Chapter Thirty three~Thanos You're going down and I'm yelling Sucker!

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Chapter Thirty three~Thanos You're going down and I'm yelling Sucker!

Loki's POV:

I was still in my cell up until I heard someone rush in. Agent Coulson was running towards the control panel and he took one look at me and then asked.

"Will you help the Avengers?" He asked me. I nodded my head and then he pressed the control pannel.

The cell door unlocked and came open. I looked at him comfused. He couldn't trust me. I looked at him and then asked.

"Why? I killed you?" I stated. He nodded his head again. He then pressed his hand against his ear where he had a bluetooth device strapped on.

"Yeah, people change and for once I belive that you have. No go and save the world." He said to me and then said back in his ear piece.

"Loki has had nothing to do with this... I repeat he is helping the Avengers." I nodded towards him in a thanks. Well I killed the guy and now he believes in me? Tough crowd. I then watched as he ran out of the room leaving me on my own. I then thought about Sadie. I could perform the tracking spell. I then smiled and said the words under my breath and then I opened my eye's to hear cursing. I opened the door in front of me.

I then saw her... Sadie. I looked at her. She had her head down and was in cuffs that had symbols on them to prevent her from getting out of them. She looked at the ground and then mumbled something under her breath. She sounded to swearing at Lucifer but I was far from him. I then chuckled and when I did she lifted her head up. 

She looked at me through her brown locks and gasped. She shook her head and then said.

"You're just a figure of my imagination... now piss off before I seriosuly shove your head up your ass." She hissed. I then stood there. She didn't think that I was real and it was priceless. It was also quite funny to see the angel pissed off by what is really in front of her. I then asked.

"And how will you manage to do that when you are inthose shackles." I pointed to the cuffs and she looked down at them and shrugged her shoulders and replied.

"I just will now leave. My mind is messing with me. And even if it isn't Loki won't want to see me after what Thanos and Lucifer did." She informed me and then looked to the floor and a single tear fell from her eye. She was as hurt as I was. But I was so happy to see her. I then waved my hand and the shackles were gone.

"Yes and know I have found out that you would never turn your back on me." I said to her softly. She then looked up at me from where she was sat. She gasped once more and then asked.

"Loki?" I nodded my head. She smiled and then got up and ran towards me. She jumped into my arm's and then I started spinning her around. 

"Hello Sadie." I whispered in her ear. She started to laugh happily until I heard a throat clear itself. I placed Sadie on the floor and then looked to see who it was who interupted our celebrations. I turned around and there stood a pissed off Thanos.

"Thanos you have lost." I spat. He was holding my scepter in his hand and I wanted it back. I then watched as Sadie turned around and punched me in the face. What the hell was that for? I wondered. She then went away from me and went to the titan's side.

"Sadie what are you doing?" I asked her as I held my cheek which was probably now red. She looked at me and grinned and then winked at me. That sneaky Girl. She wanted me to play along.

"You're right Thanos. I saw nothing in him. I could have had something far better. Much much better such as a strong Titan..." She said. I pretended to look hurt. She was being seductive towards Thanos. I would have cringed but she knew what she had to do. Thanos then placed my specter against the wall and held Sadie by the waist. I slowly made my way to it. Taking one step at a time.

"I knew you would change and fianlly see me instead of that Archangel and the Jotun." He said to her. I was offically going to be sick. I then heard her say back as I grabbed my scepter. 

"I did and you know what... Thanos you're going down and I'm yelling sucker." She whispered in his ear and then pushed him aside. As he slightly fell back I jabbed my scepter into his back so it went through the front of him. He fell down. There was blood all over the floor. Sadie watched him fall. He groaned in pain and I then heard him say.

"Take this and break it once the tesseract has closed the portal. He will go back in his cage." He then pulled off a ring from around his neck and then gave it to Sadie. She nodded her head and then stood besides me. Thanos looked at me and then spat.

"You will die for this Jotun!" And then he disappeared. I looked at Sadie and then she looked at the ring. She knew what she had to do...

Nat's POV:

We were once again fighting the Chitauri. This was serious though. We didn't have Loki's scepter to close the portal the they were destroying everything in their path. There was no hope in any world that we were going to win. 

Coulson had told us that Loki was meant to be helping so where the hell was he? I hadn't a clue where he was. I didn't think he would come either. This was his doing. I think. Well that is what the evidence says.

Steve and Thor were fighting the lower ground with me and Hulk and Tony were taking the higher ground. We were killing the enemy but more were coming. I had no idea who was controlling this and we were all doomed. The tesseract seemed to be at the top of Stark tower but we couldn't access it as there was many dark forces protecting it. We had tried but failed and we were now all getting tired. 

Clint was also onthe top of buildings shooting the Chitauri's ships. I looked forward for some help as one of them came and knocked me to the floor. It hit me in the back of the head and had managed to corner me. I couldn't move.

Then out of knowhere I heard bullet shots and the Chitauri that were once surrounding me fell to the floor dead. I looked up and then saw him. Dean had killed all of them and there angel friends Castiel and Gabriel were killing the other's. Bright light shone into the creatures heads as they fell dead. I looked at Dean and he offered me a hand which I took. I then smiled at him and to his suprise I hugged him. He then hugged me back and I said.

"Thanks Dean. Maybe you're not suck a jackass after all." He smiled at me and then nodded his head and continued to shoot the incoming Chitauri. 

"Do they never stop comig?" He asked. I shook my head. Then Steve dived in and shouted.

"They're coming through the portal faster than Tony on crack!" He shouted and hit another. I laughed and then in my earpiece I heard.

"Woah I'm on crack now?" It was Tony and we all laughed whislt kicking the asses of the Chitauri. Clint made his way down to us and continued to help us. But I and the others were to caught up to see one of the Chitauri had knocked him down to the floor and his bow and arrow was a mile off. I then shouted.

"CLINT!As the Chitauri was about to hit Clint a blast of blue energy hit the Chitauri and blew it up. I turned and looked to see who had saved Clint and into my suprise Loki was standing there in his full Asgardian armor with his scepter in hand. Clint looked up at him and then muttered.

"Thanks." I didn't know Loki had a heart. And Clint was obviously wasn't as pissed at Loki for what happened a couple of years ago. I then smiled but I was about to get hit when Dean shouted.

"Nat!" He threw me his gun so I could shoot the in coming Chitauri but I didn't need to. I saw a bright light fly through it's head and then it exploded making all of it's guts hit me directly in the face. I looked up and saw Sadie standing there in front of me. She smiled and then said.

"Second assasin that we have had to save today. Really what is the world coming to..."

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