•~Chapter 1~•

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    Hey whoever is reading. Just wanna say that im from Africa and the setting of this book is in Manchester. So whatever seems...out of place...please understand.
Im so excited to write this. Its going to be amazing, I promise.                     

Present day

Fuck, it is a cold day. I mean, yes its january. Its practically the month of coldness in Manchester but i had just arrived back at campus yesterday. And this is how im greeted, with snow that would basically cover my feet. Great.

I could barely even feel my legs under my very thick devet. Just an emphasis on very fucking thick.

And now i had to wake up for the first day back at college. I was doing my second year in law school. It was bittersweet because one, i got through a whole year of being piled in books, but two, i still had a few more years to go. The thought made me shriek. Yes, i chose the career and yes it's my dream to be a lawyer but anyone can agree that school fucking sucks. Even if it's college and i can basically do what i want. I can, but i choose not to. I choose not to be a waste, a nothing, a stupid wanker like Li...

...my thoughts were cut off by my roommate, budging through the door. It irritates me honestly. He really doesn't need to use all his weight when he opens the door, its not fucking necessary. Ugh.

"Niall, how many times do i have to explain that the door isn't your childhood enemy. Its just a fucking door, " i grumbled, mad at the world for absolutely no reason.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll stop. And why aren't you even bathed yet. Dont wanna be late on the first day?" He replied plainly ignoring the fact that im red in the face.

"You say that every bloody time. I'll stop , but you never do. And no, im not taking a shower in this fucking cold."

"Woah, someone's grumpy today," Niall stated, with a concerned look on his face. I realised that, yeah, i was grumpy but it wasn't Niall's fault. Well maybe if he hadnt banged the door...okay no, it wasn't his fault. Its the fucking weather. I hate it.

"Sorry." I said softly. And now i was shruging on my black skinny jeans with a matching t-shirt and a thick coat. My hands were too numb from the cold to be able to handle my long curls. So i just tied my hair in a bun. With that, i was ready to begin the second year of law school, with my bestfriend, Niall, right by side. Like it had been last year.

Five minutes later we were nearing the coffee shop just before heading to our first lecture. It'd been a routine of ours to stop for coffee in the morning and also just before our study sessions in the library after school. I had become addicted. And Niall too but we didnt mind. It kept us awake.

While we waited in line to order our usual coffees, no milk, i felt a hand tug my shoulder, spinning me around. Ahh, my worst fucking nightmare had paid me a visit. I was about to tell you about the wanker before Niall did his usual wrestling with the door earlier in the morning. Liam Payne. Worst little twat ever!

"Maybe you should let your captain in line instead of being a good-for-nothing law student," he threatened, trying to  walk ahead of me to get in line. Oh hell no, not today.

I pulled him back to his original position "dont fucking start with me today Payne. Im in the mood to run your head over, I swear."

"Aww how scary. I fucking dare you Styles. And just so you know im always in the mood to beat down an annoying fucking law student like yourself!"

I was this close to jumping at him but he was being pulled from his back by some boy that was way smaller. I couldn't tell who it was because my eyes were blazing on Liam and only Liam. I didn't even notice when Niall nudged me that it was our turn to order. All i heard was Liam mumbling how much he hated law students. I honestly didn't know what his problem with us really was. I didn't care. He could go shit himself and i wouldn't be bothered.


Niall calmed me down the whole way to class. I felt sorry for him because I absolutely hated Liam, no matter what he said.

"Just ignore him, Harry. He's the captain okay. I dont think you wanna be kicked off the team." He stated matter of factly.

Yes, Liam was the football captain. But i didnt take his shit. I didnt care who he was. I deserve respect as much as he does. Period. Captain my ass. And as much as i loved the team, being on it and playing football, i'd take the chance to punch the captain any fucking day.

What a way to start first day. Damn it.


I was completely out of it the whole day. I barely even listened to the professors. I knew i had bad days but i didnt expect it to be the opening day of the semester. I took down all the notes i was given but that doesn't mean i understood a thing. Niall was going to have to explain everything later. He'd often push me in class, trying to get me to focus but i just... I dont know.

Not like my day could get any worse, right? Wrong.

Niall and I were walking in the cafeteria, a tray each in our hands. Mine had a chicken mayo sandwich, an apple and fruit juice. The chicken mayo sandwiches were amazing at the cafeteria. It was probably one of the best on the menu. I, myself being a good cook, knew what a sandwich was supposed to taste like and this was it, for sure. Niall's had carbs. Just carbs. Unhealthy twat. I'd always tell him to watch his diet, often made fun of his chubby chick causing him to blush and then scold me for being too naggy. I didn't care. He needed to eat healthier.

You're worse than my mother, he'd insult but i knew i was right. And well, so was he mum.

Just then, someone got up from the table i passed and stood in front of me, blocking my fucking way in this hungry state of mine. What the hell.

And ofcourse, it was Liam.

"Things are changing this year lawyer kid, " he put out, completely confusing me.

"Liam, move."

"No law students in the cafeteria while im here, " and because hes the captain, he obviously had grim looking football players lining up behind him. Idiot.

I glared at him, about to say something before a boy, a small boy got up from the table Liam was sitting at.

Right then, right then is when every muscle in my body seized to exist. Every thought escaped my mind and whatever comebacks i had for Liam, well at this point, who even was Liam. I was numb. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"C'mon mate. We've got practise and you said you'd show me around. Need to see that splendid pitch you described earlier," the boy said, not even attempting to look at me but rather just patting Liam's shoulder and walking off. Im guessing he had expected Liam to follow him, and thats exactly what happened.

I still stood rigid in my position. Still shocked at what i had just seen. Rather, who i had just seen.

Louis Tomlinson.

Louis freaking Tomlinson.

And just like that. All the memories i had locked away, all the moments i kept hidden in the back of my mind; for noone to see. Not even my bestfriend, Niall. All of them came rushing back in. I had tried so long to keep those events far away from me, those events from all that time back.
Atleast two years ago.


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