★Chapter 26★

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I adjust myself and prepare for the moment im about to face head-on. A moment i've avoided for two years. I just gave Louis permission to bring back things i thought would never come my way ever again. For some odd reason though, this year has  seemed to control itself throughout everything. Nothing has gone my way, everything has changed. At first, i hated it. I hated that Louis came to Manchester, i hated that the memories of him and i came flooding back uncontrollably. But now i've just accepted it. Infact, my feelings for the boy sitting on my bed, munching on sprinkly doughnuts, have made me almost love the change. It's like im the old me again, minus all the depression. Im almost... happy.

"Anything." i repeat his words with a reassuring smile. Im ready for this and i want him to know. I don't want him to ease out on me, i want to give him all the amswers he needs. He deserves it, to say the least.

I watched him take a deep breath, exhaling the air nervously, like he knew this was a hard thing to do. It is, especially for me. I know now that i have to admit so many things i had never before. After whispering a shaky okay he placed his doughnut back into its box and dusted off the sprinkles and crumbs from his mouth. In those few seconds, my mind ran through so many possible questions that he could ask me. I didn't prepare any answers because i never in a million years expected to be doing this, but here i was. Doing this. I mentally prayed for whatever happened next to move swiftly and not cause anymore trouble.

"Why did you quit the team?" he asks a light question to start with. His voice warm and soft, calming me down and spreading warmth in me. I like his voice, its sweet.

"Like you said in Birmingham, i suck at football." i replied and Louis just nodded, he watched my eyes so closely as if he wanted to be sure i was telling the truth. "I also felt like i was wasting my time. Football became more of a chore than a sport and i wasn't getting anything out of it. Not like you and Niall, you guys can actually make careers out of it." i finished off. Louis' gaze seemed to lighten as he became more convinced by my answer.

"Do you miss it?"

"No, i dont miss playing and continuously failing to please people. I don't miss Liam's shitty attitude towards me and i don't miss being left out when everyone's in the field playing a match." my words came out harsh but i didnt mean to make Louis feel bad for me. I didn't really enjoy my time on the team and thats definately not his fault. Its mine for even joning the team when i knew i had no potential. "I do miss hanging out with my football friends though. I don't see them that often anymore. I miss watching you play too."

He laughed at my last sentence with glittery eyes and a wide smile. I was so glad to have lightened the mood and put a smile on his face. It was nice. "You play good, its sexy." i winked at him jokingly. Again he laughed in embarasement and my  face lit up just by seeing him happy.

A few seconds of light giggles and smiles between us passed and suddenly the air got heavy again. Lou got serious and i went back to fearing for my life. I could tell that Louis was trying to make this easier for me by being soft and all, but its not really about the way he asks his questions. Its just about the questions in general how scared i am of them.

"Okay, next question," he clears his throat, "what's the deal with you and Liam?"

"What do you mean?"

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