Chapter Nineteen~He is back... Who Voldemort?

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Chapter Nineteen~He is back.. Who Voldemort?

Sadie's POV:

I can't believe what has just happened. Loki told me his story and I mine. But when he leant in and kissed me I freaked out at first. But then I felt the warth between us. I know I really shouldn't have but I did. I guessed that dam God back. Hee had followed me and listened to my sorrows and I had kissed him... What the hell is wrong with me? I quesioned. But to tell you the truth I didn't mind it. It was as though fireworks were going off inside of my head. 

It was wrong but it felt so right. I looked at Loki and wrapped my arm's around his neck. That was all I could think to do. In my head I had the very same tune in my head and I kept singing it. 

I kissed a god just to try it. I hope Gabriel don't mind it. I kissed a god and I liked it. And I liked it. It felt so wrong. I felt so right. Maybe I'm in love-.... Wait Gabriel!

I thanked Loki which I don't think anyone else has ever done and then I let go of him. I clicked my fingers and me and Loki were back in Stark Tower and the other's looked at me. They then stared at Loki. A rush of people came and grabbed me. Sam and Dean gave me a hug and then I let go of these two baffoons. I smiled at them and kissed both of their cheeks.

The avenger's started to ask me many questions such as:

Where were you?

How did you do that?.... Oh wait you're an angel!

How and why?

I know how you feel to be lost and lied to.

Why did Loki disapear with you?

All of these questions I didn't answer. I just walked up to Gabriel. He looked ashamed and then turned the other way. I grabbed his shoulder and swun him around. I then gave a small smile but he didn't return it. I sighed and then wrapped him up in my arm's. He hugged me back and then he started to say.

"I am so so sorry Sadie. Please you know that I would of told you it's ju-" I cut him off. I didn't need to hear it. I looked at him and then said back.

"I don't give a dam Gabe. I really don't. I love you as my brother no matter what!" I told him. He let go of me and then smiled. He was happy and so was I. I then looked around the room and Crowley was still here. I turned so I was fully facing him and he mocked my smile. He then said whilst waving his hands.

"Are we finished our little I'm sorry's and I frogive you's?" He asked me. I looked directly at him and then folded my arm's. 

"Jealous Crowley?" I asked him. He then cocked his head to the side. He shook his head.

"Now why would I be jealous of you?" He asked. I then smiled and walked so there was only the trap separating us. 

"Is little Crow Crow Jelly?" I asked him again. He was getting angry. I saw Sam and Dean be cautios. The rest of the Avengers were all staring expect for Tony who was in fit's of laughter.

"Jelly Jelly Jelly." I chanted in front of Crowley. Until he grabbed my waist and yanked me in the demonic trap. Sam and Dean took a step forward but stopped. They knew I could protect myself. Crowley held my waist and started to rub his hands around it. You sick bastard! I thought. I then noticed Loki tense up. He looked as though he would wrip Crowley apart. If Crowley wanted to play a game then why shouldn't I join in?

"Now Love. We seen to be in a little pickle." Stated Crowley. I then turned around whilst I was still in his grasp. I smiled at it and then replied.

"It seem's like we are in a little pickle doesn't my King?" My words were dripping with sarcasm. Crowley laughed and then he replied.

"Just in time for that little Lucifer spell are we?" I nodded my head. He then asked.

"So who is making this deal?" I shook my head at this part. I leant forward and then I kneed Crowley in the balls and he fell back in pain. He shouted in pain and then spat at me.

"You whore!" I nodded my head and then Sam through me rubies knife. I smiled and placed it up against Crowley's neck. I started to cut through his throat.

"Now let's not be too hasty here." He said to me. I smiled and then whispered in his ear.

"Find him. Now!" I demanded. Crowley nodded his head and then said under his breath.

"Oh course your majesty." I smiled and then I let him go. He started doing a spell. It was in Latin. he was saying.

"Lucifer est aut non est in carcere" He chanted over and over again. This translated to: 

 Lucifer, is he or is he not in his cage?

I heard the reply in my head and only me, Crowley and Gabriel could here the response.

"Etiam est. Is e cavea vagi universi. Abscondita est ab omnibus." I nearly cried. Then I opened my eyes and the rest of the people in the room were looking at me. I shared a glance with Gabriel and he looked nervous. I then heard Dean ask.

"Well is that son of a bitch out or not?" I looked at him and then nodded my head. He then looked to the floor and I repeated.

"Etiam est. Is e cavea vagi universi. Abscondita est ab omnibus. Yes he is. He is out of his cage, roaming the universe. Hidden from all." I looked at all of the worried faces in the room. Sam looked at me and then at Dean. He knew why he didn't want him to be out of his cage. We all did.

"Oh shit we're in trouble." I heard Gabriel say. I looked at him and then back at Crowley.

"Lover's in league with Satan?" I asked him. He then placed his hand on his head. He shook it and then I heard Tony ask.

"Right does anyone want a drink? because I really need one right now." He asked. I went over to the bar top and then got out quite a few shot glasses and then poured vodka in the all. I gave half of them to Tony and then me and him started playing a drinking game. I downed all of my shots and Tony well he was getting drunk. I looked at the rest of the Avengers and Supernatural Team. They all walked up to the bar and started to drink. That was everyone expect Sam, Gabriel and Loki. 

As everyone was drinking Crowley was still in his trap but sat on the floor thinking. I was sat besides Sam and Loki was next to me and Gabriel across from me. We all sat in silence and then after a couple of hours everyone returned to their room's bar me. I didn't sleep nor did Gabriel but he still left. I stood on the balcony on my own. Waiting for the morning to come...

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