★Chapter 25★

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"Maybe i should just go. I don't want him thinking im desperate."

I sat criss-crossed-applesauce on Harry's bed as i watched Niall who was sprawled out on his own bed, reading a book. He had his left arm tucked comfortably under his head while his right held the book firmly on his chest. The room was lit up by the bulb on the ceiling that emitted a relaxing, dim yellow light. Niall  turned to face me with a raised eyebrow. The look was intimidating and it made me feel small. As so, i dropped my head and played with the heel of my foot. I already felt so deflated from Harry standing me up-what did i even expect- but Niall seeming to not care made it a whole lot worse.

"Why would he think that Lou?"

"Im sitting on his bed and hes obviously avoiding me."

"Maybe he's just stuck in traffic. Orr maybe he's the one waiting for you. Did you guys say where you'd meet."

"No." i answered simply in a low, sad voice. I dont even know why im upset. Harry doesn't owe me anything. I should've seen this coming from a mile away.

"He's probably just running late Lou, don't be sad."

"Im not sad." i stated matter-of-factly.

"Mhm." niall sarcastically hummed and turned back to reading his book. I couldn't help but feel empty and embarassed. I probably looked like a fool, literally sitting and waiting on Harry's bed like an idiot. I should just go. Sighing, i contemplated waiting another ten minutes just incase Niall was right after all. I decided to give it a bit more of a wait and maybe Harry would arrive soon.

As i looked curiously around this room that i hadn't been in too often, i noticed alot of things. For example, Niall's side of the room was very untidy compared to Harry's. His bed was undone with clothes, books, pens, you-name-it lying all over. His desk had no order at all and i doubt he'd dusted up anything in the last year.

Harry's side however was the total opposite and i couldn't help but feel a little proud. His bed was made neatly with a cute light blue comforter-the type that gets stained easily- and yet this one didn't have a spot. The book shelf above his bed contained books that were all arranged according to colour and his desk was clear of any clutter. On it was a huge pencil case that looked very full. Curiously, i reached out and grabbed it. I snooped through the thing, glancing at Niall to see if he had noticed my inquisitive behaviour. He hadn't. I saw a bunch of highlighters and coloured pens. Nothing too eye-catching except for a small paper that was folded and stuffed in the corner of the pencil case. I unfolded it and read its contents. Looked like a flier to me. It was infact a flier for OneSided auditions. But why would Harry have this? I looked closer at the date and noticed that the auditions were today.

Then it clicked to me. That could be the reason Harry isn't here. He's auditioning?

But why would Harry be auditioning for a band. He's in his second year of law school and to me, it seemed like he had no interests in singing anymore. I guess i was wrong. Just as i was about to ask Niall about it, a loud bang made my breath jerk. I could feel my heart race faster as Harry came in bursting through the door. He panted and looked straight at Niall, not yet noticing my body that was stuck as a statue on his bed. My nerves were definately hitting me up at this point.

"Niall! Where's- Louis'-dorm?!" he shouted between inhales and exhales. Had he been running? I could vividly see sweat on his forehead and his curls were all messed up as they hung down in different directions.

Before Niall, or myself, could reply Harry turned to his bed and finally saw me. He let out a breath and seemed a bit relieved which made my heart relax a bit. I honestly thought he'd be mad to find me here. I thought he was avoiding me and hoping that i had forgotten of his existence.

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