Chapter Seven~ Sam Died?

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Chapter Seven~ Sam Died?

Dean's POV:

I landed on the concreate road and felt the streets graze my face. I opened my eye's and looked at the floor. I sighed and then got up and lifted my head. I then quickly looked at Sadie and grabbed her so she and me went rolling over to the other side of the road. I placed my hand's over her face and she tried to move so I kept her still. A truck went zooming past where she and I once were. I got off of her and rolled onto my back. I chuckled sightly and seemed to be out of breath. Sadie got up and Sam was on the other side of the road. Unconcious. Sadie saw him and shouted.

"SAM!" She then jumped over the next car and knelt by his side. I got up and ran as well avoiding any on coming traffic. There lay my brother. The youngest Winchester. There was blood on his face and straight through his chest you could see his insides. I looked at Sam and Sadie was on the verge of breaking down. There was tears spilling out of my eye's. I had saved Sadie and Sam had taken the blow. I saw as he was still only just breathing. His chest was moving every minute up and down. I wasafraid that these would be his last moments. I knelt down and took my brother's body in my arm's.

"Sam, Sammy don't die on me please. Sam, SAM!" I shouted. I saw Sam's eyes flutter open and he was squinting them. He started to cough and he moved his head slightly. 

"Dean, what happened? Where's Cas? Where's Sadie?" He asked. His time was running low. I looked at him, tear's falling down my cheeks. They were burning my skin.

"Cas isn't here, but Sadie is." I told Sam. Sadie came forward and took Sam's hand. She looked at him and tear's drained down her cheek.

"I'm here Sam." She spoke. Sam smiled when he heard her voice. Then he laughed a little and Sadie whimpered and rubbed his hand frequently. She kept on rubbing his hand and crying.

"What happened Sadie?" Sam asked her. She looked at me and tears them came again. She shook them away and looked down at Sam.

"We landed back on Earth. We're home. But when we landed a truck came and-" She stopped herself and then looked at Sam's stomach.

"And at a guess I got hit?" He said. He sighed and then looked at me. I then looked back at Sam and tear's dripped on his face. Sadie shook her head and kept it low down.

"Yeah Sammy, you did. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I apoligised. I saw Sam give me a small smile. I looked at him and he said.

"Dean, it's not your-" He then stopped and his eye's closed. I looked at him and Sadie lifted her head. Horror was shown in her eye's. 

"Sam.... SAM!" I gave a sort of whisper and shout. I looked at him and started to shake his body but he was gone. Sam was dead. I looked at his lifeless body and dropped it. Not again. He has died so many times that I cannot lose him. I mustn't lose my baby brother. First when Jacob killed him. Then when he jumped in Satins pit. And all of the over times.   

Sadie saw me and then she looked at Sam. She then broke down in tear's. She and I cried. There was people walking around us. I looked at them and scowled. I turned my back and tried to hold back the tear's but I couldn't my brother was dead again. And there was no Cas to save him.

Sadie's POV:

Sam's lifeless body lay there and I promised myself that I wouldn't cry but that was impossible to do. I looked at Dean who had turned around. I cried and tears fell to the floor. It was like someone had just shot me. I looked at the floor and then Dean asked.

"Where's Cas?" I looked up at him and didn't answer. I then looked to the floor and said.

"I don't know Dean. I really don't, I wish I knew." And that was the truth. Cas could save Sam and then he could see what had happened. Where was he? He came through the portal didn't he? Cas would never desert us. I knew that. I have known him for years. I saw that Dean was angry. I couldn't do anything to help him. 

"Why did Sam have to die? Why Sadie? This all my fault." He said. I shook my head and then rubbed his arm to try and comfort him. I then went into a hug and said.

"No Dean this isn't your fault. You didn't kill Sam. That truck did." He shook his head and continued to cry. I hated this. All of this life was painful.

"Sam and me have a habit of coming back to life you know and-" As soon as Dean said that I felt a light bulb go off. I got out of Dean's hold and said.

"That's it!" I pushed him away and looked at Sam. I smiled and then placed my hand's on his chest.

"What is?... Sadie?" He asked me. I couldn't concerntrate.

"Shush Dean." I whispered harshly and then I placed my hands back on Sam's chest and closed my eye's to focuss. Then with all of my strenth a bright white light went into Sam's chest. As soon as it did. I heard a cough and a sudden of breathing noises. I looked down and saw Sam alive again. he jolted up and looked at me and I smiled.

"How?" Dean gasped. I looked at him and then replied.

"Angel baby!" But as I said that I saw men in black suit's coming towards us. I saw Sam and Dean and pointed towards the men. They then stayed still and a helicopter came abouve of us and a voice reached down shouting.

"Stay where you are. Don't move!" I looked at the Boy's and then shook my head and looked back up to the sky. But my body was feeling week. I then heard Sam and Dean call my name but I couldn't answer. I knew we were in trouble, and I was fading away. I then felt my head fall to the floor and I slowly lost conciousness. Everything turned blank. And I knew that we were in trouble big trouble...

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