★Chapter 20★

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I woke up to Niall fucking screaming (or atleast i thought he was because i was seriously hungover from last night). My eye lids creaped open, revealing the blonde haired boy vigorously pulling the curtains to the each side of the window. The light coming from outside was dim, indicating that its still early in the morning. Niall who was now facing me, gave a toothy grin.

I shrugged very loudly in annoyance, i was still tired and i needed more sleep. I tried to turn to the other side and pull the blankets over my head but then i saw a shadow standing at the door. Squinting my eyes, i realised it was Louis. My heart dropped to my balls as i suddenly remembered what happened last night.

"I saw bottles of pills in his duffle bag."
"Are you saying Niall's doing drugs?!"
"Hes hooked on those pills i saw."

"You're the one that walked away."
"You left me to deal with it alone."
"I can't let go Lou."
"You blame 'us' ."

Well, i definately had an adventurous night. Niall's eyes continued boring into me and i really didn't understand what was going on. Why was Louis standing at my door? I stared back at Niall in confusion.

"Niall, what?" i asked very curiously.

"You said you'd help me move back in. Well, im moving back in."

"At five in the morning?" i questioned, not looking at my watch but still assuming that it was around that time.

"Yes H. Before practise starts."

"And after practise?" i pleaded.

"I have class after practise then i have practise again and then i have to study for mid terms and then i-."

"Fine." i spoke under my breath, rolling my eyes secretly. I wasn't even tired anymore, Niall drained it out of me. Hes a drainer. But that's why i love him and deep down i was happy he decided to move back in. Even if i had to wake up at five in the fucking moring.

I threw my duvet off of me so it fell on the other side of the bed, exposing me shirtless in my briefs only. Niall smiled at me slyly and walked off.

"My stuff is across the hallway! Meet you guys there!" he left, Louis remaining at the door, staring at me as i rumaged for my clothes.

"Stop staring."

"Do you remember what we talked about last night?" he asked softly, looking behind him to make sure Niall was gone.

"Yes and ill talk to him, but not now." i answered, ignoring the other parts of last night because i didn't know how to approach them.

"And do you remember the other part...." he asked.


"Yes." i replied truthfully. I pulled on a pair of black skinnies and then stood up straight, him and i now facing each other fully. We were about two meters apart but his stare still felt very physical on my body. He didn't say anything for a bit. We both kinda just... took each other in.

"Then why did you leave?" he asks.

I notice my shirt on the floor to his left so i walk over and pick it up. I straighten it out a bit and slide my right arm in before the left. As i button it up, i notice Louis' eyes following my hands. I get to the middle button and stop there, leaving the rest free. He was probably looking at the tattoos that covered my chest. I didn't have them when we were together so they're new to him. His ocean blue eyes go back to my face, still waiting for an answer.

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