Chapter Thirteen~Cas where are you?

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Chapter Thirteen~Cas where are you?

Sadie's POV:

Stood on the highway to New York was interesting and extremely frustrating. I was alone. Not in real life alone but in my head. Cas was gone. Gabriel was gone and so was Lucifer. My brother's were fighting and Heaven was in wreck. My mother dead and my father unknown to me and I was stuck with these people. Some of Earth's mightest heroe's and their enemy. Which had now become their allie. This was a disturbing thought. This was wrong. They knew of what I was and who I was. But none of them no matter how much they claimed to know me, knew my past.

None of them knew what I had done. And none of them would truly understand me. Not even the Winchester's. Yes, Sam and Dean were my friends but I still didn't fully trust them. They were sweet to me and helped me through the old game world but now that their world has changed they will run. They will skatter away from me and join the Avenger's no doubt about that. I looked at them all and they all stared off into midspace. Tony and the rest of them knew that I was an angel and they didn't complain about it. But they were a little shaken up about it. I had killed a demon a couple of hours ago and now I was deciding what I must do.

I sighed and shook my head. I didn't have to do this. But I really had no choice. I stood up and then walked over to Tony and grabbed his hand. He looked at me confused for a second and then I closed my eye's. When I re-opened them I looked to see where I had taken us both. We were at Stark Tower. Amazement and shock was displayed in his eye's. He looked at me and then said.

"That was... awesome! Oh my god! That was freaking epic!" He shouted at the top of his voice and then as he turned his back I had left and then went to grab the other's. I had already by now taken back Thor and Bruce and now it was Loki's turn. He looked at me and as I went for his hand he took it away and made a hologram of himself and then vanished. A load of Loki's surrounded me and they started to laugh and come forward towards me.

"Loki, I am in no mood for your games!" I warned. I looked at them all and grinned. I walked over to the rock I had been known to be sat on and picked it up. It was light for me but for other's it would flatten. I then grabbed the rock and slung it at every Loki I could see until there only leaft one. I looked at him and then sighed.

"Can we now go...please?" I asked him. He walked towards me and then grabbed my hands. I looked into his jade eye's and for a moment, I was at peace. I then suddenly snapped out of it and looked in the other direction. Loki saw this and he let out a small chuckle.

"No need to be embrassesed around me love." He coed. I then shook my head and then closed my eye's. When I opened them we were all at Stark tower and a couple of faces made me smile again.

"Sam. Dean." I said and then they ran at me and Dean first gave me a hug. I hugged him back and then said.

"I missed you to big fella!" He let out a small laugh and then Sam gave me a hug. I hugged him back and his hold on me was tight. I couldn't really breathe for a second and then he whispered to me.

"I was really worried about you Sadie." He said. I let go of him and then smiled. I rubbed his cheek with the side of my hand and then said.

"No. I was fine Sam. We didn't get into trouble." I told him. He then nodded his head and I heard a gasp from the side of the room. Clint, Steve and Nat were all looking at me strangely. They had just seen me transport into the room. I smiled and waved my hand at them. Nat got her gun out of it's holster and Clint got his gun. Steve was just watching me. I put my hand's in the air and then said.

"Hiya. How are you guy's going today?" Tony then strutted infront of them and said.

"Calm down. She's an angel! One of the good guy's. One of the Holy ones." He told them. Believe you me, I am not Holy. They lowered their weapons but then Nat asked.

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