... fuck!

Eva notices the silent conversations playing out between the two of us and she shakes her head

"Pathetic!" She spits and then heads away down the corridor, apparently having a conversation with herself about 'all men being assholes'

Camila silently returns to her locker and I move closer, standing with my chest almost touching her back as she fiddles with her books.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I ask against her hair, keeping my voice low and calm. Closing my eyes I  allow the fruity scent of her shampoo to work it's magic on my senses.

I hear her breath hitch in her throat at my close proximity and can't help but puff out a smile at the fact I can effect her at least in this small way.

"I don't know him, MJ set it up" I reach out and pull her hair over her shoulder leaving her neck open to me, making sure to trail a finger over the exposed skin and loving the way goosebumps almost immediately rise to greet me.

"Well..." I lower my head so my lips are just hovering above her neck "Tell him Shawn says hi" I drop my mouth to her neck and kiss it gently and then not as gently, sucking the warm flesh into my mouth as my hands grip on to the locker in front of her, caging her in and putting everything I have into making sure she's completely and utterly turned on and completely and utterly marked.

Fuck you college boy, this girl already bares the mark of Shawn.

*how will the triple date go????

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