tired of life

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High school always known to be hard. But what is harder and confusing is junior high school. You feel like a different person. You feel mixed feeling inside you that you don't know where it comes from. A new stage you start it as a teenager. You feel like you discover a new person. A person who isn't you at all. And sadly Astrid is feeling the same thing.

She feels like she is a different person. A person who wants to discover the world. Feels like she is not enough and that she has to work harder. Feels depressed. Feels like everyone expects her to be something she doesn't feel it. A person. The same person she was. Without change. But how. When she is changing taking a new step. She feels like she is not her anymore. She enter into pointless agreements. And then discover that she was wrong. She feels mixed feeling inside her. She wants to do something to stop it. She wants to tell someone that she is sad or needs some comfort. Then she say to her self 'come on it will go away soon no need'. She just wants to end this all.

And it didn't help with her parents. Her father is abusive. When she was five her mother divorced from her father. And takes Astrid with her. But when her Mother wanted to marry Astrid feels like he is gonna take her mother forever. So she moved with her father. At first he was just plain. Nothing interesting. And she was ten at this time. So she just focused on her study. But when she was twelve her father start to be abusive. He start beat her. But she said it was some stage and will go away. But it's been two years since then. She is now at 8th grade. She start junior high school last year. Her father is still abusive. And she was terrified. She never tells her mother. She wants to return to her mother but she has no courage to leave. Or even tells her mother. Her friends don't know anything simply because she has no friends. She used to have two friends. Her friend Heather, a girl with long black her and always braid. She has a green eyes. She is smart and clever. She used to live in berk but she moved when they start junior high school. While her other friend, Hiccup, a lanky skinny boy with Auburn hair and forest eyes. He has freckles all over his face. He is a smart, sassy, sarcastic, clever, loyal, and trustworthy person. He still lives in berk since his father is the mayor. But they stopped talking since they were in 6th grade fir unknown reasons. And as long as her father abuse her. She harm her self. She is too tired of living that she wants to die. She sees that there is no point to live in this world. She feels like she is in the middle of the sea at storm. She try to stay on the surface until someone helps her or at least until she found a float. But looks like she lost hope and that she is leaving her self for the waves. But what happened if at the last second someone throw to her a float and saves her from the darkness. Save her from all the abusive she live in and make her see the light again. But what she didn't know that the reason why her friend stop talking to her is a good reason. And even if it been three years since her last talked to her that friend is the only one who she needs right now.

It was a sunny day at berk junior high school. It was the time for lunch break. Every student at the cafeteria eating. But two. Astrid hofferson is setting on the floor looking at the blade in her hand. Thinking about what her father said while beating her last nigh. Ruthless. Shamed. Weak. Ungrateful. Useless. Helpless. Burdon. Fat. Ugly. Not worthy. Depressing. Mistakes. Never will loved. And all the bad things you think of. She rolled up her sleeve and start to cut. One cut, second cut, thir- "BARK" a dog come snap her out from her world.

She looked up only to see a dog she didn't see for a long time. It was a black dog with red lash written at it assistant dog. He was small puppy but clever and loyal. The dog took the blade from her hand and throw it away. She looked at the dog again and realized it's toothless. Toothless is hiccup German puppy. "Toothless what are you doing here?" Astrid asked as she patted the black dog. She tried to reach of her blade but he just bark at her. For a moment she was afraid of him. Toothless was a great dog he never harm anyone or even scar anyone. But he was trained to don't let people harm themselves.

"Toothlees where did you go you useless dog" Astrid hear hiccup shouted. Then she saw him coming. He didn't change since they stopped talking. He got a bit taller that's all. "A...Astrid what are you doing here?" He asked and then looked at her hand which have cuts. Astrid notice and attempt to hide her hand. But hiccup was faster than her and got a hold on her wrist. "Astrid what is this?" Hiccup asked seriously. He never been so serious except if it's serious. When they stopped talking she was somehow glad. Cause she maybe the one who stopped talk. But that didn't mean she didn't miss him.

"Nothing" she said quickly. "Astrid that's not nothing you were harming yourself" he said with a worried voice. Toothless whine in front of astrid. "Yes I was harming myself hiccup because I had enough of life. Nothing is good. No one cared for me no one will care about me if I just died" she shouted at hiccup. Tears filling her eyes. "You don't understand" she said while crying.

"Who said I don't understand" hiccup said with a caring voice she had missed. "When we was at 6th grade. I got involved in an accident with the driver. I lost a part of my leg. I got depressed and start to harm myself. If it's not for toothless I might not be here today" said hiccup while rolling his sleeve. Showing her some cuts. "And you are wrong. Someone will be sad. Your mother will be sad. Stormfly will be sad. Heather will be sad if she knows her best friend killed her self. I will be sad." Hiccup said with tears in his eyes.

"Hiccup" Astrid said quietly. She hugged him tightly while crying.

"Astrid we have been through everything together you don't think we can handle this. Astrid you have me no matter what okay whatever it means whatever what it means I am with you. There will be always hiccup and Astrid." Said hiccup while holding her. "Always." They say together smiling.

Since that day Astrid had find the power to face everything. Her father, her changing in mood, and everything. With hiccup by her side. She will be able to make anything.

Okay so I don't usually put a not in this book but listen. I ment everything in this chapter cause really junior high school is really a confusing place. And who know that better than me. I am in junior high school. And sometimes I feel depressed I want to ask for help but i say no it will go away soon. But i don't harm myself. I never feels depressed that much that makes me harm myself. Because I am sure that their is ppl that cares for me. But that doesn't mean I don't feel sad. It don't have to do with being abused or anything. It normal to feel depressed. Please if you feel depressed so much that you want to harm yourself please ask for help. Draw, play, watch something, read, do anything that makes you happy. For me I write it helps me be less stressed. And also talk to a friend or ask for help. It's normal to feel like that to feel overwhelmed. If you need to talk anytime feel free to dm me. Or at Instagram: hannah_mohamed184

Also thanks for lexxmasonofficial for letting me use an idea of her book to make that chapter.

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