Mafia Boss and his girlfriend

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To be the mafia boss and have to hide it is hard but having a hot girlfriend who happens to be popular and attract every men who laid eyes on her is harder 10 times.

Hiccup haddock is the son of the biggest mafia Boss Stoick haddock. No one know who he is cause he don't want to attract attention to himself as he hate it. But that doesn't mean that he is a paunch bag. Nope. Hiccup is a very scary kid he is quite doesn't talk to anyone and when someone try to bully him. He dissapeared.

And we have Astrid Hofferson. A society person who have a lot of friends. She is so different from Hiccup. While hiccup has a few friends who are all from other schools. Astrid nearly knows the whole school.

But what no one knows and no one will ever know is that Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

Astrid is the only one in the whole school who know that hiccup works at the mafia. She wasn't scare of him tho. But she felt safer before they start dating hiccup didn't tell her about his mafia life. But after sometime he start to fall in love with her deeper and didn't want lie to her so he told her. And she accepted it. Sure she knows what she got herself into but she was okay with it.

It was night time at berk. Everyone was asleep except hiccup haddock and his team. They have a mission tonight and they were going over the plan to go. Fishlegs Ingerman a chubby tall guy from a technology school. Who always find hack every security system for everything. Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thurston. Twins with an expertation of blowing things perfectly and secretly. They might look like idiots (which most of the time are) but they are very intelligent. Dager and Heather DeRang. Two siblings that come from a very painful background which let them be a great spies. And finally Snotlout Jorgensen. Hiccup's cousin and a sub spy. Has some very good expert at weapons.

"So the plan as we said fishlegs you will hack the system and don't let anyone sees us you will be on the car as always" said Hiccup explaining fishlegs part. "Ruff and tuff you will wait for my sign to get the memory card and blow the weapon storge place." Getting a nod from the twins that they understand their parts he complete. "Snot and heather you guys with me to the boss room. Dager keep an eye at the guard for anything that might happen. All of you understand" Said Hiccup ending the plan. Getting a nod from everyone they goes to change their clothes and get their guns.

After the team has gone Astrid had came to see her boyfriend looking at a map with a dagger in his hand.

"Hey babe" she said walking to him. "Hey m'lady what's up" said hiccup giving her a kiss on her lips. "Good I was bored so i said to come over is that okay" she said looking at him closely. "Not at all honey just stay at my room I have a mission to do" said Hiccup. "Where's your parent" asked Astrid. "They are coming soon my mom would love to see you" he said as they walked to his room as he still needed to change. "Okay"

Astrid goes and makes herself comfortable on the bed. And hiccup changes. They weren't shy around each other. Also they didn't do it yet cause they both wanted to wait until marriage. But they weren't shy or embarrassed to change or be naked around each other so it wasn't a problem.

"Give me the sweater you were wearing" she said as he was going to throw it at the lundary. But instand he just tossed it to her. "Thank you" she smiled at him.

Although hiccup is a worldwide known mafia boss and all the world fears him but Astrid is a different case. Basically she is the only person beside his friends which is his team that is not afraid of him. No she has him all wrapped around her fingers.

"I'm gonna go now it will only take about two hours my parent might be late so you have the house all for you" he said giving her a forehead kiss. "I will be back soon" after that he went out leaving her alone.

She is used to this the hiding of their relationship. When he first come to the school he was different and silent. Always comes with a bruise on his body. No one dared to ask him about them. Until one day Astrid get the courage to ask him about them. Which she only got "just me getting in trouble with my dogs" after that day they become friends. From this day hiccup start to fall in love with her slowly. When he couldn't take it anymore he admit it to her. And when she returned his feelings he told her everything about his life after she promised not to tell anyone about it. Also she knew that she might be in danger but she agreed about his life and he promised that he will keep her safe no matter what. And he kept his promise. She never felt safer before.

Astrid didn't realise that the two hours passed already and hiccup had entered the room to see her thinking. He sit on the bed next to her. And take her in his arms embraced her.

"What are you thinking M'lady" he said bringing her back to reality. "Just thinking about the first time we talked and who we become here today"

"Do you regret anything" asked Hiccup looking at her scared. "Not one thing what about you" she said looking at him. "Not one thing M'lady"

They leaned slowly kissing each other passionately. The kiss was gentle full of love.

"How was the mission" asked Astrid. "Went good" he replied. As they sit on the bed cuddling together while hiccup telling her about the mission.

Finished I might do a part 2 tell me if you like it

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