•~Chapter 6~•

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Heyy, so i really want to apologise for the length of this chapter. Its really long but im so proud of it. I think its one of the best yet. Enjoy!


I'd been at the university for more than a week and i had no idea how huge it was. Unlike most of the other freshman, i hadn't done any sort of survey for colleges. I wasn't even planning on going for tertiary education. But then i got offered a scolarship to play here and well, i guess i just dived right in. I mean, not every standard guy gets offered a scolarship, and this could up my chances to play in the national team if i get scouted.

Ofcourse most people my age were in their second year, like Harry for example, who's a sophomore now. I on the other hand, am fresh out the oven. I guess that's why i find everything so strange at this place. People basically do whatever they want. I was never like that in school. I was always focused on what mattered. That all changed when things went south in my life. I guess i just lost what i had but atleast i got through high school. Well, crawled and scratched but i got through nonetheless. That last year though, was pretty heated and to some extent, the reason i decided not to advance to college. To my surprise, that changed too.

And to be properly honest, i hated all the change. It's like i had no control over my life anymore, and i hadn't for a long time. Ever since i got with Harry two years ago everything basically just went its own way and i hated that.

Speaking of.

"Thats it, i guess. That's all you need to know basically."

And then my head looked up and it hit me again that i was with Harry. The tour had ended and i didnt even realise. I was just so caught up in my own thoughts, in the way our arms would graze if he stirred in his step a bit or when the wind would blow in his direction and i'd smell that strong cologne he had on. It saddened me a bit that it was all over now.

But really nothing had happened between us and that saddened me too. All he did was point at buildings and tell me about the teams we competed against. I wanted to talk about us. Wasn't he the tiniest bit concerned about anything? We hadn't spoken in years and the last time we did, he had left me sobbing in the middle of a street. Didn't he have something to say, an apology, an explanation, anything? We shared a past and that isn't something any of us can deny or forget. We can't just let it go because its not just any past, the things we share, the secrets we have...they're too deep to just leave buried and i feel like that's what Harry is doing. Running away from his past. He hasn't even acknowledged me since i got here, except in the hallway when he said my name. Even i was surprised that he even remembered it.

It confused me anyway because how could he just pretend like this. But i guess he really meant what he said on that last day. He really didn't care. I meant nothing...


We shared too much for me to just mean absolutely nothing.

He still meant more than he should to me. I still dont know what exactly. But everything i felt back then still lingered. Im afraid the feelings aren't mutual.

"Umm, harry thank you for your help and im so sorry for dragging you into this." Here i was, apologising again.

"S'okay, glad i could help but since you're all good now i guess ill head back," He said, no emotions whatsoever on the perfectly lined face and im pretty sure he didn't mean that he was glad to help.

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