•~Chapter 9~•

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"So im guessing you're acting all funny because Harry told you something."

Niall and i were gyming, just about to check out the line-up board to see who was picked out for the game. Obviously, Niall would be playing, its the first game of the season;But im the new kid here and im a freshman so its not really likely that im playing. Scolarship or not. I did get my team jersey yesterday but im still skeptical about the game.

Through the whole gym session Niall had been giving me...weird looks and i assumed Harry had something to do with that. He must have said something because i hadnt seen him or Niall since yesterday. Since Harry lashed out at me.

"Actually no. He didn't say anything but he did confirm that something did, infact, happen between the two of you."

"Uhuh." I said, trying not to open any cans. Harry's and my history is something he made very clear, he doesn't want any part of.

It really hurt, because i just wanted to talk to him. After that day two years ago, we never spoke about what happened. I just wanted to know how he was and let him know that none of it was ever his fault.

"You've got to tell me Louis, what happened? Why does he hate you so much?" Niall literally looked like a child whose mum refused to tell what his christmas present is.

"I just- i guess it's the obvious Niall. Something really bad happened a long time ago and he blames me."

"What happened?!" Now he had a look on his face that said  c'mon Louis give me something. A desperate kind of look. I would be desperate to know too.

"It was really bad and he is right to put it all on me. I just, i really cared for him yeah." I confessed.

"Do you still care for him?"

I knew for a while, infact, i knew from the time Haz left that i would never stop caring for him but i've never said it out loud. To anyone. The only person that knows is Harry because i told him i would always love him. I just don't think he ever believed me.

"I never stopped Niall."



"Wait what..."

I was completely shocked, standing infront of the line-up board, my name staring back at me for the first time and i didn't understand why exactly.

"Haz! Looks like you're tagging along with us."

I turned my head to see Ed was now standing next to me, beaming at our names like its the best thing. Its not. Its the first game of the semester, the first away game and im a substitute player. What if i mess it up? No way im going!

"Ye-ah apparently i am. Um, do you know why Ed?" I asked the blonde haired boy.

"I think its cause Torres got injured or somethin', but who cares Styles! You're coming s'all that matters," Ed shouted, tugging at my shoulders and laughing loudly. It warmed my heart, he's probably the only person on this team who cares, besides Niall ofcourse.

Niall, who immediately walked up to Ed and i, with Louis, if the smile on my face that turned into a frown wasn't obvious. I looked at him, Louis, for a brief second before my eyes tore back to Ed who shouted.

"Harry, im not taking no for answer. We're sitting next to eachother on the bus to Birmingham!"

"Um excuse yourself Ed but Harry, my bestfriend by the way, is sitting next to me."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Niall's jealousy.

"Nope, i dont care Horan. Harry's with me." And Ed was ruffling up my already ruffled up curls. Well, he really wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I guess you're stuck with me then, Tomlinson." I heard Niall say.

My eyes shot to him, then Louis. Our gaze stuck for a bit. Mine was cold and  confused. His was sly. So i turned to the board and it hit me. Louis' gonna be there too and Niall is definately not going to keep him away from me.

The look on Louis' face was irritating the fuck out of me. He knew that both of us being at the game was getting to me and i could see that he was enjoying it.

"This is gonna be interesting," i heard him whisper under his breath as he walked away from Niall.

Where the hell is Torres!


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