Chapter Two~This is us

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Chapter Two~This is us

Dean's POV:

I woke up this morning but not where I expected to be. 

Me and Sam had been living at the Men of Letters Headquarters with Kevin and we weren't there. I was in a single bed and Sam was on the opposite side of me on a separate bed. He lay there unconscious, I sit up and watch as Sam continues to sleep, rubbing my eyes in the process. Where the hell  are we? I wonder. 

I look at the room, from the dusty furniture to the yellowing wallpaper which was peeling off of the wall. I look down at the beds we are both on, the once white sheets ripped and torn and something else caught my eye...

"Son of a bitch!" I exclaim and hear Sam stir. Within the next few seconds, he jolts awake and pulls out an angel blade. Sam looks at me and then down at the bed and jumps up shocked. 

"Dude, what the hell?" He shouts at me throwing the sheets off of him and jumping off of the bed, brushing the maggots and dead bugs on the floor. Scowling he returns to stare at me. 

"Is this another one of your stupid pranks?!" he continues to shout. I look at Sam and then at the bugs on the floor and a small smirk starts to form on my face. 

"Dean this is not funny!" He shouts again starting throwing a temper tantrum like a small child. I burst out laughing watching as Sam jumps up and brushes all of the dirt and bugs off of his jeans and watch as he runs a hand through his hair. 

"Well, Sammy it is just a little bit," I reply pinching my thumb and index finger together leaving a small gap to indicate to Sam how funny I thought this was. I continue to laugh as he glares at me rolling his eyes and mumbling something under his breath. Something about me being an asshole I think?

"Bitch!" I say grinning at Sam.Sam's lip's start to twitch as he tries to repress a smile.

"Jerk." He replies plainly smirking and looks around the room with confusion written on his face. 

"Assbutt!" I sit frozen on the bed and turn around slowly to see Cas standing next to my bed. He walks around looking at the room before his eyes focus on both me and Sam.

"Cas?" I question confused. Cas nods looking my way and offers me a small smile. 

"Dean," he addresses me and then looks up at Sam who stops walking around the room. 

"Sam," he says to my brother. Sam nods his head and sighs running his hands down his face. 

"Cas mind telling us where we are?" I ask referring to the room. 

"Yeah, where the hell are we? The last time I remember we were in the Men of Letters Hideout, so... we just moved?" Sam asks looking around the room before his eyes land back on Cas. 

"I have no idea where we are," Cas responds sadly looking around again. 

"Something powerful has sent us all here, he takes a lot of power to be able to send people to an alternative universe," Cas states. My eyes widen upon hearing alternative universe. 

"What do you mean alternative universe?! I thought you said you had no idea where we were?!" I exclaim starting to get agitated with Cas. Cas shakes his head looking around again. 

"There are several alternative worlds but I've never been to this one," Cas informs us. Sighing, I run my hands through my hair. 

"So we're in an alternative universe stuck in a crappy motel like we used to be in?" Sam asks. Cas nods his head agreeing with Sam. 

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