Chapter Ten~ Monster?

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Chapter Ten~ Monster?

Sadie's POV:

We left SHIELD behind for the day and then went back to what Tony and the rest of the Avenger's call Stark Tower. I looked at the car's that we got in. I decided that I wouldn't use any of my power's as they would drain my energy and just in case that I needed my power for anything it was best not to. It was amazing how the humans had evolved. And I think that only Loki knew who and what I truly was. I didn't judge but other's judged me.

I loved my home up in Heaven, but being doing on my so called father's "creation" was a new experience for me. Yes I had travelled to Earth before, but to stay here with the Winchester's would give me a new experience in life. I looked out of window of the vechicle. I ended up travelling in the car with Thor, Loki, Tony and Bruce. Yes the Winchester's went with Clint and Natasha and I was stuck on my own wih these nut jobs. 

"See gotta hand it to you, New York has really had a lot done to it since Reindeer Games messed this place." Tony said. I really didn't care about the story of New York. For the past fifteen year's I have been in a game world I really didn't want to know about any more destruction. But to perfectly honest, these guy's were all like angels. Well let's say the angel's that I knew. I suppose if you really had to justify it. Loki would deffinately be Lucifer no doubt about that. Yes they both have daddy issues and want to impress their father's and both have been rejected. 

Next Thor would be Micheal. Yes the all mighty Thor is the older brother and Daddy's preffered out of all of them. The good little soldier that they both are. He got all of the fame and glory but he was the one to betray Lucifer as of his order's and his loyalty toward's God. Ok then that leaves now just the rest of them. To be honest I haven't decided who they would be, need to think on that one. I continued to look out of the window whilst Tony kept bragging on his Tower and how he had to get it rebuilt as of yet again Loki was the cause of this destruction. 

"Seriously Tony, stop talking about your god dam tower! I am up to here with being annoyed." I raised my hand's above my head to show how irritated I was at Mr Stark. He then chuckled whilst staring at me through his wing mirror.

"And look at the road not me." He then took his eye's off of me and looked at the street. He then decided to start to swirl the car. I was getting agitated and  Thor, Loki and Bruce were getting annoyed as well.

"Tony pack it in or heaven help me I will Hulk out on your ass!" Bruce shouted. I looked at him and then smiled. His face was now calm and I looked down and sniggered. 

"Sorry Bruce, heaven can't help you anymore" I muttered under my breath and as I was sat next to Loki he glanced down at me and cocked his eyebrows. I looked up at his gaze and he turned away. I smiled and knew that he didn't want to talk to me anymore. This was funny. I then heard the car shudder a bit but Tony insisted that we kept on going until then.

"Tony what the hell did you do to the car?" Bruce asked. We were outside in the mist and Tony had crapped up the car. Thor,Loki and Bruce were stood back and Tony next to the car. I looked at him and then shrugged my shoulder's. I then looked at the car and at the bonnet where the engine was it was smoking. Tony was leaning on it until he noticed and jumped back. I then braced myself. Tony observed it and I knew what was about to happen.

I wouldn't want to deal with a dead Tony Stark on my hand's so I quickly jumped and landed on Tony and covered him up before.


The car went up in flames and then Tony looked up at me and I got off of him. He then shook his head and rubbed his hand across his chin.

"How in hell did you know that was going to happen?" He asked me. So no thank you Sadie for saying my life. Or cheers Sadie, I would be dead if it hadn't been for you?  I then placed my hands on my hip's and went to answer the question.  

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