Chapter Four~Slender Time

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Chapter Four~Slender Time

Sam's POV:

I was falling from the sky, literally. I closed my eyes and ended up hitting a couple of tree branches on the way down, It wasn't a pretty sight. I was in a woods, it was light but I knew that soon it would become darker. We would be in trouble for when it started to go dark. Considering that this was a game world and we were in a woods. I was catious. All I rememeber was that Freddy was coming for me and when he grabbed me I vanushed and ended up falling from the sky.

I had saved Stella as I saw that she was missing and I heard a faint scream. I didn't want her hurt. If so I didn't know what I would do. I lifted my head and looked to my left. Stella was on the floor and luckily still breathing.

Dean was over a bit and I saw him. I sat up around the same time as Stella and we shared glances. We didn't want to be here in the wood's. Dean then eventually sat up and looked at us. Stella looked different. She was in leather.

She had shorter and darker hair but her eyes remained the same. Her outift was leather jumpsuit with a leather flash mack coat. Her boots came up to her thigh and they were all made from the same leather. She looked at herself and then smiled.

"Cool." She seemed to mutter under her breath. She then looked over to me and I got up and I offered her my hand. Sh greatfully took it and then smiled at me. She then ran over to Dean and offered him her hand and then he stood up. He looked at her and then commented,

"Well, well, well, Stella look at you. You look amazing in a skin tight suit."  She smiled at Dean and then looked around at our surroundings. She smiled again and started to turn around in her heels and laughing. She was happy at least and she seemed to be somewhere where she could be happy.

She then stopped and ran over to us and gave us a hug and kissed mine and Dean's cheeks and I felt my cheek go red. I blussed and felt slightly embrassed. She looked at my cheek and then kissed my cheek again. She then wrapped her arm's around our necks and said.

"Thank you, so much! Cheer's guys. I don't know how I can ever thank you." She breathed and then me and Dean replied.

"Your welcome Stella!" She let go of us and then I asked.

"We need to know where we are. Where are we?" I asked them. Dean then replied and said.

"Well Sam I believe that we are in a wood's." He was being obvious and trying to probably impress Stella. I shook my head and then she smiled but it soon vanished as she replied.

"No Shit Sherlock!" I laughed and so did she. I smiled. She then ran over to the nearest tree and looked at it. I turned to Dean and he said.

"She seem's happier." He told me. I looked away from Stella and looked at Dean. I nodded my head and then replied.

"Yeah she does. I mean how did she even escape? Was she even part of the game?" I asked him. He looked at me and then shrugged his shoulder's.

"I don't know Sam but-... What the hell?" He shouted and I turned my attention to Stella. She was now climbing the tree and she was jumping and pulling herself up each branch. I then watched in amazement as she was able to climb it. I watched Dean and he looked at me. She then reached the top of the pine tree and looked over into the far distance.

 Now me and Dean were able to climb tress but not like that. She seemed to have the athletic ability to be a hunter or something or someone better than a hunter. As she was looking she wobbled on the branch and her body slung back. She was falling through the sky. I ran over to the tree with Dean and we shouted.

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