Chapter 4

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"I think we've done enough," Blaise announced, "how about you get some pictures for the poster for next time, next Tuesday?"
"Um ok. I'll- do that." Ron answered.
Enquired Blaise,"Something wrong? You seem a little distracted."
"What? No I'm not!" Ron argued, he didn't know why he was getting defensive but he was.
Blaise spoke,"Ok ok, didn't mean to upset you." Smirking at his own words. "You're a right prick, you know that?" Ron revolted.
Blaise informed tauntingly, "Yes I am aware."
"Ugh, whatever- next Tuesday."Ron concluded. He then walked off and made his way down the three flights of stairs.

Heading to the Gryffindor common room, Ron made his way down the corridor. He approached the Fat Lady and answered: "Dilligrout." The portrait moved aside and Ron entered the common room. He immediately saw Hermione helping Harry with his Charms homework on the far side of the room.

"Hey guys." Ron called.
"Hi." Hermione responded, as Ron sat down next to her at the table.
"How did it go with Zabini?" Harry asked.
"It went normally. I mean what else?" Ron redirected.
"Listen Ron- I need you to find out if Zabini is a deatheater, I'm sure Malfoy is and there might be other students involved." Harry continued, "if it's going to be anyone it'll be those Malfoy is closest to. Will you find out?"
"I- well the project will be done soon and I-" Ron stammered.
Harry interrupted,"Make it take longer. Pretend to lose the project if you have to. I need you to do this." Hermione turned to Harry. "You don't even have any proof!" Hermione highlighted.
"I'll do it." Ron concluded.
Hermione enquires,"Can you two just not hear me or something?"
"Hermione it doesn't matter if I have proof now," Harry stressed, "It's that if I'm right the entire school could be in danger, and I'm not ready to take that risk."
"Yeah, there's no harm in checking. If Blaise-Zabini, isn't a deatheater then it's not a problem." Ron added.
"Fine." Hermione lectured, " Just don't do anything stupid. Whenever you investigate anything it always creates trouble."
"We're not idiots." Harry argued. Hermione gave him a look.
Ron agreed,"I mean I've got to give it to her. Whenever you suspect Malfoy's up to something it doesn't always end well."
"What?" Harry queried, confused.
"Like when you thought he was the heir of Slytherin." Ron reminded, "if something goes wrong you always blame him."
Harry corrected, "Wasn't it you who first thought Draco was the heir of Slytherin?"
"You were the one that took it seriously and got way too invested." Hermione pointed out.
Harry continued, " But I know he's behind this! I've been wrong before- sure, but if you could just do this one thing-"
"I still don't think this is a good idea Ron." Hermione warned. Ron turned to Hermione.
"I know but he's right." Ron returned, "I think if there's even the slightest chance that there's deatheaters at Hogwarts we need to check it out; I've made up my mind. I'm doing it."
"Ok, thanks Ron." Harry stated.
"No problem." Ron replied. Spending even more time with Blaise. How did he agree to this?

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