Chapter Eight~ SHIELD

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Chapter Eight~ SHIELD

Sadie's POV:

I woke up with someone tapping my cheek lightly. I looked up and saw a man who had little brown hair and a bluetooth device in his ear. He wore a plain black suit and he had a stern look on his face. I tried moving but I was tied up. I looked at the man and then moved and tried to get out the bind's that held me in place.

"Sorry Miss, but you will not be able to get out of those cuffs. The more you struggle the tighter they get." I then stopped and looked at the man. He was trying to be nice. I looked up at him and then asked.

"Who are you?" I asked. He looked down at me and then he said.

"My name is Agent Phil Coulson.I nodded my head. He was so well formal. A bit like a angel obeying order's. I then looked up at him and asked.

"Where am I?" He then smiled and pointed aroud him. 

"You are in SHIELD Miss. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcements and Logistics Division." It was though he was addressing me. I then looked at my surrounding's. I was in  a glass cell. It was see through and circular. There was camera's at every corner of the room. I smiled at the camera and then said to this Agent Coulson.

"So this is a secret goverment place that capture women against their own will? The world really has evolved." I said to him. He smiled at my comment and then replied almost immediately.

"No Miss, SHIELD only captures people who seem to be a threat." I then scoffed. I looked at Coulson and replied.

"I'm no threat, Agent Coulson." I said honestly. He then came down to my level and took out a remote control and pressed the top button. There was me saving Sam's life on the screen and my angel wing's were shown as clear as day. I then scuffled down into the chair and looked at Coulson.

"You were seen earlier today on the streets of New York, repairing a life. You broung back a life." I then nodded my head. I didn't want them to know what I was. But they have now seen a faint outcast of my wing's and I really didn't want then to know what I could do.

"Well um... I-" I started to blub out. This was only an act to take them off of my trail.

"No need to worry, your skills are wanted. We want you to join our team of extrodinary people." He told me. I then fell back in my chair and hit my head and the floor. They wanted me to join their team? Why? I then saw the cage sorry cell door open and Agent Coulson lifted my chair up and then uncuffed me. I looked at him and then smiled. I was shocked he let me go.

"Erm... Thanks?" I didn't know what I was going to do. Coulson smiled at me and then showed me out. I got another look at the cell and then commented by saying.

"I don't think that cage was exactly built for me?" I commented. He chuckled and then said. 

"Well it was built for someone much stronger than you." I then didn't say anything but thought. Yeah not a chance.

Agent Coulson took me through the many corridor's until I stopped when I heard shouting. I then pushed Coulson out of the way and went through the door. There strapped to two chairs were Sam and Dean. Above them there was a man with light blonde hair and his back turned to me beating them up. I then went forward and grabbed the man's arm, twisted it and let him fall to the floor. As he fell he looked at me and then sat shocked.

"Don't hurt them. Only I can kill these two. How are you Brenden, Daniel?" I asked them. They looked up at me and nodded their heads. 

"You know it's all sunshine and unicorns crapping rainbows here!" Dean cheered. I laughed and then I looked at Sam. He smiled at me and then I asked.

"How are you coping Brenden?" He looked at me and then nodded his head and replied.

"I'm fine Stella. How are you?" He asked me. I then shrugged my shoulder's and before I could answer I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw a dark skinned man with a black eye-patch and a black leather suit. In a similar contrast to my suit when we were back in the gaming world.

"They're all lying. Her especially." The man pointed to me and then I had a load of agents cuff me back up. I then started to fight back but gave up after a while.  I looked at the man and then said.

"I'm not lying sweetheart. Believe me I ain't." I hissed at him. He then came towards me and lifted my chin with his right hand and said.

"Well Sugar that's not what our sources say." Which one, ketchup, mayonnaise, BBQ, Ranch dressing? He then let go of me and I was pushed into a chair. The blonde guy from earlier looked at me and then left the room. I then looked at the man and he introduced himself.

"My name is Director Nick Fury of SHIELD. And you are going to tell me why you are here?" He ordered. I them looked at Sam and Dean and they nodded their heads.

"So Mr Eye-patch guy. What do you need to know?" I asked him. He looked at me and then asked.

"Well, how did you bring Mr Deadbeat back to life here?" He was reffering to Sam at a guess. I looked at Fury and then smiled. I stood up and the cuff's that were once holding me were gone and Sam and Dean gasped. I walked towards Fury and SHIELD agents aimed their guns at me. I then smiled and said.

"Well I would call it Magic my dear Fury. So here's the deal. You let me and my friends go here and talk and see the people on the other side of those camera's. Or I will bring hell down on your asses. Literally!" I was making a bargin with these people. Fury then saw how dangerous I was and nodded his head. Sam and Dean were let go and we were taken to the new people.

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