★Chapter 17★

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It definately came as no surprise that i woke up with a hangover once again. This has been happening for the past few weeks and it all started after the Birmingham game. It wasn't really the game in particular that pissed me off but the incident that occured after it. Louis said things that brought back memories of how dependant i used to be on everyone, including him. I cried everyday for no reason and i seeked attention in any place i could find it. Its that very reason that Louis is my past and nothing more. I become soft and dependant around him and i vowed never to be that person again. Nomatter what.

After the match i decided to stay as far away from him as possible, especially when Niall was gone. I did everything in my power to push away the fact that Louis was still hurt by me leaving. Even after all this time. When Niall finally got back to school, i couldn't face him. I didn't know how to explain the fact that he had found me passed out on our floor.  Truth is, i'm embarassed that this is who i've become just so i could keep the old me away. In the end, it was too late to even explain myself to Niall. What would i even say? i hate myself because someone i loved commited suicide and then and i left another person i loved without any explanation what-so-ever. No.

So i quit the team in hopes of avoiding my bestfriend who i knew would pester me until i told him every detail of mine and Louis' past. I came back to the dorms late at night knowing that i'd find him sleeping and i'd skip most of my classes. The ones i did go to didn't have any meaning because i slept through most of them.

Speaking of sleeping, it didn't come as a surprise either, to find Ed curled up on my bare chest. He had an arm wrapped around me so any thought of running a fucking marathon out of here was useless. How the hell did i let this happen?! Yes, i've always liked Ed but only as a friend and now here i am, naked in bed with him. Fuck.

Try as i could, there was no way of getting away from him. Damn, the boy's strong even in his sleep. Bit by bit i maneuvered my way a little away from him just so he wasn't lying half on top of me anymore. He still had his tattoed arm gripping my torso. I quickly scanned the room for Niall who'd probably be furious at the situation. Luckily he wasn't here and i really wondered where he had spent the night. Did my escapade with Ed keep him from sleeping here?!

I turned back to the pale goalkeeper i'd been on the same team with hoping to come up with a plan to get away from him, but he now had his blue eyes wide open and glaring at me. He grinned brightly and i mentally punched myself for not leaving earlier.

"Morning Haz." he muttered in a soft, morning voice.

"Hey," i said, faking a smile.


I took a minute to let him finish but when he didn't i guessed he was waiting for me to take the initiative. I wasn't going to lie and make him think i wanted something more between us. I could barely even remembered what happened last night. I only vaguely recall him being the bottom and fuck was he slow to get it over with.

"Ed...I-... last night was amazing but i don't think-"

"No, its fine Haz. We're just friends and i know you're into someone else anyway."

"Into someone else?" I laughed, "like who?"

"Well, at first i thought it was Niall cause you guys are always together but then i saw the way you look at Louis."

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