•~Chapter 10~•

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(2 years ago)

Previously on chapter 7

My lips grazed his, barely. Electricity gushing through me, i don't even know how im not dead! His soft lips were way too gentle against my chapped ones. I wanted him to fix them for me. I grazed his lips again, pulling back just to see if he was okay. But when green met blue, i knew he wanted this too. Just as deeply and intensely as i did.

I leaned in one last time and i could already taste how sweet he must be. Every part of him. My bottom lip lightly rubbed under his, coating the skin a bit with wetness. I parted his lips with my tongue and finally let my eyes fall closed so i could work this boy's mouth but then...

"Louis, what the hell are you doing?!"


I didn't know why i was letting this boy do these things to me. Hold me, touch me, pull on my curls. And now he was about to kiss me and i knew it was wrong but i didn't want him to stop.

When i could finally feel him on me, his smooth tongue, his rough lips, everything else didn't matter. I didn't care about anything because i felt safe with him. I may not have known him, even his name;i was basically kissing a stranger, but i felt cared for. I felt like I could melt into his arms. I felt he'd hold me until all my problems disappeared.

I wanted to remain there forever but that wasn't happening. He was about to take my lips into his. I really wanted it but then my world got turned upside down.

"Louis, what the hell are you doing?!"

Everything in me rose at a painful speed. When i heard that soft yet angry voice, i recognised it immediately. It was Fiz, Zayn's cousin that i had spoken to earlier.

And now here she was. Glaring at the boy that i almost cheated on Zayn with. A complete stranger.

"Louis, i asked you a question." She said, eyes blazing on ... Louis.

"It's none if your fucking business," Louis shouted, getting up from the bench. I couldn't meet his eyes. I don't even think he was looking at me anyways. There was no way i could look at Fiz, who i knew was glaring at me. If looks could kill.

"Yeah? Well, im sure Zayn would be eager to know why you had your tongue down his boyfriend's throat."

"I didn't even kiss him Felicity! Go ahead! Tell Zayn, what do i care?"

"No!" I screamed or atleast i tried.

Zayn's the most fragile soul i knew and i didn't want to break his heart. I didn't want to lose him.

Louis just stared at me and then walked away. He shook his straight hair with his fingers in frustration. Fiz didn't follow him and that scared me. I didn't want to know what she had to say.

I guess i was going to find out anyway.

"Harry-" she started.

"Im sorry Fiz. I promise i didn't mean to. Its just- Zayn was being so mean and he shouted at me and Louis hugged me and told me it was okay and i just-" Tears were streaming down my face. Why the hell was i always such a mess.

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