Chapter 9

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It had been three days since Ron had started avoiding Blaise. He hadn't made any attempt to reach out so far but the memory of his face haunted Ron's mind. When he left the room he didn't have much time to think, but the look on Blaise's face had never left him. The worse part is that he could see it all in his eyes. He just....shattered. And it was Ron's fault- everything. But he couldn't do anything- he couldn't apologize, he couldn't take it back, he couldn't do anything to pick up the pieces. It had to be this way, it was for the best. Ron didn't have a choice, he couldn't have Blaise distracting him, it would only cause problems.

Whatever it was, it wouldn't of been worth it.

Ron's days went normal for the three days after- lessons and hanging out with Harry and Hermione, the usual. He had hoped he's thoughts would have returned to normal too- so he could just try and forget this ever happened; Ron soon found out that it wasn't going to be that easy. Everything should be fine, but it wasn't.

He had been hanging out with mainly Harry since Hermione had been going  to study by herself a lot. At least that's what she told them before she left the conversation. Unfortunately, that meant listening to Harry rant about his suspicions with Malfoy. "But why can't I see him on the map?" He questioned.
"I don't know mate," Ron consoled, "maybe he's using a spell to do that?"
"That's impossible- the map shows everyone, even when I was under the invisibility cloak." Harry recited. Ron had no new ideas and Harry always had the same response. Harry just talked without listening. He was starting to feel more like a diary than a person.

Everyone was so invested in other things, he felt like the only one without something. Well, he did have something before, but that was over now and he needed to accept that. Ron was actually paying attention in lessons now. It helped take his mind of off of it. But although the distractions were working he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness, like he had lost a part of himself. And the guilt. The guilt. It kept him up at night. Ron must've really hurt him, and there was nothing he could do about it. Seeing Blaise's face again would just make it worse.

Ron told himself it had only been three days, it was reasonable to feel like this, right?

His next lesson was transfiguration, he had been doing a little better at it thanks to Hermione (who's help he was finally able to accept), but still not good enough.

He had 10 minutes beforehand so he made his way to the boys bathroom. Every time he went there he seemed to draw a new conclusion. Maybe it was because it was the only time he actually thought.

As he opened the door he scanned the room and realised that there was yet again no one there. Honestly- he was starting to think that the bathroom was off limits and he'd just missed the sign, because everytime he entered he was always alone. Though it was probably just because everyone was heading to class.

After he exited the stall, he washed his hands and was about to leave the room when he spotted someone leaning against the wall. Blaise. "Just let me say one thing-" He began.

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