Hannah and Alfred

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Not my best one I may rewrite it someday

Hiccup and Astrid or as most of the school named them the power couple. These two are so famous in berk high school. Hiccup is one of the smartest students in the school. But that doesn't mean that he is not hot. He is so handsome. While Astrid is also smart. She has more interest in sports especially squash. Hiccup also has interest in sport. While Astrid is the main player of school in squash. Hiccup is the captain of the school football team.
While in California. The other haddock and hofferson. Hannah haddock the young sister of hiccup haddock and her boyfriend for three months and best friend since birth. Alfred hofferson the young brother of Astrid hofferson. The two of them are studying in California. But today the two will return to berk to stay there. All the gang are so happy to meet the two riders that go away with the wind.

But unfortunately hiccup and Astrid have to go to the defenders of the wings high school for two weeks. And the day they will go is the same day our couple is going. And the welcoming party that was prepared has got delayed till they come back.
So here the couple get ready to go to berk high school. Where they will start their new life.

It was a sunny day in berk city. Everyone wakes up from their comfortable sleep to go to work or school. And that's exactly what our two new friends do. At the Maison of berk's mayor stoick the vast. Wake up a beautiful girl with long waist hair and beautiful green eyes. She's Hannah haddock. The sister of hiccup haddock to get ready to go to school. While at the end of the neighborhood. Wakes a blond boy with ocean blue eyes. Alfred hofferson, young brother of astrid hofferson, soon to be haddock.

The two friends here get ready for school. While Hannah prepares her bag. Her phone rang. She went to see who it was and saw that it was other than her brother and future sister in law calling from defenders of the wing. She immediately answers her phone and is met by the two people who she wishes are here right now.

You see Hannah has a problem in social communities that make her nervous when she goes to a new place or meet new people who she didn't know. But that didn't kill the warrior spirit in her. She may get nervous. but that doesn't mean that she will not kill you if you insult her or her friends. When she goes to California the only thing that makes her continue and don't return is her friends and Alfred. So with someone she knew and trusted. She will be fine. And since all the gang is here with her she will be more than okay.

" hi sis ready for school today " said hiccup from the other line. " Hi bro, I am ready, " she said with confidence. " That's my sister good luck. By the way Snoutlout will come to take you and Alfred " he said. She nodded and wished them a lovely day. After five minute Snoutlout sends her a text saying that they are out. She quickly says goodbye to her parents and toothless.

At school when they entered. All the school looked at Hannah and Alfred. Hannah scooted closer toward Alfred. Being in a new school makes her nervous. Alfred notices so he wraps his arms around her waist and says " don't worry we all are with you " she smiled at him and nodded. " So this is your schedule and these are your locker " said fishlegs. " we have to go now try to stay out of Merida's way we don't know what she will do with you two " warned heather. " see you guys later " they all say. And everyone goes to their classes.

" so I see that I got another bitch who steal another hottie from me back of he's mine or else " said a girl with red curly hair and a heavy Scottish accent that Hannah assumed to be Merida. Hannah scoffed and said " first Alfred is not yours me and him known each other for our whole life and I heard what you do to Astrid and I believe she has every right to do what she done and if you don't leave me alone I will do the same thing maybe even more " Merida raise an eyebrow nd said " this bitch has run like a coward to the defenders of the wings what a baby " Hannah looked at her and said " first you do not say about my sister in law a cawed and if Alfred know what you said about his sinister he will rip your head have you never heard about the hofferson clan ever the best warriors in berk and the generals since berk first exist. " Merida was about to say something but the Mr. viggo entered the class.

At the break the gang along side Hannah and Alfred sit and talked together. That's of course until Merida come. " hi hottie you know that bitch next to you say awful things about your sister better ditch her and come with me i am totally better than her " Merida said. " oh really what's your prove " said heather obesity annoyed by Merida. " my friends heard her " she said. This time Hannah answered her. " oh really then this is not your voice " and play a recorder with their previous conversation. " and if not that enough I could give you more proves " Merida looked surprised but continue. " and from where do you get more proves " as if it on cue Mr. Viggo appreciate the seats. " hi guys where hiccup and Astrid " Mr. Viggo asked. " they have transferred to defenders of the wing high school for two weeks and ask you to have them off until they return " answered dagur. " ok see you guys after two weeks. Oh hi Hannah and Alfred " said viggo and then greet the two members. " hi Mr. Viggo could I ask for a favor " said Hannah. " sure Mrs. Hannah " answered viggo. " you hear my conversation with Merida. Merida insult Astrid am I right " she asked. " you right Mrs. Hannah " he said. They all say thanks and he left to his work.

" now Merida please leave us alone " said ruff impatiently. Merida was like tomatoes from embarrassment. The gang return to talk. And when hiccup and Astrid know about what happen. Let's just say that she stay at the hospital for two weeks.

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