Chapter Eleven ~Where?

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Chapter Eleven ~Where?

Sam's POV:

I didn't like the idea that me and Dean were separated from Sadie. We didn't know what she was cable of. I didn't want her to get hurt or for anyone to get hurt by her. Yes I may have feelings for her but who doesn't she warms your heart up. The more you know her the more she grows on you. A bit like Garth I guess in a non creepy way.

Me and Dean traveled in a range rover with Natasha and Clint. Yes the avengers were actually real and me and Dean coukdnt understand why the world had changed. There was still angels here well I don't know. Were there still the angels and demons on this earth or was Sadie the only one? These questions I knew couldn't be answered. Me and Dean just sat there in silence until night fell and we were having problems of our own. We weren't stuck but Tony and the others weren't at the tower so we had to book a hotel for the night.

Had they gone missing? Was anyome hurt? Where was Sadie? I knew that this night I couldn't sleep until I knew that she was fine...

Dean's POV:

Steve Rogers aka Captain America was real and so were the avengers this was amazing. Me and Sam travelled in the cars with Black Widow which I must say she is freaking hot and Hawkeye. But America stayed behind at SHIELD for a bit and would meet us all at Stark Tower in the morning. It was an awkward journey over. Nobody would say a word to us until Natasha asked.

"So your the famous Winchester's? What are you doing in New York?" I then looked at Sam and said.

"Would you give me a kiss if I told you?" I asked her. Clint stiffened up and Nat turned around and scowled at me.

"You know I will stop the car and drag you out of the car and kick your balls if you don't shut up!" Nat warned. Shesh! Sam then looked at me disgusted and then said.

"We are here because if you belive it or not we cam from another dimension. Before we went around America saving people and hunting things. It's our family buisness but recently we met Sadie and have just escaped from the metaphorical Hell." He told them. Nat nodded her head and Clint didn't say a word. I looked out of the window and we stopped outise a motel.

"Woah? I thought we were going to Stark Tower?" I asked. Clint looked at me through the mirror and then said.

"Sorry. Key cards for the Avengers with total ases don't work on Tuesdays!" Sam sniggered and I was offended. This wasn't even funny. I looked at Clint and Nat elbowed him in the ribcage. He looked at her shocked and then looked at the stiring wheel.

"We have to stay in a motel tonight as the other's have gone missing. We will search for them tomorrow and stay here the night. Fury's orders." She said. A sheer look on Sam's face was priceless though I did worry for Sadie. I looked at Sam and whispered.

"She'll be fine. Don't worry she's an angel and she will whop any dick who get's in her way!" Sam then nodded his head and I smiled. I guess it's another hotel for tonight. I just hope that Sadie is Ok....

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