Chapter Thirty Two~Fallen Angels

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Chapter Thirty Two~Fallen Angels

Sadie's POV:

It was time and I could feel it. They between them had managed to break Loki's heart and now they have the tesseract and Loki's specter. I am so doomed. I now am still chained the the wall but the casket is infront of me. I am scared for what is to happen. Lucifer opened up the door and then came in. He smiled at me and then clicked his finger's and a knife appeared in his hand. I looked at him with the knife as he drew nearer. I started to panic. And when this happens I babble.

"Lucifer please... don't do this." I begged him. But he just ignored me. I then shouted the next thing that came out of my mouth.

"What would Michael think?" He stopped. He looked at me and smiled. He took the tesseract and placed it besides me. He then started to chant something in latin.

"Aperite portas, ita finis appropinquavit. Aperite portas sic omnes dies ...." He chanted. This translated into:

Open the portal, so the end is nigh. Open the portal so everybody dies....

Lucifer was going to kill everyone to have his own planet. He was insane. He then quickly grabbed my wrist and sliced it over the casket. I screamed in pain. 

"LUCIFER STOP BEFORE THIS STARTS!" I pleaded but it was no use. My blood sunk into the tesseract and it disappeared before us. I knew that it had gone to New York and I knew that I had to reverse the spell to stop it. I then looked at Luicfer. He smiled and then let go of my wrist. I clenched it and then hissed as it started to heal.

"Michael would only disaprove Sadie." He told me. I then watched as he took a seat besides me. He clicked his finger's and I was in a balck suit still but I had my long brown hair freely flowing. There was no injuries on me and I just looked like another one of the agents. He smiled at me and then said.

"He would of never approved of this... Of me..." He told me. I looked up at him and shook my head. 

"He loved you." I told him back. He shook his head and stood up.

"He loved you more than me, than Gabriel... than Dad..." And as I said that I knew that I would be in trouble. He well started to rant at me.

"THEN WHY DID HE CAST ME OUT?!" He shouted. I didn't know how to answer. He was still a angel but he was a broken one. A fallen angel.

"I...I..." Was all that could come out of my mouth. I couldn't say anything else. I looked at Lucifer and he then said.

"He was a soldier following Dad's orders! Dad wanted me out. And all I said was that 'Father these human's would destroy what you have created. They will not love but hate.' So that pulled the trigger for Michael to send me to Hell..." He started. He was in Sam's body and I could see in his eye's that Sam was trying to fight it. But Lucifer was more powerful. He was stronger than Sam. But Lucifer had made a point but what he was forgetting was that.

"You're right. They do hate. But at least they love eachother in way's we couldn't imagine." I said to him. He looked at me and then shook his head. 

"What are you talking about. Have you fallen for Gabriel's tricks?" He asked me. He was confused and I knew that he was. I needed to tell him how different we really were from the humans.

"We're no different. We hate eachother. A war to them is a family dinner for us. You say they want to kill eachother, then what are we? You are going to eliminate the whole of them. You are commitnig genocide. Wiping out the human race because you had a temper tantrum." I started to explain but he interupted me. 

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