Chapter 1

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Ron was yet again not listening in class. It was his sixth year at Hogwarts and he knew he would soon have to take the final exam. But still, it is was history of magic; the most tiresome lesson to ever exist. He only passed the OWL because Hermione let him use her notes.

Although his attention spiked when he heard the word "Quidditch." Quidditch through the ages was the only book Ron had read out of his own free will. So for once Ron was interested.

Announced Professor Binns, "Ok class, instead of homework- for the next three weeks you will be working on a project about the history of quidditch, I'd like you to produce a poster or booklet with as much information you can find about quidditch. You will work in pairs." At the latter sentence students began to whisper, while others turned to their heads to their chosen partner. Ron turned to Harry who was looking at him with the same idea. "Not so fast!" Binns acclaimed, I will be picking the pairs today, so please calm down." And just like that- the noise stopped. "I will be pairing you with people you're not accustomed to to test your group skills, and so you don't mess around." He exclaimed, looking at Ron in particular.

"Potter and Malfoy" Binns decided. Ron gave Harry a look of pity as Harry seemed to be deep in what looked like existential dread. "Professor!" Malfoy called, "you can't possibly pair me up with- Pottah."
"Nonsense Malfoy, you're working with Potter and that's that." Binns declared, Now- moving on! Granger with Parkinson and Weasley and Zabini-"

Ron didn't hear the rest. It was almost like his brain shut down. Him with- Blaise. There's no way he could be near that snake long enough to do a project! And three weeks! At least he wasn't stuck with Draco for that long. Poor Harry. Ron decided to just get through the project as soon as possible so he wouldn't have to spend as much time with....him.

By the time Ron came back to reality it was because Hermione hit a book over his head. "Ow!" Ron proclaimed, "what was that for Hermione!"
"It's the end of the lesson and you were still in a trance!" Claimed Hermione.
Ron accused,"Couldn't you have found a less painful way to do that?"

The trio were walking down the corridor, heading to the library, when Ron felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around to see Blaise. "So when are we planning on starting this project? Blaise queried, we have to get it done at some point. I was thinking the room of requirement- is 7 ok. I don't have astronomy today so I don't need to go to class at 10."
"Oh- yeah 7 is fine." Ron answered. He didn't know why he was so reserved all of a sudden. He normally had more to add than that. It didn't matter. He'd go at seven and try to get as much as he could done, and then he'd be free of whatever weird effect Zabini had on him.

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