•~Chapter 5~•

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It'd been atleast an hour since Niall had forced me to give Louis a tour and then left. By now i had calmed down a bit. I wasn't angry at all. Its just, i had tried so hard in the last week to stay away from Louis. I was just irritated that, of late, nothing had been going my way.

I never thought i'd see him again. I actually never wanted to because it brought back bad memories. But then he just showed up at my uni, and my team. I never wanted that to happen. When i cut all ties with him, i'd expected it to stay that way. I tried to avoid him but then my bestfriend screwed that up too. Its like i had no say when it came to Louis.

Even two years ago, i didn't choose to love him. I didn't even want to. It just happened, and suddenly, i couldn't stop myself. I knew it was bad, i really did. I just...i dont know.

And again, in the coffee shop, why had i even spoken to him. I mean, i didn't want to. I just...did.

I needed help, something, anything. And even though Niall and i were so close, he didn't know anything about what happened two years ago. So i called the one person that did.

"Hie Harry is everything ok?"

"Hey Gems. Yeah why wouldn't i-"

Shit. No nothing was ok. That's why i called my sister in the first place.

"Actually, umm, no. Everything's gone to shit Gem," i explained, truthfully this time.

"What happened Harry. You sound really bad."


I trailed off. What was i supossed to say right now?

"Go on big brother, you know you can tell me anything."

She sounded so concerned and that's what i loved about her. I could really just be myself around her. No need for walls and toughness when im with my sister. Just me.

"He's back," is all i got out.

"Who....wait, no Haz. Do you mean-"

"Yeah. Louis, Gem. He enrolled here about a week ago and he's on the football team and i saw him and i actually spoke to him and i dont know what to feel and i remembered it all Gem and its so hard to think about it and now-" i was crying. It was all just there. The reason i forgot about louis, the memories we shared. They kept coming back.

"Shh..shh Haz. Haz listen to me. Calm down. You're okay."

"Im okay."

"Youre okay," she reassured.

"Gemma, he's coming over today. I have to give him a tour," i told her.

"Why you?!" She shouted.

"I have no choice," i really didn't.

"Harry, i dont think that's a good idea. After everything that's happened. You were a wreck two years ago. I wont let that happen again."

She was so right. So damn right and i knew that.

"What should i do. I cant just ditch him." I told her.

"Do you.. Umm. Haz, do you still..."

"What! No! No, Gem. I never did, i told you that."

No, i definately did not still like Louis. Why would she even ask me that?!

"Then ditching him is what you'll do."

Her words hurt and i didn't know why. Maybe those weren't the ones i wanted to hear when i picked up the phone. But in any case, she was right.

"Okay. Thank you Gems. I have to go before he gets here."

"Okay big brother. I love you."

"I love you too."

I was about to put the phone down when i heard her voice again

"Oh and Harry, stay away from him."

"I will."



I told Niall i'd be there at 3pm. Gosh its 4pm right now and im still not there. I've been stuck in bed, scared of coming out into the typical January coldness. Also, i knew Niall had asked Harry to replace him and since he hadn't called to tell me Harry'd declined, i assumed that everything was still on. Thats not a good thing because now i'd have to see him.

A small part of me, however, was excited. After he'd unexpectedly spoken to me in the coffee shop, i thought that maybe we could talk today. It had been two years after all.

Should i get him a coffee too? I am about to buy one for myself. And i had seen him in here a couple of times. No. That'd be weird. I wont get him one.

Five minutes later and im shakingly walking up to Niall and Harry's room with two coffees in my hands. Yes, i bought him a coffee but ill just say it's because he agreed to help me today. A thank you, basically.

I get there and then it hits me. Im about to see Harry, again. But this time, im about to have an actual conversation. Walk side by side with him, look at him.

I couldn't breathe, so i stood there like a fool. Knock you idiot.

And then the door flew open, along with my eyes that were wide from shock. I nearly spilt the coffee. I wasn't ready. Harry, why did you open it?! I just needed a second.

But he looked shocked too. Like he hadn't expected to see me. Was he about to leave? And his eyes...they were red and puffy. Like he'd been crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

He laughed. Like he was annoyed by the question.

"Im fine. I just...uh."

He trailed off for some reason. So i took the opportunity and handed him the coffee.

"You brought me coffee?"

"For helping me today." I said.

"Oh, well Niall forced me to. I had no choice."

I didn't know how i felt about that response but its definately not what i'd expected. It felt a bit like dejavu. I wasn't going to beg anyway. If he didn't want to, Niall shouldn't have forced it.

"Okay. I um, I understand. Don't worry about. I'll find someone else to show me around." I stated, turning on my heels and leaving. Gosh, the embarasement. Im going to kill Niall.


I froze. It'd had been too long since i heard that in that voice. You know the feeling? Its like eating different types of cottage pie but there's only one like your mum's. Well, there's only one voice like Harry's.

"Wait. I um, i didn't mean that. I can still take you if you want."



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