Chapter Thirty Four~Supervenger's Assemble

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Chapter Thirty Four~Supervenger's Assemble

Sadie's POV:

They all stared at me and I did a small bow. I had the ring in my pocket and that was going to be smashed once I had managed to close the portal. I knew that Lucifer would be where the tesseract was and that was at Stark Tower. I looked at the team of Avengers and the others and then pulled the ring out of my pocket.

"We need to close the portal." I instructed them. They all nodded their heads.

"Would using Loki's scepter work like the last time?" Clint asked. I shook my head and then Loki said.

"Not this time. There is only one way to close the portal." I looked at him as he looked back at me. I nodded my head and Dean asked.

"How?" I looked at him. He had a cut face and then I replied.

"Me. I need to reverse the spell and then destroy this ring." I showed them all the ring Thanos had given me. Gabriel and Cas saw it and then Gabe said.

"To send Lucy's ass back in his cell." I nodded my head at him. So he had been paying attention to it. I smiled and then Cas added.

"You need to destroy the ring and Lucifer will go back and that is the only way we will get Sam out safely." I then saw Dean's face scrunch up. He looked at me and then at Cas.

"What do you mean to get Sam out?" He didn't know and he needed telling. I looked at him and said.

"Sam said yes to Lucifer to save my life but I tried warning him. I'm sorry Dean." He looked at the floor and I waited for the bitches and everything to come out of his mouth but instead he said.

"You're going to need a distraction then." Then it was set. I then nodded my head and we came up with the plan. Then Tony said to all of us.

"Supervenger's Assemble." I laughed and then got into position. Whislt we had been planning we had also been well fighting off the Chitauri and so forth. Tony came up with the name and then went and listened to the plan. He was going to do the same as last time. He was going to put a bomb in the portal. I had agreed and we set to it. I saw Gabriel take Dean up to the roof and then disappear and then the plan started...

Dean's POV:

Gabriel took me to the roof anf that is where I saw Sam well Lucifer. He turned around and looked at me. He then grinned and said.

"I thought I beat the crap out of you last time Dean to get it into your head but I guess that you really are that stupid." He commented and then walked forward. I could see the tesseract. I then shook my head and said.

"And I told you to give me back Sam and go to hell!" He then came after me and started punching the crap out of me. I was the distraction. I then saw in the corner of my eye Gabriel grab the tesseract. But Lucifer turned around held onto my collar.

"How many times do I have to kill you brother!" He said and then snapped his fingers. Gabriel went up in an explsoion. But luckily we knew that would happen so we made a decoy of him. Lucifer was about to throw another punch at my face to add to the dead eye I already had but he stopped when he heard.

"Lucifer let go of Dean." Her hair was flying backwards and she had the ring in her pocket. Sadie looked mad. Lucifer then looked at me and I thought I saw for a moment Sam looking at me.

"You want me to let him go?... Fine!" Then I was thrown across the tower and I went flying threw the sky. This was were my backup came. I closed my eye's and then I vanished from the air. Cas was holding onto my shoulder and he healed my wounds and then nodded his head and we continued fighting below...

Sadie's POV:

"How did you escape?" I had just seen Lucifer throw Dean off of the Tower and Cas I hope had caught him and taken him back ti safety. Lucifer had just asked me a plain stupid question I then replied by saying.

"It does'nt matter becasue you will lose Lucifer." I told him. I then smiled and he grinned at me. He came towards me and asked.

"What have I to fear?" I then sighed. I saw the tesseract within my reach. I just needed Luicfer to help me get it.

"Oh the Supervengers." I told him. He looked confused. I then heard him ask dumbfounded.

"Who?" He asked me. I then huffed. I had to tell this guy didn't I?

"The Superengers. An improvement to the Earth's Mightest Hero's do dah thing. Who Include:

Two hunter's who don't belive in Y.O.L.O

An Archangel supossed to be dead.

A nerd of the Lord

A dam kiss ass ex-god Angel

Tony Stark.

Two demi-gods

Two master Assassins

A soldier who lives up the name legend.

And a guy with breathe taking Anger issues.

And you Lucifer have managed to piss them all off." I informed him. He chuckled and then I whispered into my ear.

"Any time now Kevin." I had told Kevin to contact the government where then Tony would fetch the bomb.

"Alright Stark's got the bomb.." I heard in my ear. I nodded my head and then Lucifer said.

"That wasn't part of my plan but yay!" He told me. I shook my head and then said.

"You don't get it do you? There is no version of this where you will be on top. There is no God here Lucifer just the Devil who is a fallen archangel with pissy problems and daddy issues." And that was when he got mad. 

Lucifer hit me, sending me flying backwrds so that I was right next to the Tesseract. I smied and the grabbed my knife and shouted.

"STARK NOW!" I slit my wrist over the tesseract and Tony threw the bomb into the portal.

"Claudite ostium, et discedat ab iniquitate omnis vivere and send back to hell. (Close the Portal and Let everyone Live.)" I said as my blood dripped over the tesseract and then nothing. There was nothing.

No more Chitauri as they disappeared into the air and we had won again but this battle was not quite done yet. I grabbed a hold of Lucifer by the arm and then teleported us down to where the other Avengers were. I then saw Gabe and Cas nod there head and that was when I took out the ring.

As soon as I did Lucifer saw and he managed to take us somewhere I didn't expect. We were in Stull cementry. I looked at him with the ring on my finger. 

"You know you will have to go back." I said to him gently. He was my family so I had to be fair and nice with this. 

"Sadie don't do this , I can change." He begged me. I shook my head and took the ring off of my finger and then replied.

"Loki was meant to change and within a year he did. He fell in love and changed his ways. Now you have had over two centuries and you still want to kill the humans. You will not change Lucifer. We both know that." I then dropped the ring onto the floor anf stepped onto the stone. It started to crack and the wind went up.

My hair was blowing in my face and Lucifers cage was starting to open. I looked at him and then he begged one last time.

"Don't be a Michael." I stopped. My foot was still hovering over the ring. Luicfer then looked at me in hope. I sighed and then finally said to him.

"I don't take orders, I give them. Goodbye Uncle... Goodbye Lucifer." And with that I slammed my foot onto the ring and a load of white light shone. Lucifer then shouted.

"NOOO!" Sam fell to the floor and Lucifer's orginal vessil Nick was looking at me. I felt a tear fall out of my eye and then he vansihed and got sucked into his cage. Lucifer was gone. I wiped away the tear and then ran over to Sam. He looked up at me from the grass and then asked.

"What happened?-" ...

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