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How could someone be famous yet he never talks to anyone besides his friends? Hiccup haddock. A tall Auburn-haired guy with green eyes. Cute freckles. A gap between his teeth that only can be seen when he smiles which is no one have ever seen it beside his friends. A handsome young man with lovely friends. Who is more like a family to him. How can this guy be famous yet he never talk to anyone?

It was a normal day at berk high school or should I say a hell for the young couple hiccup and Astrid. You see hiccup and Astrid is famous in school. Astrid for her anger issues that make anyone scary. But hiccup was famous because he was hot. Even with one leg, the girls can never leave him alone.

Can't they never get the idea that he was in love with his girlfriend. I don't think though. Everyday girls ask him to go out on dates with them. Or filtering with him. And every time he tells them that he has a girlfriend who he loved dearly. I mean seriously what is wrong with them.

And what Astrid say in that. Oh how much she wishes to rip their heads with her axe. But if it's not to hiccup who was the only one who can stand in front of her anger. Half of the girls would be dead. And the other half will lose a limp or two. A lot of girls try to kiss hiccup to make him and Astrid break up. But hiccup and Astrid have known each other since birth. So there love to grow stronger. And Astrid know fully well that he would never cheat on her. So there's nothing to be afraid of. Still, Astrid wishes to punch those girls in the face. And today it's the day was Astrid's wish become true.

It was a nice warm day in berk city. Everyone get ready for their day. While Astrid and hiccup get ready for another day at hell. Well, today they wanted to end the school day as fast as possible. So they can go to meet their friends.

In the major Stoick haddock's Maison woke up hiccup haddock and get ready of the day. He goes to the bathroom to fresh up. Then he dressed. Send a message for his amazing girlfriend say that he was going to pick her up. And she answered by I am waiting and a heart emoji.

After he finished his breakfast say goodbye to his father and his black dog toothless. He starts walking toward Astrid's home. While at the end of the neighborhood. Astrid Hofferson sitting at the couch waiting for her amazing boyfriend to come. She couldn't believe that they have been together for 2 years. Yes, that's why they wanted to finish the school day as fast as possible. So they can go to their date.

After some minutes Astrid got a massage from her boyfriend that he is here. She quickly says goodbye for her parents and her golden dog stormfly and runs as fast as possible.

" well someone is so excited today," said hiccup as he sees his girlfriend excited. " well it's our 2nd anniversary, of course, I am excited," she said and kissed his cheek. " well sadly we have to spend it in school," hiccup said. " with a dozen of girls filtering with me " " well good thing I brought my axe if anyone of them tries to filter with you I am going to rip their heads," she said getting angry about the idea of some jerk girl tries to steal her boyfriend.

" Okay why don't we leave this here and go with the punches only," said hiccup while driving trying to prevent a crime. " okay," she said and put her axe on the back.

They arrived at school, of course, a lot of girls wave to hiccup while playing with their hair. Some just stare at him. And some glare at Astrid. Astrid saw all of this and scooted closure to hiccup. Hiccup smiled and kiss the side of her head.

They finally reach their lockers and find the gang all their talking. Let's just say hiccup that hiccup had to approve on all the building plans instead of his father for two months. So he and the gang have their lockers near each other.

" well look who finally decides to come," said tufnut. " well sorry if we were late I was trying to prevent a crime that will happen," said hiccup and looks at Astrid who put inconnet face. " what happens now," said fishlegs. All the gang know about the filtering that happens to their one-legged friend. Needless to say, the want to kill them too.

" well she bring her axe and want to rip one of them," said hiccup. " what it's too much and it has been two years since then," she said. " well I agree but what about you just punch them," said Ruff. " that's exactly what I say," said hiccup. " okay okay I will punch all of them "

Everyone go to their classes. Hiccup and Astrid have most of their classes together. Except for the class before the break and the last one. While Astrid has a squash since she wants to be a squash player. Hiccup had a majority class since he will be the mayor. He has this class with heather and the other kids who their families have a big company.

Finally, after the classes end the break comes. Hiccup and the gang go toward the cafeteria and sit on their usual seats. Everything is perfect. Suddenly a Scottish accent could be heard. All the gang sigh I guess everything is not perfect anymore.

" oh hi hiccup how are you," said a girl with red curly hair and Scottish accent. Hiccup sigh. This girl is worst than the twins themselves. Hiccup would gladly deal with destructive twins, an angry berserker danger, a killing machine Astrid. But not Merida. " what do you want Merida," asked Heather. One of the biggest shipper of hiccstrid. And their best friend.

" oh nothing I didn't talk to you berserker girl I was talking to the handsome man that sadly got together with a poor girl," she said. Hiccup now lost his patience with this girl. " okay first you do not insult one of my friends or you will be very sorry. Second, she is not poor. Her family is one of the most important families in berk since berk ever exists. Third stop filtering with me or I will leave her on you " said hiccup angry. Astrid smirked and get ready to punch. The gang was not surprised at all. While the whole cafeteria is frozen.

Angry hiccup isn't sighed you wish to see or even remember. One time one of the boy's jaw got broken along with his nose and lost five teeth. Just because be was filtering with Astrid and annoy her too much. While an angry Astrid is like a live kill machine. The hoffrsons knew that they were the best warriors at berk. Mix it with anger issues. Yep, you are dead. The only one that can stop her is a hiccup. But I guess not today.

" whatever like she can do anything to me she is just a little girl who doesn't have any siblings because she is a disappoint to her parents," said Merida" you should leave her and have a real girl who you deserve" at this point, Astrid lost her calm and began to punch the Scottish girl.

" I am not disappointed. My parent loves me. I have a brother who is dating hiccups sister and they are out of the town study. I have known hiccup more than you did. And if you don't stop trust me I will kill you and everyone will forget you " Astrid said as she punched her face hard and her stomach and kick her sides really hard. Hiccup eventually decide that it's enough and take Astrid from Merida.

" Does anyone want to filter with him once more? " asked Astrid. Every girl runs away from the crazy hoffrsons. Merida got on her legs and get out of the cafeteria. The gang go back to talk.

The school soon finish and the couple goes to their date. No one and I means no one filter with hiccup ever again after that day.

So hiccup's sister named hannah and their is a chapter about her in my other one shot book. Also this chapter has been suggested from the another book but I though it will fit here better.

Suggests by: Intrested01 and karina23484

Hiccstrid High School One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now