Chapter Twenty~Hello Brother

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Chapter Twenty~Hello Brother

Castiel's POV:

I was and am sucluded. I am stuck in this room. Nobody has been to see me in days and I am glad of that. I am no longer strapped to the chair but I cannot cross the holy fire. My angel power is being slowy and painfully drained and I can feel Jim wanting to get out. I looked around the musty room. I couldn't here anyone or anything. Only my breath. I could though sense that someone else was here. There are two people. One I have met and the other I have not. I have a feeling I don't want to meet the second person. Though if I knew who they were then I would be able to try and find a weakness. But that seemed eneditable. It would never happen. 

I keep getting posts on the Winchester's and Sadie from the first man. Though he cover's his face he never tells me his identity. All I know is that they both want what are their's. The first one wants the God with Sadie and the other man or thing wants Sadie and another being. I don't know who though? I couldn't understand why she was so important to them? I knew that she was a hybrid and so did all of the other angels but I didn't know why they needed my friend. My sister. 

I then heard footsteps. They were coming closer and gaining near the entrance of the door. Then I heard the bolt click. The lock had been broken. The door was pushed open by such a force I nearly lost balance. I watched as the first man entered the room. He came in and then walked up to me. He then shouted.

"How did you tell them?" He shouted at me. Then he waved his hand to the side and it stuck my face. I clenched onto it and then replied.

"I don't know what you speak of." I told him honestly. He shook his head and he bared his teeth at me. They were yellow and he then snarled.

"You LIAR! JUST LIKE HIM! YOU LIE! AND YET I SHOW YOU KINDNESS!" He roared. He was truly insane. But I had no idea what he was talking about. I looked at him and then thought about what he had said. Kindness? He has shown non.

"I am not liar I don't know what you are talking about?" I said again. This time I was making my tone sound threatening but he didn't seem to make any notice of it. He then took steps forward and my face started to burn. I fell to my knees in pain and my head to the floor.

"You shall bow to your ruler and you shall look at him when he is speaking to you!" He screamed. He then made my head lift up in pain and I faced his eyes. They were full of horror. Just as he was about to strike me again I heard a shout.

"ENOUGH!" I was still looking at the creature. It was a male's voice. He sounded annoyed. I held my breath. I then heard the on coming footsteps until I was met with some black shoes. The man wore blue jeans and I only just saw the bottom of his grey shirt. Is he human?

"He has lied to me and I don't tolerate-" The creature started to say. But the man had had enough. The creature stopped talking and then I saw the slight hand movement from the man. He had closed the first creatures mouth. 

"Nor do I tolerate the fact that you Thanos are beating up my prisoner." He said. So I know that the creature's name is Thanos. Wait.... Thanos? Isn't he that Titan?... Oh Assbut! The other man also sounded familiar. Thanos' hold on me was ended. My head fell down to the ground.

I was still knelt down. I managed to look up at the man. But what I saw scared me. His short mucky blonde hair. His pale skin which showed blood and was tearing slowly apart. The vesil he was in. The same silver ring on his vesil's left hand. The same betrayl in his eye's. The same fact that this guy had killed me. I stared up at him and then he spoke again.

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