★Chapter 21★

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I sat with my legs crossed on the edge of his bed, watching him pace around in complete horror. He seemed so distorted and it really vexed me because this wasn't too much of a big deal. It's not like we were caught naked or anything. I had no idea why he was so agitated.

"Haz please just calm down." i whispered.

"I can't Lou. He caught us lying on my bed and now i have no idea what he's thinking."

"He's thinking we're friends that are casually hanging out."

"You don't know my dad Lou."

I could see how awfully worried he looked so i got up and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't hug me back because i had his arms wrapped in the hug too. I just needed to reassure him that everything would be okay. Seeing my baby so scared isn't something i like.

"Im sure he'll accept us even if he knows." i whispered into his ear while tip toeing because i was a little shorter than him. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and exhaled. I could feel his warm breath travel down my skin and it felt nice. It felt like him and i were finally something more than just safe havens. We both meant alot to each other despite the opinions everyone else had.

"Lou you need to go."

"Haz, why?"

"Just...please. I need you to leave now."

I finally let go of him and stared into his eyes, hoping he wasn't pushing me away because of his fear for his dad. I was wrong. He really did want me gone. I wasn't upset but i just wished he could be more open with the guy. It would make both our lives easier and he wouldn't have to hurt so much.

"Okay, i'll go."



After Niall and Louis left for practise, i went straight to the library so i could catch up on everything i'd missed during my escapades. I attended my classes which was great but it also landed me with alot of catch-up assignments. Most of which, i managed to get done by day end. When i was finally finished with most of my work, i went back to the dorms. The first thing i did was flip on the light switch to reveal the messy room that was stacked with Niall's unpacked boxes.

The whole set-up reminded me of the events from earlier today. I actually spoke to Louis and it felt nice. For once, my guard wasn't up around him. Maybe now we could establish a middle ground and i could probably work on how exactly i feel towards him.

I continued weaving around the room until i was at my bedside. The whole day i had planned to call Gemma and check up on her because i'd been putting her off for a while now. I was avoiding her because i knew she'd ask about Louis. Atleast now i'd have some kind of answer for her, even if its not what she wants to hear. She did tell me to stay away from him.

My hands fished through my back jean pockets for my phone. Instead i found a piece of paper that was folded untidily. Only then i realised that i hadn't worn a new pair of jeans since last night, when we went to watch OneSided perform. I unfolded the paper and when i saw its contents, i only vaguely remembered putting it in my pocket last night.

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