•~Chapter 2~•

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So it's clear that im on the football team. Am I good at it? Nope, not even. I play football to kind of just have something to do after being drowned in books the whole day. I mean, im a law student, I live on campus and my one friend is Niall, who, for some reason, thinks he's the most popular kid on the block. I'd really hate to burst his bubble but i completely disagree.

So yeah, my life is quite boring.

Most games, im a sub and every time someone gets injured on pitch i have to come up with a gazillion reasons why i cant substitute them.

I've always loved the idea of football. I always keep up with the premier league. Infact, i've been to a couple games at the Etihad. Im a huge fan and no, i don't support man city just because they got rich. I think those theories are complete bullshit. That team is legit. Money or not.

Niall, on the other hand is pretty fucking good. He plays goalie and is quite respected in his position. There is,  ofcourse, Edward, who's second to Niall. He plays in alot of games and he's excellent. I like him, he's not like most football players, Liam, for example. He's chilled and that's nice.

All these reasons add to why im sitting right on top of the bleachers instead of down at the pitch.

The team was being introduced to new team mates, that being the freshmen. I heard there's a really good player this year. He apparently even got a scolarship.

Niall has probably already found out who exactly it is.

I, on the other hand, couldn't get the events from earlier out of my head. Louis Tomlinson. He was right infront of me. After so long,  after 2 years. I didn't know whether to be happy or angry or scared. All i knew was that i was not ready for any of this.

It had been way too long since i'd seen him. Let alone thought of him.

I tried to recall the last time we'd seen each other. I couldn't though. I know it was only two years ago, but that feels like ages. When you lock away memories in the deepest parts of you, it's kind of hard to just bring them back up. I was never planning on unlocking anything. But neither was i planning on ever seeing him again!


Practise, well  it was really just the coach giving a whole essay of announcements and then Liam giving words of advice in the lockeroom, that i paid no attention to. He practically screamed at us and threatened to cut off our testicles if we lost one game. Yeah right. I doubt he even knew which part of the body the testicles were. No, wait, he did. Cause thats the only damn part he used.

Liam was a bladdy man whore. Sorry to say, but hes slept with half of campus by now. Boys and girls. He just fucked everyone. I dont even know how he still has the energy to kick a ball. And the most disgusting thing is that he was praised for it. We all knew he kept a record of his accomplishments , all based on what the person looked like. He'd give himself points depending on how  hot that person was. Prick.

After practise i looked for Niall but he wasn't anywhere he usually was. I was tired anyway so i didnt wait. I just went back to the dorms, already imagining how nice my blankets would feel right now. The thought made me pick up my pace. It was still freezing outside, so i kept my hands buried in my coat.

When i opened the door my eyes fell onto Niall. He had a bright smile on his face but he wasnt smiling at me. I kinda felt disappointed that he had abandoned me in the lockerooms. But then i realised why he was smiling. Rather, who he was smiling at. And when that person's eyes landed on mine, i went rigid.

Then it came back to me. That memory i had been trying to recall earlier. The last moment i had seen Louis Tomlinson..

"No! No! Its all my fault. I didn't mean to, I promise I didn't mean to,"

I cried. The tears were hot, burning against my skin. I had been crying for hours, hours since i found out what had happened. My face was puffy and my eyes were swollen. The deep, black pit in my stomach wasn't going away. I just wanted it gone. I wanted to die.

"Make it stop! Please! Please! Make it stop...i just want it to stop. God please  just kill me. Just...please,"

It wasn't stopping. It wasn't going away. I was in pain. I didn't know what to do.

I screamed.

I just screamed.

So loud, my voice was starting to crack.

"Harry! Harry, stop baby..."
I heard a faint voice calling. And when that voice got closer, and the owner of that voice touched me, I snapped.

"Get away from me!" I yelled. "This is your fault. You made me do those things!" I was ranting by now.

"You made me do them. You forced me to do it. I didn't want to. I didnt 'love' you!" I continued.

"Harry, I ... I thought..."

The hurt in his voice was there. It was so clear. But I didnt care. I couldnt think properly.

"You thought wrong."

And that was the last time i had seen Louis. Until now. Until right now. He's standing right infront of me. In my room. Next to my bestfriend. Next to my bed.

"Harry!" Niall screached, bringing me back to life.

"Fuck, you look like you just seen a ghost. Are you okay?"

Damn it. Did i have to be that bladdy obvious.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked, one, trying to control my voice and failing, two, still standing like a statue at the door and three, heart racing at a million miles per hour.

"I was saying, this is the guy with the scolarship. Louis. Hes really freaking good at football." Niall continued.

Now my eyes were focused on Louis again. He had his head bent down, staring at the floor, or his shoes. I couldn't tell. His hands clutched together at his chest. He was different. Was it the facial hair or the biceps? It definately wasn't the height. Nope, still short. Still small. Still ridiculously handsome.

Niall probably noticed my strange behaviour. But he chose to ignore it and moved on.

"You coming to the party? And don't say you've got to study."

"Wh-what party?"

"The team's having a first day party. Ed's hosting."

"It's too cold for a party, Niall," I explained, now moving into the room and dropping my bag on my bed. Louis just looked at Niall. The look screamed that he wanted to get out of here. The feeling was mutual.

"But you like Ed. And he wants you to come. He even asked me to tell you."

"Im tired. Its been a long day. Just tell him ill make up for it at the next party."

"Yeah right," Niall laughed. But i didnt care. I just wanted them to leave. He looked over at Louis, "lets go, louis." And they were gone. Louis didnt even look back. He was out of the door before i could even blink.

Now, however, i could breathe. Now i could think about everything. I knew now was the time to finally accept that i wasnt seeing ghosts. That i had really, honestly just seen louis. But it wasn't happening. I still could not believe it.

What bothered me the most was what he had going on in his mind. Obviously, obviously he didn't expect to see me here either. Was he just going to pretend like i didn't exist? Like nothing happened. And what was that, that he had done in the cafeteria?

He defended me. Why?

Didn't he hate me?


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