•~Chapter 4~•

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"Absolutely not Niall." I stated quite plainly. No fucking way was i letting this happen.

"Harry, i dont know what your problem is. He's new, he needs someone to explain the season," he explained for the hundredth time.

"And why the hell should i be the one to do it?! Why not Liam or any other fucking person?"

"Because, harry, i already told him you'd do it for me. I cant miss another lecture because of football."

Niall had missed quite a few classes because he played on the main team but it wasn't an excuse to dump this on me. Without even asking! I mean, im not even on the first team, im a sub. He could have asked any other person. Why me?!

"And i dont know why you dont like Louis. He's such a chilled out guy. A bit quiet but i really like him. You will too."

"He's friends with Liam, Niall. Why would i like him?"

Obviously that wasnt the reason i didn't want to help Louis today but i couldn't exactly tell Niall about our past. The best excuse i had was that he's an annoying football player just like the rest of them. But Niall is stubborn as hell an nothing i said was getting him to budge. He just kept going on about how nice Louis is. How he's such a good listener and he's an amazing striker. All it did was bring back memories i did not want. But no matter how hard i tried, they were coming back into my brain, reminding me of all the regret, the pain.

(2 years ago)

It had been raining so hard and when i arrived at his house i was soaked down to my socks. My hair was dripping water into my eyes so i couldn't see a thing. I just grinned like an idiot. We were all supossed to be having drinks at Louis' but noone had arrived yet.

I stood inside, at the door, soaked and shivering. I mean, in any scenario, Louis should have been jumping around to help me get dry. Nope, he just stood there and laughed his lungs out.

"Its not funny Louis. Im so cold."

I wanted to shout but i was too numb to raise my voice. Louis finally stopped laughing and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind us with his foot. He wiped the water on my eyes, cupping my cheeks in his hands.

"Open your eyes Harry."

His voice was so soft, so warm that i wanted it to be my blanket right now. When i met his gaze, his eyes were wide, bright blue. He stared, so intensely i thought he'd gotten lost somewhere in his thoughts.

But then he was kissing me. It was so passionate, so intense, i melted in his mouth. I knew his lips could taste every part of my mouth because he wasn't leaving any part unkissed. He changed the angle of his head after every pull he made with lips. His tongue begged for an entrance and i gave in. I was numb. I dont even think i kissed him back but none of us cared. He gently bit my bottom lip and felt i electricity gushing through me. I wanted this so badly. I wanted him.

And when those hands dropped from my hair to my back, his warm, almost hot fingers sliding underneath my t-shirt, his nails digging into my sides, i was whimpering. His warm skin against my cold body, it sent even more chills down my spine. I was so out of breath at this point.

"Louis, louis-stop-someone could-see us." I said between inhales and exhales and soft pecks from Louis' lips. Damn, he'd just kissed the life out of me.

"Don't worry angel. He's not here. Its just you and i." He said calmly.

"Say it again," i whispered.

"Say what again," he laughed slightly while pulling a curl behind my ear with one hand and hugging me tightly with the other.

"Louis, you know what," i pouted.

"Angel...angel, angel, angel. You're my angel Harry."


Oh yeah, Niall was still getting me to agree to this sickening idea.

"Damn it, stop doing that."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Pretending like you cant hear me." Niall sounded truely hurt at this point. I'd been doing that alot the past few days but i wasn't pretending. My mind would just get lost in old memories that, ofcourse, i couldn't tell anyone. Not even my bestfriend.

"Im wasn't pre- whatever. What time is he coming?" I gave up.

"He'll be here soon. Just pull out your time table and explain everthing. Tell him which teams he needs to worry about and which we can easily beat. Give him a tour and remember to tell him he'll be playing in the away game next week."

"Since when did i become the tour guide?" I said jokingly but seriously if that makes any sense.

"Shut up Harry," Niall laughed, playfully nudging me.

He grabbed his laptop, "see you mate," smiled at me,  i smiled back and he was gone. I felt my heart drop.

I was actually about to give Louis a tour.



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