Chapter Twenty Nine~Say Yes to me Sam once more...

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Chapter Twenty Nine~Say Yes to me Sam once more...

Sam's POV:

"LUCIFER!" I exclaimed. Sadie turned around and nodded her head. Her once brown locks turned into a mucky blonde. There was skin scraping down his face and he was a wreck once more. He looked at me and waved. He then looked at himself and peeled a little bit of skin off of his hand. He then flicked it at me.

"One...Two...Three... Say it with me Sam.... Come on say it with me..."  He instructed. I ignored him. I shook my head and then he shouted.

"GOOD MORNING VEITNAM!" I knew that was coming. It was plainly obvious.It was so predictable that Lucifer the phycotic Archangel would make my life hell once more. I saw him come towards me. I needed to speak to him. I couldn't keep up this silence while he was tormenting me. 

"Why are you here Lucifer?" I asked him. He smiled at me like a madman. I then continued.

"I thought that you were in your cage with Michael!" I demanded to know a answer. This man well angel had ruined my life. He killed my soul and then went out after Cas. I looked at his insane features. He was asking for a punch to the face and a knife to the heart.

"Well Sam, I am out and about. It is not your concern how I escaped from my cage. I just did. But you're asking the wrong questions." He told me and clasped his hands together. I didn't get his point. But I asked the first question that came to my mind.

"Why am I here?" I asked him. He then shook his head and pointed to me. 

"Sam, you're my vessil. My true vessil. It has always been you. Now you already knew the answer to that question. Now try again." He instructed me. I needed to think of something. But I didn't know what so I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"I will never say yes to you." I spat at him. He chuckled. Insane. He shook his head and then pointed to the far window in my room. He clicked his fingers and we were now in a room. It was dark. I could hear small whimpers. They sounded so familiar. But where had I heard them?

"Really now Sam. You said yes before. But you're really asking the wrong questions." As I heard the whimpering increase I knew that it was female. Then my mind flashed back. If Lucifer was Sadie then...

"Where is she!" I asked. I was now getting angry. Lucifer grinned my way and then looked to the left of him. I was getting impatient.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!!!" I shouted at him. Then in the far corner of the room I thought I saw a shadow move. And I was right.

"Sam? Sam is that you?" A female broke voice asked. My heart stopped. I couldn't breathe. Lucifer was watching my response.

"Sadie?" I asked quietly. She must have heard because I heard shackles move and then her shout.

"Sam don't do it!" Then there was a spotlight placed on her. A bright shinning light was shone in the far end of the room. She was there. Sadie was in handcuffs and chained to a wall. Her hair ws her short black. She was wearing her leather suit and there was blood dripping from her head. She looked scared. As though she had been traumatized for life.

She looked at me and then as she was about to say something, Lucifer clicked his finger's and then a piece of cloth was placed around her mouth. I then heard muffled shouts.

"There we go Sam. You know what I want and Sadie will be set free." He told me. I then saw her jerk forward and shake her head. I didn't know what to say but I knew that I couldn't say yes to him. Not for Sadie's sake but for everyone else's.

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