New girl

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Hiccup and Astrid have been best friends since birth. When Astrid was fifteen she had to move to another city. Leaving hiccup alone in berk. Sure they still talk through Skype and facetime. 
When they were seventeen they admitted their feelings for each other. And since then they have been together for one year. Now they are eighteen.
It was a normal day for everyone in berk city well not for everyone. Astrid hofferson. A beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Was getting ready to go to berk high school. She was so excited. Not to go to school. But to see her boyfriend for one year and best friend since birth.
Her boyfriend hiccup has no idea that astrid moved back to berk and that she is going to berk high school on that day. 
And that brought us to the Maison of the mayor of berk stoick the vast. In his room hiccup haddock waking up by a special alarm. And that is other than his beloved dog toothless. Weird name yes but the reason he has rectaple teeth. The vet almost faint when he sees this. Anyway, hiccup woke up to toothless licking his face to wake up his lazy friend. " uhh toothless what we say about licking my face in the morning " said hiccup trying to be as angry as possible. But failed miserably. 
Simply you can't stay mad at that cute black dog. Especially when he gives you his puppy eyes with his big green eyes. " no don't give me that look " he warned but his stubborn dog didn't listen and continued. " okay okay you win geez why you look so cute " he said and immediately he jumped on the bed and started to lick hiccup again. " uh toothless you knew that doesn't wash out you useless dog " hiccup says.
Hiccup finally has been able to stop toothless so he can get ready for school. School is hell for the young boy. Everyone picks on him. Everyone laughs at him because he is skinny while most of the boys are buffy. Also because he has a metal leg. Long story short he was in a car accident when he was fifteen before astrid left. And he has to amputee his leg from the knee to down.
Speaking of astrid here she is. Calling her boyfriend to say good morning. Hiccup answered almost immediately. " good morning m'lady how are you," he said once he answered.  " Good morning babe I am fine and you," she said. " Fine, " he said. " How is your leg? " astrid asked. She knew that he sometimes get phantoms pains. And they always break her heart to watch her boyfriend in pain and she isn't able to do anything. 
But luckily this will change today. Also, hiccup still has no idea. " I am fine, Astrid, stop worrying," he asked. They talked and talked for what feels like an eternity. But they stopped when they heard stoick voice through the Maison. Announcing that the breakfast is ready. " have to go m'lady talk to you later love you " he said. " okay babe talk to you later love you too " she said and send him a kiss. Which hiccup respond by a kiss too. After they hang up hiccup put his metal leg and go down to eat his breakfast.
On the other hand, Astrid also goes down to eat her breakfast. But all in her mind was how hiccup will take that surprise. She was beyond happy to meet her dorky yet handsome boyfriend today. All she could think about was that charming smile of his. His bright green forest eyes. The gap between his front teeth shows when he smiles. His voice brings a shiver through her spine. " so astrid are you ready for the first day of school " asked her father Harold hofferson snapping her from hiccup planet she was on. " more than I will ever be, " said astrid. " really is that because of the school or because of hiccup " her mother Ingrid hofferson teased her. Astrid found herself blushing. Her parents looked at her and burst out laughing. Astrid rolled her eyes and went to get ready for school. 
Astrid gets ready for school. She says goodbye for her parents and to her golden dog stormfly. Then she started walking to berk high school.
With hiccup. After he finishes eating his breakfast he goes to his room to get ready for school. He grabbed everything he will, his books and everything he will need. Also, he didn't forget to bring a spare for his metal leg since one time a boy beat hiccup and broke his leg. So yeah that's why he brought a spare with him. After finishing packing, he will need and say goodbye to his father and his black dog toothless. He enters his car and starts driving to the school or in his opinion the hell. 
After about ten minutes hiccup reached the school he entered it. And walked to his locker to grab the books he needed for the first class. While he walks, students start talking about him and saying awful things. But does he care of course no? He learned how to ignore it. Hiccup is a nerd boy with green eyes and auburn hair. He may be a nerd but he is still handsome.
On the other hand, when astrid entered the school she saw all the kids talking about someone. She was confused until she heard one boy say: " how does hiccup even get a girlfriend he is so skinny no one will love him " or " why does he come to school while he has a metal leg " and a lot of awful things that made her blood boil from anger. But she remained calm as she could. She goes to the principal's office. 
The first class ended. Also the second and the third one. And finally, the break came. After Astrid put her things in the locker she went to the cafeteria to take some food. While she was walking to hiccup's seat a lot of boys asked her to sit with them. And a lot of girls talked about her like " who is she " or " does she friendly or we got another bitch " or " she seems like she want to steal boyfriends better keep an eye on her "  
At the last statement, astrid chuckled she never would steal anyone boyfriend simply because she has an amazing one. A one who has a sense of humour. A one who loves her not for her shape but for who she truly is. As Astrid walked farther in the cafeteria, Snotlout stood in front of Astrid and hiccup set in front of her. " hey beautiful want to sit with me " asked snotlout. A short boy with black hair and dust colour eyes. Astrid rolled her eyes and said " no thanks I have a boyfriend " snotlout didn't even move away he just moved closer to her. Astrid was astounded she doesn't know what to do so she does the one thing she was able to think about. Ask hiccup for help since snotlout was moving too close to her. " hiccup " astrid shouted. Hiccup looked around confused he was sure he heard astrid voice ask for help. Then his eyes widen when they set on the blonde-haired girl. Not only because she was here and didn't tell her but also because snotlout was too near to her.
Hiccup stood up and walked to the short boy. Everyone was confused about why this girl asked hiccup for help and why hiccup was angry. They never saw hiccup angry. Never. 
After he was behind snotlout he patted his shoulder. Snoutlout turned only to be met by hiccup's fist collapsed with his face sending him flying away. Astrid put her food aside and walked to the Auburn man. Hiccup looked at her and smiled. Astrid ran to hiccup's arm and hugged him tightly. After three years away from each other, all they wanted to do now is to hold each other close and never let the other go. After two minutes of hugging, Astrid finally talked. " That was an amazing babe I didn't know you were that strong " hiccup chuckled. Oh how much she missed that cute chuckles of his. 
" I miss you too much m'lady why didn't you tell me you were coming," he said and asked. He may be disappointed that she didn't tell him. But he was so happy that she is here. " I wanted to make it a surprise to you but then came that idiot," she said and pointed at snotlout. " I miss you too babe " she whispered and put her nose in his shoulder breathing his scent. And hiccup put his nose in her hair smelling the lovely smell of her soft blonde hair.
While the couple is hugging everyone around them are astounding. One the boys are all surprised that hiccup managed to get that beautiful girl. Two because he is stronger than he will ever be he just chooses to stay silent. Three also he was too scary when he is angry. Definitely, you don't want to be on this guy's bad side. After some time they heard snotlout groin in pain. He stood up and say " uhh what happened " " I will tell you what happens simply you were too near from my girlfriend and she asked me for help so I come and punch you," said hiccup calmly. 
" What you want to tell me is that you have that beautiful girl like your girlfriend and you punch me," snoutlout said. Hiccup grabbed astrid by the waist and connected their lips. Astrid kissed back immediately. She has always dreamed of a day she would kiss hiccup fully on the lips. After they are apart hiccup go to snotlout and punch him again. Everyone was shocked. Hiccup looks around and sees that the whole school is shocked. He smirks and says " does anyone have any questions " everyone shook their heads with no. Hiccup and Astrid walk back to the place hiccup sat at and talk what feels like hours.
From that day no one and I mean no one has gotten near these two.


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