the best day ever

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Hiccup Haddock is an eighteen years old boy who has a bad life. Hiccup haddock is the mayor's son. He has a black German dog named toothless. He was and still one of the biggest fans of dragons. He is famous in berk high school. But what is the problem here?

The problem here is his friends. He may have supportive parents. But what about his friends? His girlfriend?

You see eight years ago hiccup has the best life he could ever dream of. He has seven amazing friends who he claims as his family. He would go to all the events of the dragons with his friends and they always would win. But what happens? His friends moved out of the town. All of them live in other countries now. And all of them left without friends. And the worst part that they left on the same day when the events of dragons started.

And that brought us here. The 5th of march. The day where the events of dragons started. And where they will show the movies of how to train your dragon franchise all in month. But the worst part is. It is the same day that all the friends moved. And I guess that the gods didn't get enough of that all. Nope they have also decided that the hiccup haddock will have a bad day today.

But what he doesn't know is that today. Even if it is a bad day. It appears that it will be a day to remember.

It was a normal day at berk city. Hiccup haddock woke up tired. He was talking with his girlfriend Astrid hofferson yesterday. And unfortunately go to sleep late that night. So today he woke up tired and in a bad mood. Hiccup go to the bathroom and freshen up. " bark " comes a voice greeting hiccup when he enters his room after the break fast.

His parents had some urgent work to do so he didn't see them today. He sighs and picks up his bag and goes to his car to go to school. After about twenty minutes of driving. Hiccup finally got to his destination. Before he gets out of his car he sends a message to his friends.

Hiccup: morning guys hope you had a great day.

Tuffnut: hey H. How are you

Snoutlout: hey cuz

Astrid: hey babe

Hiccup was about to type something but someone knocked on his window. He looked up and saw someone who he wished to never see.

Hiccup: I am fine guys but as much as i want to chat i have to go talk to you later guys.

And with this final massage hiccup put his phone in his pocket. And get out of the car. Outside the car stand one of the most annoying people hiccup has ever met. There stood Merida. A girl with Scottish accent and tall curly red hair. This girl has been filtering with hiccup for three years. And she doesn't seem to stop anytime soon.

"hi hiccup I got you a coffee" she said and handed him a cup of coffee. Before he can catch it it slips into his white shirt. "Uhh thanks Merida could you just leave me alone" he said. "Of course if you want to be alone you have to be with me" she said with a filtering voice. Hiccup was about to answer her but he got a call that seemed to take his attention away.

On his phone the gang calls hiccup. Merida took his phone so fast that he couldn't couch it. She answered the video call. When the gang saw her they sigh. The gang knows who's Merida and what she does to their friend. "Hi guys nice to meet you sorry but hiccup and I are busy right now call later" she said. All the gang looked at her and scoffed. "Give me this you don't have any right to take my phone or talk to my friends go away i don't want to see you" said hiccup angrily. Merida looked at hiccup surprise.

Hiccup is usually a calm person. But if he gets angry it is a sight you wish you never seen. He can be really scary. "I will leave hiccup haddock but trust me you will come to me in the end" she said and walked away. Why in the name of thor is he going to need her. He has everything he wishes for. Hiccup looked at the gang in the video call and smiled softly. "Sorry guys about that," he said. The gang smiled at him. "It's okay hiccup but really you weren't kidding this girl is so annoying and we just met her for a minute" said Heather, a black hair girl with green eyes and an anger issue but she is capable of controlling it.

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