Chapter Twenty Four~I always thought you were the bad guy?

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Chapter Twenty Four~I always thought you were the bad guy?

Sadie's POV:

So far on the road....

Kevin has tried to kill us all. He shot Sam in the arm and nearly killed Dean. He has had a rant and now is currently sobbing and has locked himself in his room. Me, I was sat at the table in the middle of all of the Men of Letter books surrounding my exsistence. Sam and Dean had gone to their room and they needed to show Tony and Thor what they were up against. Where as Loki he just... well he left and ran off somewhere and I really haven't got a clue where. I changed into a red top and simple black denim jeans.

I was looking through many different sources of Lucifer to see if any of these can help us. But none have been of great use so far. I closed my eye's and then started to bash my head onto the table. I had given up. My brain hurt and I wanted this to be all over. No offence to the guy's but I was the only woman here and even if I was an angel and demon it was complicated. I hated this. I would rather be serving god dam pizzas and that really wasn't a good thing to say.

Many questions came to my mind and Sam was getting suspious. He wanted to know what me and Dean knew. I mean now Loki knew and it was slowly starting to make it's way around the whole group. Sam deserved to know more than most but he and Cas really didn't have a strong a bond as him and Dean. Cas was the guy to save my ass and a lot of people's all the time. In fact I didn't know how we cope without him. He was suffering and being tortured. I couldn't handle it no more. No more...

"She know's you're here Castiel. How?" The muderous voice asked. This was in Cass's cell presumonly. I couldn't see anything but I could only here the voices. 

"I don't know..." He told them. I could here the chuckle. It was a deadly chuckle and I hated it. 

"She is with the enemy. She is with my enemy. You must understand I gave you your powers back and made sure that you didn't run away. I wanted you to simply retrieve my gift and you failed me. You failed me and you shall never fail me again." I heard the deadly voice instruct. I could hear the gasps of Cass. Footsteps were approaching him. 

"No please... Don't touch her. I will not do this... NO!" Cas shouted. There was a chill in the air and another presence was in the room. But this was all in my mind I think tit is anyway. There was clapping and then the so familiar voice was heard.

"Oh Castiel. She is not strong enough to find you on her own.... And if she is then I really must say she has grown stronger by every minute. My brother..." Then a shriek I heard and Cas started to cough. 

"She will never come to you. She is smarter than this. She will never..." He panted. I started to get worried I couldn't visibly see and this was scaring me. I felt the cold surround him. Cas was scared. He was terrified. Then thw last words I heard were. 

"She will come to us... I know she will... Especially if she want's him to live. And the enemy at that..." Then nothing.

My eye's opened and I felt sweat pour down my face. I wiped it away with the back of my hand. The second voice was so familiar and I knew it was. I had to recognise it. Wait he said brother to Cas so that means...

"Lucifer." I sighed. I felt a cold chill go down my spine. Lucifer had Castiel hostage and another man as well had him. They wanted me for somthing. I didn't know what and I know that I keep saying this but I really need to find out before it is too late. Cas is being hurt and I hate it. 

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