Chapter Nine~ The Avenger's

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Chapter Nine~ The Avenger's

Sadie's POV:

We were taken to a large conference room. We stopped outside the door and me and the boy's stared at eachother. We nodded before entering the room. Once inside I was met with several people. There was six men in the room and one woman. All of them looked highly familiar. In some reasons I was confused. I looked at the boy's and then they shared the same glance as me.

"Okay. The Avenger's are real." Sam said. I turned to look at them and Dean was shocked.

"Out of all of the messed up thing's we have seen. Demon's, Vampire's, Cas naked on top of the Impala. This has got to beat them all." Dean said. I looked at him and then cocked my eyebrow's. 

"Cas was naked on your car?" I asked him in confusion. He nodded his head ad then replied.

"Well let's just say he was going through one of his phases." He told me. He sighed and then walked towards me and placed my hand on his head.

"Do what Cas did to you in the other world, you know the light, memories thing." He told me. I nodded my head and then started to read Dean's mind. Cas tried to act as God, with the leviathans. he had been to purgatory. He had killed people and became a hunter. He was blown up by...

"What the hell was Lucifer doing out of his cage?" I shouted at Dean and then went towards him as though I could kill this guy. He then looked at my eye's and then stood back.

"Your eyes... Their black!" He said to me. I then stepped back and closed my eye's again. When I opened them they were back to normal. I looked at Dean and then I said.

"They have always done that when I am angry, I am sorry Dean. I didn't mean to lash out on you. It's just, why was Lucifer out of his cage?" I asked him calmly.

"Sam killed Lilith and he jumped right out. And then he got pushed right back in. Don't worry he's gone." I nodded my head and then smiled. I turned around and saw the other people staring at me. I then soluted them and said.

"Er.. Hi! Names Sadie, and these two people are Sam and Dean Winchester. Nice to meet you all." I then looked at all of their reactions. I was then greeted by a line of people. The first two men were tall men one with black hair and a sort of start to a beard and then other with dark brown hair who wore glasses.

"Nice to meet yah kid, names Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man." He then nodded and the other introduced himself.

"Hi, the names Bruce Banner. I am known as the Hulk. I sort of have anger issues." I nodded my head and then shook his hand. The next ones were Thor, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. They all were nice to me and Natasha commented on my firm grip. Then a man I recognised from earlier came up to me and nodded his head.

"Ma'm!" He soluted to me. I nodded my head in respect and then said.

"Captain. I believe we got off on the wrong foot before. But I would like to just say I apoligise for kicking your ass, infront of everyone." He looked embrassed. He then nodded his head and then replied.

"It's okay ma'm. I kinda deserved it after beating the crap out of your friends. By the way. Sorry guy's." He apoligised. Sam and Dean looked at the Captain and then said together.

"Your forgiven." These two then looked at eachother then smiled. I really didn't know how on Earth people thought they were sane. Then finally a man walked over to me. He had sleeked back black raven hair and a green armour. He looked familiar.

He seemed to be wearing similiar clothing to what Thor had on. I looked at the man and he bowed and took my hand and kissed it lightly. His eye's never leaving contact with my own. He had the most green emerald eyes that would pierce right through a person.

"Loki Laufeyson. Nice to meet you Lady Sadiana." He said to me and then I cocked my eyebrows. I looked at him and then scowled. I then bowed my head and Loki started to rise up until I placed him in a head lock by transporting behind him.

"Now how did you know my real name?" I asked him. Frustrated as he looked calm. He looked at me and then said.

"Well isn't it obvious. I can see those wing's of yours from a mile off." I then let him go and looked at Sam and Dean. I was shocked by this guy. I then looked at him and asked.

"But how did you know my real name?" I asked him. I emphasised on real. He then looked at me and grinned. He walked towards me and said.

"I have read about you Sadiana Carter. You are a truly remarkable character. From the wings to your allies. Your background I find the most enhancing though." He stated. They have books on me? I'm a celebrity! Wait... They have books on me?!  I then shook my head. He knew nothing of me. I looked at him and then spat.

"You know nothing of me, Jotun." It was now his turn to look shocked. Harsh, I know. I smiled at him in the most sarcastic way I could. Thor came up and walked and stood behind Loki.

"How did you?" He started to ask me. I then walked forward and came to all of them. I turned around. Books baby books!

"I may seem to be nice and a fluffy person. I can tell you though. I know more about you than you do yourself. Down from being cast out by his father because of his arrogance and wanting to destroy an entire race with his hammer. To being the Murderess. The man who couldn't kill the woman he was meant and was Loki's bitch at one point. The arc reactor that has replaced his own heart as he is heartless.

The soldier who wanted once last dance but now his beloved is married and has children. The man who failed at commiting suicide and turns into a green rage monster. All the way to the guy who killed his own biological father to impress his adopted father and tried to destroy New York city." I said to them. They all took a step back. I then saw Sam and Dean walk up behind me. I started to boil up. They comforted me and then tried to calm me down. I looked at them.

"You have truly been scarred Lady Sadie." Annoced Thor. I then sat down and so did everyone else. I looked at them all and they had a sympathetic look on all of their faces. I had gotten underneath all of their skins. I looked down at the glass table and then sighed. I didn't know what else to do. I had lost options for this and I couldn't simply just click my finger's and make eveything better.

"You're right Thor. I have. And hatrid is taking over my form. I don't want to end up like somebody I used know. I don't want to kill, all I want is for someone to actually accept me in this world. I'm sorry if I have offended any of you." I kept my head down and then looked back at the glass. I knew that my weakness was to be accpeted but I didn't want that to get in my way. I then heard something that could possibly help me and the Winchesters for now.

"Do you guy's all fancy going back to Stark Tower. I think that there would be best to sort thing's out."  

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