★Chapter 24★

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Try as i could, the image of Louis just wasn't leaving my mind as i sat in this dim corridor. All the other contestants sat on a shared bench with me as we waited for the last audition to come out of the audition room. It was a long wait as we all tried to figure out which one of us  were lucky enough to be accepted. It almost felt like college applications all over again.

For me though, i had more than just an audition on my mind. I had Louis.
I knew that after the audition, i'd have to head back to campus and look for him. Its not really the fact that i was about to spend a few hours with him, it's more the fact that i had no idea what we'd even do. Talk, eat, what?! I've never been the dating type. Obviously Louis and i had been together before, but we never went out because we weren't even out as a couple. I don't think we actually ever went out on a date. Not that this is a date. Like i had said to him, we were going out as friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why did i ask him on this... friendly date? Because... well i don't know. I guess i just hoped we could clear the air and be more comfortable around each other. He's constantly with Niall these days so it makes sense for us to be on good terms. We do see each other almost every day. It would be nice if things werent weird for once.

My thoughts were interupted by the lead singer of OneSided walking up to me, Nick if i remember correctly, is his name. He's quite tall but not as tall as me, dark hair, brown eyes and a really good voice to go with all that. It's a bit intimidating if you ask me. I mean why would they pick me for the spot when im not even half as good as their lead. The deal was done though. I'd already audiotioned, along with all the other guys that did exceptionally well. If they did like me, they'd have probably said something by now, which they haven't. So why is Nick approaching me with his eyes directly on my body?

I watched him get closer and my heart sank lower by the second. My hands were stuck, sweating between my thighs that were pressed on the edge of the bench. I looked to my right to see that all the other contestants watching Nick get closer. Unfortunately, he wasnt looking at them, he was looking at me.

When he finally reached my seat, that also occupied atleast eight other young aged men, he stared down at me with a slight smile. My mouth was dry at this point and i had no idea what to do. Did i get the spot? Is he here to tell me i completely suck and i should never attempt a high note again in my life? Did they hate my audition that much?! What the fuck was happ-

"Harry Styles?"


I nodded with a forced smile and hoped for the fucking best.

"Can we talk?" he asks while turning on his heels and walking to the opposite side of the corrider. The audition room wasnt quite far from where he stood actually.

Getting up from where i sat, i wiped my hands on my skinny jeans knowing it wouldn't leave a mark because they were black. I walked up to Nick who waited patiently and still had a warm smile on his face. I really didn't know what to expect. For all i knew, he was just being nice and pulling me away from the rest of the guys just to tell me i didnt make the cut.

"You've got quite the range there Harold. It's Harold right?" For a moment i forgot what the hell a range was and then i remembered. Right.

"Uh no, just Harry." i smiled. Literally only Louis calls me Harold but its actually just Harry. Like Barry.

"Oh sorry. I just assumed that Harry- anyway," he chuckled, looking a bit embarassed, "Harry, we really liked your voice and we think you'd fit the spot perfectly."

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