Do not mess with my sister

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Not hiccstrid one shot. But Ruflout one.

Everyone in berk high school now that throk like Ruffnut. But his ways to land a girlfriend are so weird. Also if any one pays one percent of attention to her he will know that she doesn't like throk. And that she loved someone else. And this person is not other than snotlout. And the same goes for snotlout. But I guess that throk is kind of out of his mind to give the person he loves happiness. So that's why he decided to break the two love birds. And he seemed to do anything to do it. But what throk didn't put in mind was tuffnut. He supports his sister's relationship and will do anything for her happiness.

It was a sunny day in berk city. And at the Jorgensen household wake up from his sleep snotlout Jorgensen. Finally after four missed alarms and five missed calls from his girlfriend ruffnut. Finally he decided to wake up.

The reason why he has to wake up early this specific morning is that he is supposed to pick up his girlfriend ruffnut, her twin brother and his best friend tuffnut, his cousin hiccup, and his friend and hiccup's girlfriend Astrid, why hiccup and Astrid? Well hiccup's car is with gobber to get fixed. So he asked snotlout to pick him and Astrid in his way. Why ruffnut and tuffnut? Well ruffnut is his girlfriend and tuffnut is her twin brother so..

Finally after he got ready he drove to his girlfriend and her brother house, his cousin house, and last his friend's house. And finally after ten minutes of driving they finally reached the school. And as usual hiccup and Astrid start cursing under their breath when all the girls' attention goes for the one legged boy that enters the school with his girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND. But as usual no one pays attention. But also someone who has been annoying for one month since snotlout and ruffnut announced that they are dating. "Hey ruffnut I got some prank ideas that I want to discuss with you what do you think." Asked throk. The boy that was hitting on ruffnut since he came to the school. "What about I discuss it with you instead?" said Tuffnut before anyone get the chance to say something. Ruffnut shot her brother a 'thank you' smile. While everyone was a little surprised.

Walking to their locker the four friends eventually got to their locker. With some stops since some stupid girls want to chat with hiccup. And boys who did the same to Astrid. They finally after what feels like entirety they arrived at their locker. Get what they need. And go to their class.

Hiccup. And snotlout has a majority class together. While Astrid has a sport class with ruffnut. Astrid is the main player in squash at school. While ruffnut chose to be a speedball player. The two walked to the change room to wear their sports clothes. Astrid wears a blue t-shirt with stretch pants. She pulls her hair in a high ponytail while she changes the strap in her paddle. While ruffnut changes into a green t-shirt with green stretch pants. She pull her hair in a pun and gets her own paddle ready. While they get ready ruffnut asks Astrid a question.

"Astrid could I ask you why did you and hiccup keep your relationship a secret for two months?" Astrid looked at the girl surprised. It's been two years since she and hiccup hot together. So she was surprised about why she ask this question. "Well I was kind of afraid of what will happened if the school knows. And I also feel like it's something special and I wanted to share with him only. But when it revealed to the school. Well you know what happened. That's why we keep it secret to avoid being teased and at least try to stop hiccup's problem with the girls." Answered Astrid. While looking at her friend. "But why you asking" ruffnut looked at her while shrugging "I don't know I have a feeling that throk will try to do something to break me and snotlout and I don't want that to happen then I remember you and hiccup" she admit while bit her lips. "Hey don't worry you have me and the gang and tuffnut I am sure he will kill anyone that stand in the way of your happiness like you do to him" Astrid said reassuring. "Thanks Astrid" she said and hugged her. "And also if anything happens to you we all will be prankers and prank them" Astrid jokes. They all laughed and then went to their class.

After their classes ended it was time for them to go home. Strangely no one has seen tuffnut today. They decide to put their things in a locker and then go to find him later. But when they reach it they find all the lockers except the one that belong to ruffnut have glue. This is one of the pranks the twins did in loki day but the gang made them pay for their locker. They all look at ruffnut strangely. "Not me, I was with Astrid all day" she said defensibly. that 's true. Astrid and ruffnut miss all their classes cause there is a championship near for squash and speedball. "Hey guys what's up" tuff says as he appreciate the gang. "Hey tuff are you the one who did that to all of our lockers'' asked snotlout. "No why that" he said. "I mean my locker has a glue as well" "you right but who" asked hiccup thinking. "Well we have to go now we can figure that later" said Astrid. They all nodded and started moving.

After one week:

It's been a week since that happened. Every day the gang finds their lockers full with glue. Especially snotlout. But ruffnut lockers never get in the glow. And everyday no one sees stuff. "Uh what I have to do to stop this" asked snotlout's loudly. Suddenly he found a note in his locker that said 'if you want this to end snotlout's so break up with me ruffnut" ruff do you want break up with me why '' asked snotlout confused his voice full with confusion and sadness. "What who said that of course no" said ruff shock and confusion. "I found that paper," he said. "Give me that" said hiccup while taking the note from his cousin. "Astrid come look," he said. "This is so similar to the time eret and Merida try to break us during valentine last year" said Astrid surprise. "Wait what" said heather. "Me and hiccup always put each other gift in the other locker or at least a card so last year Merida and eret took the thing we put and put a card say 'I hate you and i want to break up' but we found out that they were them" explained hiccup. "Wait let me get that straight so you say that there is someone who wants to break us up" asked ruffnut shocked. "Yep but who?" said Astrid. " It's throk," said tuffnut as he reached the gang. "What" they all said. "Yep and I have the evidence" he says as he shows them a video with throk put glow in their lockers and also puts the note on snotlout's locker. "Don't worry, I dealt with him," he says. "No one and I mean it no one mess with my sister or stands in her way of happiness" "thank brother but how do you know that he will do that" asked Ruffnut while she hugged her brother. "Twintuation" he said with a smirk on his face. "Who wants pizza?" he then shouted.

No one and I mean no one miss with Ruffnut or stand in the way of her happiness from that day.

Inspirit by coco_writerr thanks for let me use the idea.

Hiccstrid High School One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now